City of Streamer

Chapter 44: tenth

, I can feel it too. "Feng Shizhen stroked his sweaty hair, "I love you too." "

Rong Jiashang smiled bitterly and kept kissing his lover's lips.

"Then take my word, my people. Remember all these days. Remember, I'm not going to give you up so easily."

Feng Shizhen was lying on Rong Jia's chest, listening to his heartbeat, and said in a daze: "Why am I willing to forget..."

Rong Jia hugged her tightly, listening to the sound of her breathing becoming longer and longer, listening to the north wind outside the window, but he stayed up all night.

The next day, before dawn, Rong Jiashang got up. After grooming, he began to pack his luggage.

Feng Shizhen rubbed his eyes, helped him organize his clothes, then dragged out the box and packed up some of the items he left in the hotel at the end.

They did it quietly and tacitly, without much conversation.

After cleaning up, the two sat down and had a simple breakfast. Hot lean meat porridge, golden and crisp scallion pancakes, tender and runny eggs, glutinous sweet and soft purple fries, and fragrant coffee. They ate quietly, only looking at each other from time to time and smiling softly.

The sky outside the window gradually brightened. The snow has stopped, the clear sky is blue as a wash, and the morning sun is like a golden tulle shrouded in this silver-clad ancient city.

"When spring begins," Rong Jiashang said suddenly, "when spring begins, you can fly kites."

Feng Shizhen put down his chopsticks and suddenly his eyes became hot.

Who knows if the two of them will have a chance to fly kites together in the future.

They met at the end of summer and parted ways in midwinter. This short-lived love affair didn't even last until the beginning of spring. In my memory, the flowers of spring and the stars of summer are always missing.

Rong Jiashang first asked the driver to drive Feng Shizhen to the apartment. Rong Jia helped her carry the box and sent her in.

The snow in the alley was not swept away, and it was piled up so thick that when one stepped on it, it didn't even reach the ankle. Rong Jiashang opened the road one by one in front of him, and Feng Shizhen stepped on his footprints and followed behind.

The sun shone brightly on the snow, and apart from them, there was no one in the alley. Rong Jiashang couldn't help thinking that he and Feng Shizhen had traveled a lot together, but at the end, they would inevitably part ways. When can they not separate and keep walking hand in hand?

It's a pity that the road in the world has an end, and the back door of the school is in front.

"Jia Shang." Feng Shizhen called.

Rong Jiashang didn't look back, and continued to walk forward with his head buried deep and shallow.

"Jia Shang." Feng Shizhen called again and took Rong Jia Shang's hand.

The box flopped into the snow. Rong Jia turned around, his eyes were red, he was breathing rapidly, and tears rolled down his cheeks. He looked at Feng Shizhen desperately and helplessly, his lips moved, but he couldn't say anything.

Feng Shizhen was so distressed that it seemed like he had been stabbed and twisted hard. She rushed over and hugged Rong Jiashang's face, and kissed him tremblingly.

Rong Jiashang bit her lip fiercely, pressed her against the fence, and tried his best to kiss her.

There was a faint smell of blood between his lips and teeth, and the taste of salty tears.

"Don't blame me." Rong Jia closed his eyes and begged, and two more tears rolled down.

Feng Shizhen wiped his face indiscriminately, and kept kissing his eyebrows, eyes, and lips. She didn't understand why Rong Jiashang was so afraid that she would blame him. Are you ashamed of your cowardly compromise with your family?

"I love you...I love you, Jiashang." Feng Shizhen held Rong Jiashang's face hard and looked into his eyes, "I never blame you."

Admiral Rong Jia held her tightly in his arms, the strength of the embrace was so strong that it was almost suffocating.

"I didn't give up on you, Sejin. Wait for me!"

Rong Jia released Feng Shizhen, lifted the box to the door and put it down, then turned around and strode towards the car parked at the intersection.

