City of Streamer

Chapter 25: ninth

Young Master Rong's burn did not fade until morning. The second concubine stayed all night and returned home exhausted with the child in her arms.

The family was having breakfast. If it wasn't for seeing her coming back from outside, Rong Dingkun would not have known that the concubine took the child to the hospital.

Women are tired, but the son is always his own. Rong Dingkun still comforted the second concubine with kind words, and hugged his youngest son for a while.

The second concubine only talked with the young and handsome doctor about her heart all night, but now facing Rong Dingkun's old and hypocritical face, even if the other party spoke softly, she lost the gratitude and heartbeat of the past.

Today is the day of the entrance examination for the next school year of the Chinese and Western Girls' School. Rong Fanglin and Rong Fanghua are going to the examination room. Because of this reason, Feng Shizhen was specially invited to have breakfast with the owner.

Tang Da Shao hit countless nails with Feng Shizhen and Hashimoto Shiori yesterday. Now that he saw her, he still felt a little pain in his forehead, and buried his head in reading the newspaper in disappointment.

"Huh?" Tang Dashao suddenly said, "Jia Shang, your family has spent a lot of money looking for lost antiques, and you still have 10,000 oceans?"

"What kind of antique is so valuable?" Third Uncle's wife asked in surprise.

"Warring States Golden Kylin?" Tang Da Shao read the newspaper.

Feng Shizhen trembled with his chopsticks for frying, and the steamed bun fell into the porridge bowl.

"What kind of golden unicorn is so valuable?" said the third uncle's wife, "Once this kind of news is published in the newspapers, I don't know how many people will use fake things to fool them. Jiashang, does your father know about this?"

Rong Jia slowly flipped through an English newspaper and said, "This is Dad's idea. It was something that was lost in the family in the early years, and now Dad wants to get it back."

"What can't you do with 10,000 yuan? What antiques are you looking for?" Young Master Tang wanted to ask Rong Dingkun to buy him a car. Looking for a thousand-year-old gold bump, it is very uncomfortable.

Rong Jia smiled lightly and said, "If antiques are worthless, what do players collect them for? Besides, this thing has special meaning to my father. As long as he wants, let alone 10,000, even 100,000 can afford it."

The third uncle's wife also took the opportunity to ridicule Tang Da Shao: "This is your aunt's money, of course, it's how they spend it."

Tang Dashao rolled his eyes at his stepmother and stopped talking. But Mrs. Rong heard about the golden unicorn, and sneered while drinking porridge, her face full of disdain.

Rong Fanghua burped nervously. Feng Shizhen hurriedly turned around to appease her: "Take it easy. You usually do well on paperwork. As long as you perform normally, you will definitely get good grades in the test."

Uncle Tang snorted disdainfully, and said to the girls in his family, "See? You told me all the time that you are going to study at school. Look at how hard it is for your two cousins ​​to study? It's better to go to school earlier. Marry!"

The sisters of the Rong family were full of rage.

Rong Jiashang wiped his mouth, got up and said to the two younger sisters, "Let's go, I'll take you to the exam room."

Chinese and Western Nursing School is located on Yidingpan Road, because it is in a public concession, and there are all kinds of garden buildings along the way. The car came from Yuyuan Road, and the eyes were full of exquisite and gorgeous scenery, like a world in a fairy tale.

The Chinese and Western Nursery School is located in the Jingjia Garden on the north section of the road, and the iconic octagonal water tower can be seen from afar. The vegetation in the courtyard is lush, and because it is late autumn, the yellow leaves of the ginkgo and the red leaves of the maple complement each other, which is very beautiful.

Although it was a weekend, there was still a lot of traffic in front of the school because of the exam, which was very lively. Rong Jia's car couldn't get in at the intersection, so the girls had to get out of the car and walk over.

Along the way, all kinds of foreign luxury cars were parked on both sides. On the grass in the school, a group of young ladies who came to take the exam gathered. The girls are all good-looking, youthful and healthy, with a kind of innocence, pride and fearlessness that can only be cultivated by living a comfortable life with fine clothes and jade food. #####

seventy three

Rong Fanglin and the others met a female classmate they knew. A group of girls went to the exam classroom together with the foreign nun. Feng Shizhen watched the Rong sisters go away with a smile, and then returned slowly.

Rong Jiashang did not enter the campus, and was now smoking a cigarette while leaning against the station boredly. He was tall and straight, with a handsome appearance, and he was wearing a delicate and slim suit. He stood leisurely on the side of the road with an indifferent and reserved attitude, attracting the eyes of countless passing women.