He kept his head down and didn't look at Feng Shizhen again. #####

one thirty seven

The sky in Shanghai is always lead-grey, and the clouds are low on people's heads. Sporadic raindrops scattered across the world with the west wind, making a thin streak of water on the car window. The luxuriant Rong family mansion became more and more gloomy and depressing under this kind of sky, like a prison, with its doors open to welcome the return of the wanderer who had nowhere to go.

"Eldest young master is back?" Mrs. Rong stood on the stairs to greet her stepson and greeted her lukewarmly, "Your father has been talking about you since he woke up. He lives in the West Hall now, you go over and invite him first. Be safe."

On a cloudy day and the lights were not turned on, the house became more and more gloomy. Mrs. Ke Rong's face was red, and her dress was bright, like a light bulb shining brightly. She didn't look like a hard-working wife whose husband was seriously injured and paralyzed in bed.

Rong Jiashang nodded indifferently to his stepmother and walked towards the west hall.

Rong Jiashang is now very familiar with personnel affairs. Women don't look so radiant for no reason. Presumably during the half month that Rong Dingkun was in a coma and Rong Jia went to Peiping, someone nourished Mrs. Rong well and let her get rid of the haggard image of a resentful woman.

Thinking of this, Rong Jiashang became even more curious about his father's current state.

Just as he walked into the door of the West Hall, he heard a loud shout from upstairs, and the crisp sound of knocking dishes resounded throughout the small building.

"Do you want to kill me?" Rong Dingkun roared, "Don't think that if I can't move now, I'm not the head of the Rong family!"

The old mother ran away from the bedroom, rolling and crawling like a refugee. Rong Dingkun's swearing was endless, his voice was hoarse and unpleasant, like Ye Xiao's howling.

Rong Fanglin's tired and helpless voice sounded: "Dad, calm down, the doctor told you not to get angry."

"Then what do you want from me?" Rong Dingkun growled, "If you don't want to serve me, get out!"



Rong Fanglin walked out embarrassedly, and saw his brother standing downstairs. The eyes of the two brothers and sisters met, and the gentle and soothing eyes of the elder brother penetrated the girl's heart. All kinds of grievances came to his heart, and Rong Fanglin's eyes suddenly turned red.

"Big brother." Rong Fanglin called out, choked up.

Rong Jiashang came up and touched her head: "It's okay. I'm back. Where are the others?"

Rong Fanglin wiped away tears and said, "Fanghua is not in good spirits, so she doesn't dare to let her come over. Mom doesn't want to come, and Dad hates Aunt Sun, so only I and Aunt Wang take turns to serve him. , a big change in temperament. Big brother, you have to be careful."

He is old. This was Rong Jiashang's first thought when he saw his father after he woke up from a serious injury.

Rong Dingkun sat on the big bed, his whole body was like a dried orange, dry and haggard. His skin was dull, hanging loosely on his face, and every wrinkle was particularly deep against the light and shadow. The tall and straight body in the past had shrunk by a large circle, his back was hunched, his eyes were sunken, and the two nasolabial lines looked so mean and cold. He stared at the returning eldest son with gloomy eyes, like a spider waiting for its prey to fall into its web.

Rong Jia felt very uncomfortable, so he stopped three or four steps away from the bed and did not go forward.

Rong Dingkun stared gloomily at his son who was standing a few steps away. The young man was handsome and tall, with a tall and straight figure, exuding a vigorous and burning vigor. He is full of fresh vitality, like a sun trying to break through the clouds to illuminate the earth. Under the light of his son, Rong Dingkun became more and more wilted and shrinking, like a creature that could not see the light.

"You still know how to come back?" Rong Dingkun's voice was hoarse and rough, full of resentment, "What? That woman is actually willing to let you go?"

Rong Jiashang looked at his father calmly and said, "I and Shizhen are over."

Rong Dingkun sneered: "It's useless. I only know the idiot who is led by the nose by a woman! How could you break up the engagement with the Du family so simply? Now the whole Shanghai is laughing at our Rong family as a soft-footed shrimp who is Even if you wear a cuckold, you don't know how to fight back."