A group of female students smiled and pushed me and pushed you, and finally a girl who was a little bolder came out. The girl in the Catholic school uniform shyly stroked her braid, stepped forward and asked, "Is your husband here to pick up my sister from school? What's your sister's name and what class? We can help you call someone."

Rong Jia smiled politely at the girl, swept his eyes to Feng Shizhen, who was standing not far away watching the show, and pouted over there, saying, "I'm here to pick up my wife."

The girls changed their colors one after another, and walked away embarrassed with expressions of disappointment.

Feng Shizhen came over and complained in a low voice, "It's not good. If anyone knows, spread the word to the Du family, it's just romantic for you, but I can't wash it off."

Rong Jia was stunned for a moment, and said ashamed: "I'm sorry, I was frivolous. First, I blurted out, I need to consider it. It won't happen in the future, don't be angry."

Feng Shizhen smiled and shook his head.

Seeing her relaxed expression, Rong Jia heaved a sigh of relief and asked, "How long will the exam take?"

Feng Shizhen said: "In the morning, I have to test Chinese and mathematics, and I will finish the test at 11:30. In the afternoon, I will also test English."

"That's too late." Rong Jia looked at his watch and smiled narrowly, "Get in the car."

"Where?" Feng Shizhen asked curiously.

Rong Jiashang opened the car door for her: "accompany me to appraise the treasure!"

Rong Jiashang drove the car to the gate of Citibank. A red-haired foreigner Taipan seemed to have been waiting for a long time and greeted him enthusiastically.

"I knew you were the most punctual person, Chris!"

"Chris?" Feng Shizhen asked in a low voice.

Rong Jiashang coughed uncomfortably and said, "It's my Christian name."

Shanghai's new-style celebrities are very westernized, and young people from rich families basically have a Western Christian name, which is used to pretend to be when socializing. The name "Chris" was chosen by Rong Jia for social convenience after he returned to Shanghai last time, and he basically doesn't use it. Although he wears a suit and eats Western food on weekdays, he still has a Chinese style in his bones. So suddenly hearing someone call him by a Western name, Feng Shizhen found it very interesting.

Seeing Feng Shizhen laughing, Rong Jia couldn't help but say, "What are you laughing at? I know that all the female students in the church girls' school also have English names. What's your name?"

Feng Shizhen said, "It also starts with the letter C, and it's called Claire."

"Claire?" Rong Jiashang smiled. "Smart? It's appropriate. When we get together, we can call us CC?"

Feng Shizhen's cheeks were slightly hot, and he wanted to spit at him "what to put together". Because the foreigner came over, he swallowed his words.

This foreigner's class is named Thompson, and he is very familiar with Rong Jiashang. With a strong southern American accent, he didn't lead Rong Jia up to the bank building, but went to the teahouse opposite the bank and entered a secluded and spacious private room upstairs.

The private room is elegantly decorated, but there is a faint smell of smoke. Feng Shizhen frowned subconsciously.

"Open the innermost window halfway to give the room some air." Suddenly I heard Rong Jia instructing the hall, "It's a good teahouse, don't make it look like a big smoke nest."

The walker hurriedly nodded and bowed to open the window.

Feng Shizhen looked towards Rong Jia. Rong Jia said to her in a low voice, "The wind is blowing cold, and after a while, you have to close the window to prevent you from catching a cold."

Feng Shizhen wanted to say that he was not that delicate, but Rong Jia took her hand very naturally, led her to the screen, and sat down on the couch.

Feng Shizhen wanted to ask a question, Rong Jia stretched out his index finger and pressed it lightly on her lips.


The index finger was slightly cool, but the lips were soft and warm, and a cluster of electric current snapped a spark.

Rong Jiashang's eyes darkened, and Feng Shizhen's cheeks were hot.

The door to the private room creaked, and someone walked in.

I just listened to Thompson speaking to the person who came in Yangjingbang's Chinese.

The visitor was a middle-aged man, and said in a flattering tone: "I came here from reading the treasure hunt revelation in the newspaper. The golden unicorn you mentioned, but I collected it by accident..."

When Feng Shizhen heard the words of Jin Qilin, he understood what treasure he was learning today.

It seemed that the revelation in the newspaper was really published by the Rong family. The Rong family is also cautious in doing things, refusing to reveal their true identity, and probably also does not want to go to the swindlers in person.

The man bragged about the treasure Thompson had brought with him. Rong Jiashang still held Feng Shizhen's hand and didn't let it go, as if he had forgotten about it. Feng Shizhen saw a sneer on the corner of his mouth. He knew that he knew what he knew, but he didn't understand why he was wasting time on listening to liars in person.