Rong Jia said indifferently, "This is my marriage, and I have my own way of handling it."

"This is the marriage of the Rong family! You are just an errand in this marriage! What qualifications do you have to make up your own mind?" Rong Dingkun roared, his whole face flushed, "You have literally accumulated dozens of your father and me. The old face has been lost! Meng Xian has already killed him, but you only know how to avoid it. Did that woman surnamed Feng make you so cowardly? The Rong family has raised so many killers. When are you going to wait?"

"It's a bit difficult." Rong Jia raised a sarcastic smile on his lips, "one of them is my half-brother, and the other is my brother's uncle. I want to kill my brother, so you must wake up. How can I explain it when I come?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Rong Dingkun growled.

Rong Jiashang said coldly: "Dad still doesn't know the good news? The eldest Miss Meng family gave birth to you a son, and has been raised in the Meng family. Xing Jiu is seventeen years old this year. I met at an auction before. , although he is a little weaker, and he is used to being a little spoiled, but just by looking at his face, he knows that it is my brother. Dad must be very happy when he sees him."

No one else knows about Meng Jiu. Rong Dingkun also listened to what Rong Jia said, the whole person was stunned, and after a while he said with trembling all over his body: "What did you say? Qingzhi gave birth to a son for me?"

"Yeah." Rong Jiashang deliberately did not mention Meng Jiu's disability and madness, and smiled maliciously, "So, compared to Dad, I am indeed weaker. I haven't been ruthless, but I have been cruel to my own brothers. to the point of.”

"Shut up!" Rong Dingkun struggled to get up, but his unconscious lower body imprisoned him. During the struggle, the thin quilt slipped to the ground, revealing his limp legs.

"The Meng family has my son?" Rong Dingkun asked repeatedly, "What does Meng Xian want to do? He actually hid it from me for 18 years!"

"What else can I do?" Rong Jia said, "He wants to kill you and me, and put his own nephew as the head of the Rong family. I have a great life and was saved by Shizhen. Dad, don't do that either. I hate Shizhen. It's all her credit that I'm standing here."

"Isn't that woman Meng Xian's spy?" Rong Dingkun sneered disdainfully, "Meng Xian has nothing to say, that is you, you were bewitched by that Feng Clan, and you will believe whatever others say. You are so soft-hearted and indecisive now, You don't deserve to be my Rong Dingkun's son! From today, you don't have to interfere in matters related to the Meng family. Return the seal and concentrate on studying in the future."

Rong Jiashang smiled disapprovingly, and took out a chain from the inner pocket of his suit. The chain is hung with a small copper seal the size of a fingernail, reflecting a faint golden light under the light in the house.

Rong Jia shook the chain while holding the pendant in his palm.

"I have another idea." The young man calmly faced his father's sullen face and said, "Dad, you are not in good health, and the most important thing at the moment is to take care of your injuries. Let your son continue to take care of your family affairs for you. I'm asking someone to find the best neurologist for you. They all say that there is a very famous western doctor in New York. If you can't come, I can send you to the United States to see a doctor..."

The lamp at the head of the bed slammed over. Rong Jia tilted his head, the lamp flew past his face, and the lampshade wiped a red mark on his forehead. Then there was a loud bang, and the lamp smashed into the corner of the door and shattered.

"Beast! Are you trying to seize Lao Tzu's power?" Rong Dingkun growled in a rough voice, "In just half a month, your wings have grown hard, and you want to fly by yourself? Dream! What do you think you are? You are just a son of a **** with no teeth. After looking at the door for two days for me, I thought I could be the master of the Rong family. Rong Jia, you are my father. Not dead yet. The Rong family is far from your turn to call the shots!"

Rong Dingkun struggled to pounce on Rong Jia and fell to the ground with a thud.