"Enough." Thompson outside didn't have the patience to listen. "Write your name and address here. We intend to contact you again. It's two dollars to travel, please go."

The man was still a little unwilling to give up, pulling Thompson to continue talking. Thompson was impatient and called out. There was footsteps outside, and two bodyguards came in and dragged the person away.

Feng Shizhen couldn't help but smile.

"Next!" Thompson cried.

The second person walked in and opened his mouth to say, "Master, the golden unicorn you are looking for is my family heirloom..."

Feng Shizhen almost didn't laugh out loud.

Thompson didn't bother to listen to him continue to gossip, so he scolded a few words in English and kicked the person out.

The advertisements of the Rong family were published in various newspapers all over Shanghai, and the reward was huge, like a big cake poured with honey, attracting all kinds of snakes, ants, rats and insects to come out of their holes.

Because the golden unicorn was described very vaguely by the Revelation Admiral, people who came here couldn't figure out what it looked like and how big it was. Thompson has photos and sizes in his hand, which are checked one by one for identification.

Through the gap between the screens, Feng Shizhen opened his eyes. Some people brought golden unicorns as big as sea bowls, and some as small as walnuts. Most of the unicorn shapes and photos were wrong, and Thompson sent them away at a glance. I saw a dozen people in a row, but no one came up with the real thing.

Rong Jia, however, was not in a hurry. He took a pair of pliers, clacked the walnuts behind the screen, and peeled the walnuts for Feng Shizhen to eat.

Seeing that it was getting late, Feng Shizhen was thinking about the sisters of the Rong family in the examination room and was about to leave. At this time, an old man wearing a melon rind hat and a long coat walked in with a box in his hand.

With a goatee beard and round glasses, he is thin and looks like a figure from a Western East Asian market map. When Rong Jiashang saw him, his expression changed slightly.

"Manager Zhu," Rong Jia said with a smile, "I'm still thinking about your appearance. There's no reason for you to be absent for such a good thing."

"Young Master Rong still predicts things like a god." Shopkeeper Zhu beat him a thousand times, and then bowed his hands to the screen.

Feng Shizhen was secretly shocked. She has been sitting quietly behind the screen. Those people have never looked here before, but this shopkeeper Zhu immediately noticed that there were people behind the screen.

"It's okay." Rong Jia walked up and said, "Manager Zhu is tight-lipped, you can come out and have a look."

Feng Shizhen was also bored for a long time, then got up and walked out.

There are differences between men and women. The shopkeeper Zhu is an old-fashioned person, who only nodded to Feng Shizhen, not looking up at her. He put the box he brought on the table, glanced at Thompson and Rong Jia, and opened it carefully.

A golden light flashed in front of everyone's eyes.

On the velvet cloth in the box, there was a golden seal the size of an egg. It is bright in color, simple in shape, and exquisite in patterns. It is an extremely delicate and beautiful roaring unicorn.

"Young Master Rong, take a closer look." Manager Zhu handed a pair of white cloth gloves and a magnifying glass to Rong Jia, and he also put on gloves, holding up the golden unicorn, "Look at the color of this pure gold, on this The pattern of the unicorn. Oh, the unicorn's mane is fully visible, but it is really the craftsmanship of the Warring States period. Look at the seal below, the four characters "" in seal script, more than two thousand years have passed, and it is still so clear. ."

Rong Jia took the golden unicorn and observed it carefully with a magnifying glass. Feng Shizhen leaned over curiously. But she really didn't understand treasure appraising, she could only see that it was a unicorn made of gold, and gold alone would be expensive.

"As soon as I read the newspaper, I knew this was what you were looking for." Manager Zhu said, "I bought it from an antique dealer in Guangdong seven years ago in exchange for an ancient jade bi. But the Rong family offered such a generous price this time, and they said that it was something that was lost in the early years. I think that returning the thing to the original owner is also a matter of accumulating virtue..."

"How much do you want?" Rong Jia said, "This is a senior class from Citibank, and I can withdraw cash for you immediately."

Feng Shizhen was surprised. Just looked at it twice and decided to buy it? What if it's fake.

But the shopkeeper Zhu was overjoyed and stretched out two fingers, "Don't dare to make random quotations to Dashao Rong. Sincerely buy and sell at a price of 20,000 yuan. What do you think?"

Rong Jiashang was playing with the golden unicorn and grinned, "Twenty thousand yuan? I'll give you a price."

"You say."

"It's also a second." Rong Jiashang threw the golden unicorn back into the box, "Twenty dollars, what do you think?"