Rong Jia stepped forward to help his father. Rong Dingkun raised his hand, but Rong Jia did not evade it, and received a loud slap in the face without changing his face.

"Get out!" Rong Dingkun struggled desperately like a trapped beast, wanting to beat Rong Jia one after another, "I don't have a son like you! You bastard, like your mother and your uncles, is stupid and cowardly. I don't deserve the surname Rong! Even if I handed over the family business to Qingzhi's son, I won't give it to you!"

Rong Jia smiled disdainfully, let go of his father, got up and rang the bell. The nurse hurried in with a tray. Rong Jiashang helped hold down Rong Dingkun. The nurse gave Rong Dingkun a sedative.

Rong Dingkun's swearing gradually weakened, and he was carried back to the bed by his son and covered with a quilt.

After dismissing the nurse, Rong Jia stood by the bed, looking down at the sleepy old father, looking tired and lost.

"Your time has passed, Dad." Rong Jia said, not sure how much Rong Dingkun could hear now, "The Rong family and the Meng family are evenly matched, and neither has the ability to eat the other in one go. Continue like this. If the fight goes on, it will be nothing more than being a clam crane, which will make other fishermen cheaper. You are not the only one in the Rong family. I will not allow you to bury the Rong family for your own personal grudges. Fanghua has already made a difference for you in the past. I have been hurt for a lifetime because of my debt. I also want to protect other innocent people in my family. I have no interest in the Rong family business. I think you have always been clear about the Rong family. From now on, the Rong family is up to me. In charge, this is the real good for the Rong family. As for Meng Jiu, who is my brother after all, if he is willing to recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestry, he must have an inheritance."

Rong Dingkun grunted in his throat, as if he wanted to say something. However, under the action of the drug, his eyelids became heavier and finally closed.

Rong Jiashang stood quietly, listening to his father's long breathing. He looked down at the small seal in his hand, let out a complicated sigh, turned and left.

Rong Fanglin was still waiting downstairs. She watched her brother come down with five fingerprints on his face, and his face was ugly for a while: "Dad doesn't seem to be able to reason now. If it's unsatisfactory, just say we're going to harm him."

Rong Jiashang said: "He is physically disabled and can't accept this reality. He can only vent to the people around him."

Rong Fanglin sighed: "Daddy used to be a very energetic person. He walked with big strides and was always in good spirits. Brother, do you really want to send him to the United States for medical treatment? Can his injury be healed?"

Rong Jiashang shook his head with a wry smile, "It's just to comfort him. I asked Dr. Mans. Dad's spine was comminuted and his nerves were damaged. With current medical technology, there is no way to repair it. ."

"Then..." Rong Fanglin was at a loss, "Is that the case? He can't get better?"

"The body is helpless. As for his temper..." Rong Jiashang smiled helplessly, "I hope he can see it soon."

When the brothers and sisters returned to the mansion, they saw Zhao Huaan talking to Mrs. Rong. Mrs. Rong sat on the high-back sofa by the window, leaning towards Zhao Huaan. Zhao Huaan supported the back of the sofa and leaned over to listen to Mrs. Rong's words, with an intimate and focused attitude.

Rong Fanglin immediately changed his face and coughed twice.

The two who got together immediately separated. Zhao Huaan got up and looked over, then smiled and said, "Jia Shang, is this journey going smoothly?"

Rong Jia nodded without changing his face: "It's good. Is Uncle Zhao here to see Dad? He took the medicine and fell asleep."

Zhao Huaan said, "My wife said that you are back and invited me over for lunch. Second, I will report to you about the company's affairs. There are several documents that need your father's stamp and signature."

"Zhang is still with me." Rong Jia said, "I will handle the company's affairs in the future."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of Mrs. Rong and Zhao Huaan flickered. Rong Jiashang met their inquiring gazes indifferently, and said, "Father has been very frustrated this time, his spirit is quite unstable, he is irritable and irritable, and he has many hallucinations. There is really no way to manage the company. Uncle Zhao, do you mind?"

"Prince overseeing the country, what's the point?" Zhao Huaan chuckled, "You did a good job before, and several uncles are very satisfied with you."

Mrs. Rong rolled her eyes a few times, and smiled: "Jia Shang takes up the big responsibility, and the master can take care of his injuries. I just discussed with you Zhao Shu to send the master to the manor in the western suburbs. The air is good there. It’s quiet and peaceful, and it’s the most suitable for recuperation.”

"Don't mother hate that manor in the western suburbs the most?" Rong Fanglin said with a gloomy face.

"It's not for your father." Mrs. Rong said coldly, "He can be ruthless to me, but I can't ignore him. Who calls me a woman? If I don't do the three obediences and four virtues, outsiders will gossip. But it will affect your marriage."

Rong Fanglin said: "Since my mother is so wronged, I can't be unfilial, so what if I don't marry?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Mrs. Rong said angrily, "You have personally experienced what your father is doing. We mother and daughter can only depend on each other. In the future, when your elder brother gets married, do you want to live by looking at your sister-in-law's face? "

Rong Fanglin suddenly thought of Feng Shizhen, and felt that if she came to be her sister-in-law, the days should be good.

Rong Jiashang couldn't help laughing while listening to his stepmother's words.

Zhao Huaan hurriedly came out to smooth things out and said, "Father and daughter are blood ties that are never broken. Even if the elder brother is not, Fanglin is a good and filial boy. My brother and sister are very lucky to have such a good daughter."

Zhao Huaan stretched out his hand and gently pressed it on Mrs. Rong's shoulder, as if casting some magic. Mrs. Rong's tense face immediately loosened, and she couldn't help but cast a coquettish glance at the man.

Rong Jiashang calmly watched all the subtle movements, and only blinked slowly. #####

one thirty eight

After lunch, Rong Jiashang and Zhao Huaan went to the study to discuss business affairs. Zhao Huaan watched Rong Jia take out a small seal to sign with his own eyes, and determined that the Rong family was still in charge of the young master. Rong Jia's eyes were a little different.

"Now the war in the southwest is tense, and all kinds of demons are rampant in the local area. The goods shipped from the south have been robbed twice. The commanders are busy fighting, and they can't take care of us." Zhao Huaan said.

"Then stop the operation first." Rong Jia said, "The New Year is coming, give the brothers below the annual leave in advance. How is the Meng family doing?"

Zhao Huaan said: "There is no major movement, and the small friction has been constant, but it is not a climate. Well, in fact, I agree with your approach to this matter. Our two families are evenly matched, and we will fight with each other. It's just that your father can't swallow this bad breath."

"You can't disregard the interests of the Rong family as a whole because of his own grievances." Rong Jiashang said, "Those subordinates are also cultivated by you, Uncle Zhao, and you must feel distressed if they are damaged in such a dispute. "

Zhao Huaan couldn't help nodding.

"Don't worry about Dad." Rong Jia said, "After all, his injury really wasn't caused by the Meng family, he brought it on himself."

Zhao Huaan smiled bitterly with a cigarette in his mouth.

Rong Jiashang looked at the sisters Fang Lin and Fang Hua who were walking in the backyard through the glass window, and said, "Uncle Zhao, I am young and inexperienced, and sitting in this seat now, it is entirely because I belong to Rong Dingkun. It’s just my son’s identity. I know that several veterans in the company do not accept me, and it is only with your support that I can secure this position. Your kindness, I will keep in my heart Rong Jiashang.”

"Why is Jiashang so polite all of a sudden?" Zhao Huaan smiled cautiously, "Since you joined the company, you have never done anything bad. In the matter of the Meng family, it all depends on your precautions, otherwise I don't know how much the loss of the Rong family will be. Before, there were indeed a few old men who thought you were too young, but after the incident of the Meng family came out, they all changed their views on you. To be honest, times are different now. Your father and We can bring down the country, but to carry forward the Rong family, we still have to rely on you young people who have received a new Western education."