Thompson and Feng Shizhen raised their eyebrows in unison. #####

seventy four

Shopkeeper Zhu held the box, his face muscles twitched for a while, and he squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying, "Eldest young master, aren't you entertaining me?"

"Twenty bucks still buy your agarwood box." Rong Jia took off his gloves and threw it on Mr. Zhu's face, knocking his glasses off, "Zhu Laojiu, there is a lady present, I will speak rudely. Don't talk about it. Just your gilded iron lump is too light to use as a paperweight, and it is too small to press kimchi. You are so embarrassed to ask for 20,000 yuan for such a **** thing, why don't you die?"

Seeing that Rong Jia had revealed the old secrets, Mr. Zhu let it go, hehe smiled and said, "Rong Dashao is really a person who knows the goods, and he is not thinking about it carefully. Wait a moment, I will bring you the genuine product. "

Saying that, he undid a half-worn sachet from his waist and took out a silk bag. When I opened it, I saw another golden unicorn inside.

Rong Jiashang picked up the golden unicorn through his gloves, weighed it in his hand, and said with a smile, "This time it should be pure gold, not the yellow leather like before."

"Look at what you said." Manager Zhu said, "In our business, if you want to deceive, you will deceive those foreign devils outside who don't know the goods."

Foreign devil Thompson's face hung down.

Feng Shizhen couldn't help laughing and said, "The shopkeeper is honest. Could it be that he is ashamed to lie to the people of the country, and that the deceived foreigners are doing things for heaven?"

Shopkeeper Zhu stroked his beard and said proudly: "I think it comes from the Opium War, the Chinese people have always discarded their armor and armor under the hands of the foreigners, ceding land and paying indemnity. But here, the foreigners are only played by us as grandchildren. Merchants and the like, but they have the heart to serve the country. Although they can’t expel the Tartars, it’s always okay to make money from them.”

Thompson learned half a pound of Chinese, but he couldn't understand it well, but he knew it was definitely not a good word. Because of the presence of Rong Jia, he was not easy to have a seizure, so he went to the window with a dark face to smoke.

"Don't be shy." Rong Jiashang put down the golden unicorn and tapped on the table with a magnifying glass, "This workmanship is good, but it's not true. When I say Zhu Laojiu, I'm talking about this for the sake of it. Now, can't you be honest?"

At this moment, the shopkeeper Zhu was already in a posture of not itching too many lice, and without defending himself, he immediately said: "Rong Shao wait a moment, I have another one here."

and? Feng Shizhen burst out laughing.

"Don't take it!" Rong Jiashang became impatient, "Is the feeling that I came to appraise the treasure for you? Let me explain it. Before my father sold this golden unicorn, in order to identify it, he moved his hands and feet on it. ."

He nodded on the golden unicorn's head, raised his eyebrows and said, "He filed off one of the unicorn's mane."

Shopkeeper Zhu suddenly realized, slapped his thigh and said, "I think it was that grandson who did it! It turns out that it was Boss Rong's handwriting. Young Master Rong, you said that you have made a mark."

Rong Jia held the golden unicorn and said, "The two fakes that I took out, the first one has all the mane, but the second one is missing a mane."

Shopkeeper Zhu laughed.

"When it comes to imitation porcelain, it is Huang Erye from Beiping Liulichang. And for imitation metal ware, Zhu Jiuye is the second, and no one dares to be the first." Rong Jia Shang bowed his hand politely.

Shopkeeper Zhu hurriedly handed back the salute, "Eldest Young Master Rong has won the prize. You should still call me Lao Jiu. I am now stuck in this small place, in a precarious situation, and I will no longer be a master."

Rong Jia said: "The second one you imitated was obviously made after the golden unicorn that my father had manipulated. So, do you know where the authentic one is?"

Shopkeeper Zhu chuckled: "Master Rong didn't bring his subordinates, he only brought a beautiful young lady here, we accept this gift from you and tell you the truth. I copied it from the real one, but it was already 18 years ago. Now, the genuine product has never been in my hands. At that time, the owner of the golden unicorn was a wealthy businessman from Nanyang, surnamed Ruan. After I finished my work, he bought the golden unicorn. For the rest, I will I no longer know."

But not to mention Rong Jiashang, even Feng Shizhen can guess, this Zhu Laojiu must know more than that.

Rong Jia smiled in a relaxed manner, and suddenly asked, "Have you heard from your junior brother recently?"

Shopkeeper Zhu's expression suddenly changed dramatically, his smile seemed to be washed away by the flood, revealing a hard, livid, hideous face.