Rong Jia took off the stopper of the wine bottle and poured wine into the crystal wine glass.

"Uncle Zhao's words really speak to the hearts of the younger generation. To tell you the truth, I have always had one thing in my mind, and I want to discuss it with an elder." Rong Jia looked at Zhao Hua'an with deep eyes and handed the wine glass over. In the past, "I want to organize some business at home. Some businesses are too harmful to the world, and all they get are ill-gotten gains. I want to gradually reduce some businesses and stop them. Uncle Zhao, what do you think?"

Zhao Huaan slowly sat on the sofa with a wine glass, frowned deeply, and sighed.

"Jia Shang, what business are you referring to?"

"Big Tobacco." Rong Jiashang said bluntly, "I know that selling Big Tobacco has laid a solid foundation for the Rong family's family business. This business has supported the Rong family over the years. But this is not a long-term road. It's too hurtful and full of sin. If the Rong family doesn't adjust their industry now, they may be bound instead and sink into a place where they can't see the light forever."

Zhao Huaan nodded cautiously and said, "Your father and I have discussed this matter two years ago. We all intend to gradually shift our focus to transportation and trade. But the profits of Big Tobacco are too great, it's hard to give up. Just give up. It is good for you young people to have passion in doing things, but the concerns of the elders are often not unreasonable. "

"I know what Dad and you think." Rong Jiashang said, "Dad has always been very contradictory. On the one hand, he wants to clean up the Rong family, and let the Rong family become a real high society and become a celebrity. He is obviously a pawn. He was born as a trader, but disguised himself as a declining noble scholar's family, just to improve the status of the Rong family. But he couldn't bear the huge profits brought by opium. He wanted both money and face. "

"He is also thinking about this family." Zhao Huaan said earnestly, "It is easy not to do opium business, but so many brothers have to support. Jiashang, in our business, it is not so easy to break up."

"It's up to people. Besides, there is no such thing as a banquet in this world." Rong Jia said with a half-smile, "Uncle Zhao assisted Dad, and he is the most hard-working hero of our Rong family. I will never treat you lightly. During the days when I was away, the family was also thankful for your care of Uncle Zhao. I heard that my wife was not in good health before, but today I see her looking good."

Zhao Huaan's hand holding the cup trembled slightly, and he laughed: "You children call me uncle, they are family. It is right for family members to take care of each other."

Rong Dingkun fell, and Rong Jiashang took over his burden. The Rong Family Chamber of Commerce will continue to operate, and the business that should be discussed will continue to be discussed. Rong Jia gave an extra year-end bonus, promoted several diligent and dedicated employees, and fired two assistant managers who were cheating and cheating. The staff was taken aback. Although the elders on the board of directors will not be easily subdued, Rong Jiashang's actions still won him the support of the majority of grassroots staff.

However, Rong Dingkun became more and more difficult to serve, and Rong Jia's salary for the nurse tripled before he kept him. It was also because Aunt Wang had no choice but to serve him, but he was always angry with her, and she smashed her head blue with cups and bowls.

After Rong Jia asked people to replace the tableware with the lightest wooden items, he set aside the nurse and went to visit his father with a box of cigarettes that was newly delivered from the bottom.

Rong Dingkun was still scolding Rong Jia in front of him, and even his biological mother, Tang Shi, scolded him a lot. When he saw Da Yan, his eyes lit up, and his tone immediately softened.

When the biological mother was scolded, Rong Jiashang almost smashed the wooden box containing the big cigarette on his father's head, but fortunately he held back.

"Dad want to use some?" Rong Jiashang tried his best to maintain the respectful tone of his filial son and grandson. "The doctor also said that if you feel pain in your back, you can use it appropriately."

"Yes!" Rong Dingkun has been short-tempered recently, and half of the reason is because he stopped smoking, "My back hurts so much that no one notices it, hurry up and put it on for me!"

Have you degenerated to the point of using big cigarettes to talk out of your own father's mouth? Rong Jia smiled bitterly. But he didn't actually feel much guilt, which was what made him laugh and laugh.

Life can really change a person beyond recognition.

In the indescribable sweet and stinky scent of the smoke cream, Rong Dingkun's grim face gradually relaxed, and his frantic eyes began to become slack. Rong Jia sat in the chair beside the bed, coldly watching his father leaning on the bedside and breathing clouds, his heart was filled with nausea.

"Father," he said, "did you still have a wife and children before marrying my mother?"

Rong Dingkun's reaction was much slower, he turned his eyes slowly, and said, "Who are you?"

Rong Jiashang sneered, "I'm your son, Jiashang."

Rong Dingkun looked at him hard, and said for a moment, "You have grown up."

This sentence made Rong Jiashang's heart soften again, and his tone became softer.

"Father, in front of me, do you have any children?"

Rong Dingkun frowned and shook his head, "No! You are the first son of my old Qin family!"

The word "Qin family" also made Rong Jiashang frown, and he remembered that Rong Dingkun was said to have been a son of the outer court. He was confused when his father smoked a cigarette.

"The first one is my son!" Rong Dingkun said that he was excited, and laughed, "I was born with a full six pounds and eight taels, but your mother is suffering! That cry can even overturn the roof of the house. .Ha ha!"

A touch of warmth came up, and Rong Jiashang sighed, and put his heart back, which had been hanging for several days.

"Then what did they say that you have a wife and children in front of you?"

"Who said that?" Rong Dingkun was displeased.

"Madam, and Uncle Zhao, even Second Uncle knows."

Rong Dingkun thought hard for a while, and waved his hand: "That's not mine, it's my brother's."

Rong Jiashang was a little confused, "How can your brother's wife and children be counted on your head, and the second uncle even misunderstood."

However, Rong Dingkun suddenly fell silent, with a gloomy face, and asked, "Why are you asking this?"

"Father?" Rong Jia was stunned, "I just want to know, do I still have a sister?"

Rong Dingkun's eyes flickered, switching repeatedly between sullenness and confusion, as if in his mind, at the moment, there were two of him vying for the control of this body.

In the end, the confused one took the top spot.

"No!" Rong Dingkun said vaguely with his smoking gun in his mouth, "You are my firstborn son of Qin Shuigen..."

Rong Jiashang breathed a sigh of relief and smiled slightly. He got up and pulled a thin quilt for his father, turned around and prepared to leave.

"Propriety, righteousness, benevolence, wisdom, trustworthiness... You are the eldest of the Yizi generation..."

Rong Jia put his hand on the doorknob, turned his head slowly back, and looked at his father who was paralyzed on the bed.

"Father, what did you say? I'm the Jiazi generation."

Rong Dingkun didn't answer. He was groggy, and he had fallen into the illusion created by the smoke, and could not hear any sound. #####

one thirty nine

After Rong Jiashang left, another heavy snow fell in Peiping.

At night, Feng Shizhen sat on the window sill wrapped in a shawl, watching the clumps of broken snow being blown against the window by the wind, listening to the sobbing wind outside. She sat until late at night and then fell asleep tiredly.

In her dream, she hugged and kissed her beloved under the street lamp, and snow fell on their heads, faces, and shoulders. When she opened her eyes, her arms were full of cold wind, and the lover who had kissed her had long since disappeared.

Feng Shizhen seemed to still be able to smell the faint fragrance of the cologne on Rong Jia's body, and the soft touch of his cashmere scarf still remained on his cheeks, as well as the feeling that his calloused fingers had lightly stroked it. She closed her eyes and could always hear him sigh softly in her ear, as if she wanted to say something, but she couldn't open her mouth.

She misses him. Hopeless and unable to extricate themselves, it was like he had just completed the most important training in his life and was exhausted.