Rong Jiashang said: "You junior brother, you raped and killed your junior sister, and burned your master and master to death. If you hadn't been out at the time, the tree on the tomb would have been three feet tall at the moment. You cut off your finger at the master's family's grave and vowed to take revenge. It's been almost ten years, but revenge?"

Shopkeeper Zhu took a deep breath and said in a hoarse voice, "If Young Master Rong knows the whereabouts of my junior brother, please let me know. Old Nine, I will definitely give back!"

Rong Jiashang took out an envelope from his suit and flicked it, "You speak first."

Shopkeeper Zhu twitched his cheeks and said, "As far as I know, a wealthy businessman named Ruan was stolen on a boat from Shanghai to Hong Kong. The golden unicorn was stolen by a thief named Luo Wushou, and it was first shipped to Guangzhou. In Guangzhou, this golden unicorn was imitated a few more times, and the fakes were scattered, but the real one was always in the hands of Luo Wushou. Later, Luo Wushou married his only daughter, using the golden unicorn as a pressure box, and went with him. The son-in-law's family. The son-in-law has two hearts, exchanged the fake product for the genuine product, and sold the genuine product to a Japanese person at a high price."

It's twisty enough. Feng Shizhen listened with great interest, like listening to a book.

Shopkeeper Zhu took a sip of tea and continued: "The Japanese opened opium gardens in the three eastern provinces. On the surface, they are businessmen, but in fact they are the sons of Japanese warlords. The two older brothers are officers stationed in the three eastern provinces."

Having said that, even Feng Shizhen has already heard the clue.

The sneer on Rong Jiashang's face stopped, staring at Zhu Laojiu.

Zhu Laojiu didn't look at him, lowered his head to clean up the two fakes, and said, "This man is called Masaru Hashimoto. Now his family has moved from the northeast to Shanghai, and he is quite famous in the social field. Rong Dashao may know him."

Rong Jia's lips pursed into a line, and his knuckled fingers rubbed the envelope with a clattering sound. Shopkeeper Zhu stared straight at the envelope, just like someone who has been hungry for three days sees meat buns.

"Add a check for one thousand yuan to this envelope." Rong Jiashang took out the checkbook and wrote, "I also asked Boss Zhu to give Hashimoto a message, saying that someone wanted to buy the golden unicorn in his hand. "

Zhu Laojiu smiled and refused to accept his check.

"That Hashimoto has only one son, who has been sick and weak since he was a child. But since he got the golden unicorn, his son's illness has been cured. He regards the golden unicorn as his son's life-saving charm, and keeps it very cherished. I did it. Naturally, I wanted to make money, but I couldn’t do it, and I didn’t have the face to reach out.”

Rong Jia held the envelope, frowning irritably, and said, "Is there any way to impress him?"

Zhu Laojiu shook his head, "Hashimoto came from a wealthy family in Japan, with power, power and money, a large number of wives and concubines, and children and everything. I also know that Rong Dashao is eager to find treasures, but I am helpless in this matter."

Rong Jiashang considered for a moment, then handed the check and envelope together, "Shut up when you buy it, and add an imitation golden unicorn. Don't fool me!"

"Even if you take your head off, I don't dare to fool you, Young Master Rong!" Zhu Laojiu nodded and bowed to take the envelope, opened it and glanced at it, showing a look of surprise.

"This person..."

"This man was hired by my father as a thug. He was honest and loyal, and he was willing to endure hardships. He was quite used by my father." Rong Jiashang smiled coldly, "He is now in charge of an opium garden in Yunnan for my father. Nine If you want to find him, go south."

It turned out to be the subordinate of the Rong family! No wonder Rong Jiashang is confident.

"Many thanks to Young Master Rong for his guidance." Zhu Laojiu bowed respectfully and deeply, took out a wooden box the size of a palm, and handed it to Rong Jia, "I heard that Young Master looked at Hong Yu in the market a while ago, but he didn't I picked it up. Although I am not the best material, it is genuine and came out of the palace, and the eminent monk has opened it up. I hope the young master will not dislike it. "

Rong Jia opened it and glanced at it, but out of the corner of his eyes, he glanced at Feng Shizhen again.

"It's a good thing. Shopkeeper Zhu has a heart, thank you!"#####


Zhu Laojiu followed Thompson directly to the opposite bank to cash the check. It was not early for Rong Jia to go to watch, and he also took Feng Shizhen to the car and returned to the Chinese and Western Nursing School.

"I didn't expect it to be Hashimoto!" Rong Jia was a little bit ironic.

"Is that Miss Shiori Hashimoto's father?" Feng Shizhen asked, "This is indeed a coincidence. But it is also beneficial. You can take a side shot from Miss Shiori, and maybe you can find an opportunity to impress Hashimoto to give up the golden unicorn. No."

Rong Jiashang snorted coldly: "If you want to ask someone, you must promise a favor. This woman Hashimoto Shiori is not Zhu Laojiu. With a letter, a check can be sent."

Feng Shizhen said: "No one will go empty-handed when asking someone to do something. It all depends on whether her request is too much and whether you can do it. I think your family is in a hurry to ask for this antique, so you might as well try it out first. The asking price is too high, think of another way.”

Rong Jia glanced at Feng Shizhen, "You don't wonder why our family is so eager for this antique."

Feng Shizhen looked inexplicable: "Rich people like you think about how to spend money all day long. Isn't it normal to want to buy this one today and that one tomorrow?"

Rong Jiashang shouted unconvinced: "It turns out that after knowing each other for so long, you still think I'm a dummy!"

Feng Shizhen smiled and said, "I also said it casually. It's a big taboo to inquire about the owner's right and wrong. You know I'm not the kind of person who likes to inquire."

Rong Jiashang sighed lightly and said, "Actually, it's not a big deal. It's just that I need to use this golden unicorn to pay off an old debt for my father."

Meng Xian only briefly mentioned the matter of Rong Dingkun and Meng Qingzhi to Feng Shizhen once or twice, but he said all the information that should be said. Feng Shizhen just nodded with a smile at the moment, and made a full gesture of not wanting to inquire about the owner's private affairs.

"Right. This is for you." Rong Jiashang suddenly took Feng Shizhen's hand.

Wrists froze. A string of southern red agate beads that were as red as blood droplets was wrapped around her white wrist.

"Zhu Laojiu gave it to me with filial piety just now, and give it to you." Rong Jiashang held Feng Shizhen's hand and stared at her with satisfaction, seeing the amazing bright color in her eyes.

Agate jade depends on the quality. Although this string of southern reds is simple in style, it is bright in color, moist and full, full of flesh and full of color, without a trace of miscellaneousness. It must be expensive. Feng Shizhen has fair skin and is lined with bright red beads.

Feng Shizhen was so surprised that he forgot to withdraw his hand and let Rong Jiashang hold it like that. Her fingers moved round red beads, and the fingertips were slender and white, which made the agate rosy and lustrous.

"This... is too precious..." Feng Shizhen recalled that Zhu Laojiu seemed to have said that the bracelet was reserved in the palace, "I can't afford to wear such a good one."

"I said if you can afford it, you can afford it!" Rong Jiashang grabbed Feng Shizhen's hand and did not allow her to take it off. "If you are afraid of attracting thieves, put it in the bottom of the box. Hengzhu has already given it away, so there is no Take it back."

Speaking of which, Feng Shizhen couldn't be more hypocritical. She actually liked this string of beads. On the way back, she kept fiddling with her fingers unconsciously, feeling the feeling of the cool and round agate beads rolling gently on her wrist.

Back outside the gate of the Chinese and Western Nursery School, the exam has ended, and the Rong sisters are talking to a few girls. Feng Shizhen and Rong Jiashang walked side by side, both of them were tall and well-proportioned, with handsome faces, talking and laughing, and their gestures were intimate, like a pair made in heaven. Most of these girls were somewhat interested in Rong Jiashang, so they looked at Feng Shizhen with a cold look.

Rong Fanghua didn't seem to be doing well in the exam, listlessly, seeing Feng Shizhen, she immediately complained, "Sir, I haven't finished my math paper, and I still have three big questions left. I'm done, I'm sure I won't pass the exam this time!"

Feng Shizhen comforted: "There is still an interview. Maybe the teacher who is interviewing likes you. Don't think too much about it, the good English test in the afternoon is just that."

A girl smiled and said: "That's what I said. Besides, maybe all the previous questions are right, even if you lose the points in the back, it doesn't matter."

This girl was previously covered by others, but now she stood up, wearing a pink kimono woven with colorful butterflies, beautiful and bright, like a mid-spring rose.

Rong Jia twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Miss Hashimoto is also here for the exam?"

Shiori Hashimoto's gentle gaze fell on Rong Jia's face, pointed at a thin girl beside him, and said with a smile, "Kashang, do you still recognize her?"

Rong Jia looked at the shy little girl, "Is it your sister's painting?"

"It's her!" Hashimoto Shiori smiled and said, "She is now Reina. She heard yesterday that the Chinese and Western girls' school was recruiting students, and she was very excited, and she also wanted to take the test next year. I said that her flute homework is too bad, and she definitely won't be able to take the test. Go on. Miss Feng, you are the teacher and the most authoritative, you help me persuade her."

Feng Shizhen said with a smile: "It's a good thing that your sister is willing to try. Anyway, she is young and will not pass the spring exam next year, and the autumn exam."

Hashimoto Rena shyly shrank back to Hashimoto Shiori, but she couldn't help but glanced at the tall and handsome Rong Jia. Rong Jiashang noticed it and smiled kindly at her. Rena Hashimoto's face burned red, and the faces of the girls next to him who were also looking at Rong Jia were a little unsightly.

Hashimoto Shiori patted the girl's head with a smile, and said, "When you were in Chongqing, didn't you admire Kashang's brother's work the most, and you want to learn from him? This Miss Feng is Kashang's brother. Teacher, your homework is better than his. Let's ask my father to invite her to be your teacher and send you to take the Chinese and Western school entrance exam next year, okay?"

The two sisters Hashimoto attended the Japanese Overseas Chinese School in Changchun in their early years, and later came to Chongqing, where they only borrowed from an art college. In terms of knowledge, let alone Rena Hashimoto, even Shiori Hashimoto, who has graduated from middle school, could not be admitted to the Chinese and Western Girls' School.

Shiori Hashimoto said to Feng Shizhen seriously again: "Miss Feng, there are three younger sisters in my family who are all twelve or thirteen years old. They don't want to go to the Japanese-Chinese school, but want to go to a church school for girls. Can Miss Feng consider teaching at our house?"

"Shizhi, you are really bad." Rong Fanglin laughed, "Where did you persuade a guy to change jobs in front of his boss?"

Shiori Hashimoto said with a smile: "You and Fanghua can definitely pass the exam, then won't Miss Feng be useless? Then it's not appropriate to come to my house. Miss Feng, my family is also generous, and the salary is definitely not higher than that of the Rong family. few!"

Feng Shizhen, who has seen it now, said with a slow smile, "Miss Hashimoto's kindness, it would be too rude for me to refuse. It's just that everyone has their own aspirations, and I originally planned to teach them after Fanglin and the others. I won't be a tutor anymore. I'm afraid I have to decline your invitation."

"Isn't it good to be a tutor?" A girl who was also jealous of Feng Shizhen and Rong Jiashang approached boldly, "I think this job is easy, the salary is high, and the living conditions are good. Wear a beautiful dress at the prom, and dance with the young masters. Maybe you will meet a gentleman who is not picky and marry into a wealthy family."

These words were too blunt and blatant, and too unprofessional, even Hashimoto Shiori looked down on them. She immediately pulled her sister two steps away from the girl.

Feng Shizhen still smiled warmly and politely, and said, "This young lady is so cute. I think it's a good day to be able to wear a beautiful dress and dance with your son."

This is a good day, what kind of life did the dancers in Shili Red Square live? You think it's a good day, why don't you be a dancer?

The girl wasn't stupid to the end, she heard Feng Shizhen scolding her subtly. Her brain is not smart, and after one move, there is no other move, so she turned to Shiori Hashimoto who fired the first shot for help: "Shori, such a good teacher, don't miss it."

Shiori Hashimoto is not the kind of little girl who gets angry and cold-faced when she is rejected in person. Instead, she sneered and said: "Fang Hua always said that Miss Feng is quite arrogant and not afraid of the powerful. When I see you today, it is true. Miss Feng doesn't think that we are Japanese, right? Is it possible that Miss Feng is also one of those so-called so-called people? 'Progressive youth', prejudiced against us Japanese businessmen?"

Although the tone is cute, the question is a bit tricky.

Feng Shizhen, however, still had a calm smile and said, "There is no difference if you teach. No matter if Miss Hashimoto is Japanese, or a trader's pawn, or a Nanyang slave worker, I will treat them equally."

Taking Shiori Hashimoto's analogy with the peddler and slave laborers in Nanyang, Feng Shizhen's slap hit back fiercely and loudly, and he did not refute Shiori Hashimoto's "disgust" and "prejudice". Shiori Hashimoto's face was extremely ugly for a while, and the girls watching the jokes couldn't help holding their breaths.

Shiori Hashimoto asked Feng Shizhen to come to Hashimoto's house to teach, but it was just a casual remark, and he didn't like Feng Shizhen, and the provocation was not pleasing to the eye. Unexpectedly, this Feng Shizhen is really as Rong Fanghua said, very arrogant and fierce, but he contradicts him without any cover.

Shiori Hashimoto knew that after all, she was a superior person. If she pretended to be weak and wronged at this moment, it would be even more embarrassing, so she prepared to fight back fiercely. But as soon as she took a breath, before she could speak, Rong Jiashang's voice came slowly.

"Wait, Shiori, didn't you negotiate with Miss Feng and make a special trip to help her so that our family can give her a raise?"

As soon as these words came out, Hashimoto Shiori seemed to have been hit with a slap in the head, but he couldn't come back to his senses. But Rong Fanglin was clever, and the first thing he knew, he secretly grabbed Rong Fanghua and laughed first.

"Brother, how can you guess like this, and both Shiori and Mr. Feng have been wronged!"

The rest of the girls returned to their senses, and followed with a dry smile. Rena Hashimoto looked dazed, Shiori Hashimoto was angry and embarrassed, and she forced a smile, but she was seven-pointed.

Feng Shizhen said to Rong Jia, "Don't worry, young master, everything I said is true. I already mentioned my resignation to my wife yesterday, and my wife agreed."

The smile on Rong Jiashang's face froze on the corner of his lips, stared at her, and said, "Our Rong family has no rules for resigning at the end of the year. Mr. Feng just wants to celebrate the New Year with peace of mind."

"I want to resign myself, it has nothing to do with the Rong family." Feng Shizhen met Rong Jia's hot and sharp eyes and said, "I was originally hired to tutor the two young ladies of the Rong family in their exams. After the exam today, my task is It’s also done, and naturally it’s time to go.”

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Rong Fanglin said reluctantly, "It wasn't easy to find a new job years ago."

Feng Shizhen gave her a reassuring smile, "In the past year, I have been running around for a living, and I seldom come home. I was thinking of using the spare time a few years ago to accompany my parents and filial piety."

Take out the filial piety, and others will not be able to say anything. Thinking of Feng Shizhen's decision to leave, Shiori Hashimoto's tense expression relaxed a little.

Rong Jia had no expression on his face, stared at Feng Shizhen gloomily for a moment, and finally said, "We'll talk about this later. Let's go to lunch first. You have exams in the afternoon."

Rong Jiashang took a group of girls to a cafe at the intersection for a light meal, and then sent them back to school to take the exam. After experiencing the previous fights, the girls realized that Feng Shizhen was a few years older than them. He was a powerful character who could not be easily provoked, nor did he disdain to get along with a poor female teacher. So a smooth meal was eaten.

When she returned to school, Rong Fanghua's catatonia relapsed. Feng Shizhen took her aside, coaxed her patiently, and helped her relax.

Rong Jiashang looked at Feng Shizhen from a distance, smiled softly, and then remembered her previous mention of resignation, his eyes sank suddenly, revealing a sinister look.

"You have changed a lot in the past year." Hashimoto Shiori walked over with a half-smile, and glanced at Feng Shizhen in the distance, "Such a cold female teacher, when we were in Chongqing, our art There are several in the school, and I haven't seen you look at them twice."

Rong Jiashang restrained his emotions and said lightly: "I have always protected her shortcomings. As long as she is still working in our Rong family, I will naturally protect her for a day."

"Protect the short?" Hashimoto Shiori smiled bitterly, "The new is not as good as the old. She insulted me like that, and you still helped her."

"It's you who provokes first." Rong Jiashang calmly said, "Since you have started, you must bear the responsibility to the end. Don't have the courage to start, and when you can't bear it, you blame others for not helping you."

"You—" Hashimoto Shizhi was absolutely suffocated, "Jia Shang, Shanghai has made you bad!"

Rong Jia laughed and laughed: "You helped me find a good excuse for falling."

Shiori Hashimoto's lips trembled, her eyes were wet, she turned her face away desolately, and said, "So you are just as cold and unfeeling as other men."

Rong Jiashang sighed helplessly: "Shi'er, what do you want?"

I want you####


Shiori Hashimoto shouted inwardly, but did not have the courage to say it. Feng Shizhen is just an insignificant person, just the object that Shiori Hashimoto used to practice his hands. What she really has to deal with is Rong Jiashang's justifiable fiancee, Du Lanxin.

"It's just that we reunited too late." Hashimoto Shiori choked, "If it had been a day earlier, no, even an hour earlier, maybe our current situation would have been different."

"I don't think so." Rong Jiashang said calmly, "time has been running since we separated. Shi'er, I'm sorry, I didn't stay where I was. I've come a long way."

Hashimoto Shiori finally burst into tears.

Rong Jiashang took out a handkerchief and handed it over, and turned around.

Shiori Hashimoto cried for a while, wiped away the tears, and suddenly whispered, "I read the newspaper today, your family is looking for a lost antique golden unicorn?"

Rong Jiashang's eyes flashed into the distance, and he said calmly, "Yes."

Hashimoto Shiori