This love affair left her with no extravagant hope in the future. She has fond memories that she can hold for the rest of her life.

In addition to reminiscing about the relationship, Feng Shizhen also seriously thought about his future life path.

She came to Peiping, firstly to avoid Meng Xian's anger, and secondly to change the environment and sort out her emotions.

The task of lurking the Rong family has ended, and Rong Dingkun seems to have suffered retribution now. Her original intention of cooperating with Meng Xian has been achieved. After losing the purpose of revenge, Feng Shizhen should pick up his old life again.

Feng Shizhen didn't really plan to stay in Peiping for long. Although she likes the strong academic atmosphere of the college here and the plain and simple life here, she is also not used to the dryness and cold here. She can't always find a sense of belonging, even if she gathers with her teachers and friends to talk, she still feels a little lonely and deserted.

She misses Shanghai even more every day. I miss my parents and brothers, I miss my friends, and I miss that handsome back.

It's a pity that she has her stubbornness, and Rong Jiashang also has his difficulties.

A love that cannot be exposed, and now there is only one group photo left. In the black-and-white photo, the two of them looked calm, with a happy smile on the corners of their mouths, but they stayed in their best time.

Early the next morning, Feng Shizhen and Senior Sister had just woken up and were preparing to have breakfast when the concierge's aunt's son banged on the door and said, "Miss Feng, I have your phone number. It's from your brother."

Feng Shizhen went downstairs wrapped in a shawl, thanked the concierge aunt, and answered the phone.

Feng Shixun's gentle voice came: "Have you not slept yet?"

"What time is it?" Feng Shizhen said with a smile, "Are you on duty again today? Are your parents okay?"

"It's all good." Feng Shixun said, "After taking the new medicine, my father's lung disease has improved and the fever has finally subsided. He and my mother want to go back to their hometown to recuperate, but I don't agree. Although the countryside is quiet, there is a lack of medical care and some kind of disease. It's not good."

"I agree with you on this matter." Feng Shizhen said, "but I'm in Peiping, and you always work overtime in the hospital. They probably feel too lonely. Big brother, you should find a sister-in-law quickly."

"Why are you pulling on my head again?" Feng Shixun laughed angrily, "Beijing is so cold, are you used to it?"

"There's a stove in the house, and it's warm." Feng Shizhen looked at the bright moon outside the window, "Brother, I miss you guys. I asked Li'er to help me find out. If Meng Xu'an calms down, I'll come back early to talk to you guys. New Year's Eve together."

"I miss you too." Feng Shixun felt sour in his heart, "It's really hard for you to be so angry with him for nothing."

"Because he made Rong Dingkun paralyzed, he can bear it." Feng Shizhen smiled.

Feng Shixun also felt relieved when he thought of this, "Rong Dingkun is retribution. He does a lot of evil and hurts his life on weekdays, but now he can also taste the pain and disability himself. It's a pity that the Rong family is rich and can still eat well. The medicine field supports him, and he can't suffer too much."

Feng Shizhen said: "He is such a loner and indomitable person. He wants him to be a cripple, and his power has been deprived of his son. It is probably more painful than killing him. Don't worry, as far as I can see, the Rong family does not have a wife and concubines. Treat him sincerely. Now that he is useless, how can those women hold him like they used to? He deserves it."

Feng Shixun smiled and flipped through the newspaper at hand. Several newspapers published the news that the new owner of the Rong family, Rong Jiashang, attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the News Chunli Apartment yesterday. Rong Jiashang also named an exquisite viewing loft by the pier "Xunzhen Pavilion". This elegant name won a lot of praise. Only Feng Shixun saw the word "Zhenzhen", and his eyes hurt for a while.

"Shizhen, do you have anything to do with that Rong Jiashang?"

Feng Shizhen was suddenly asked, stunned for a moment, and said, "I haven't been in contact with him for a long time. He knows that I lied to him, and it would be good if he didn't come to trouble me, otherwise why should I hide in Peiping. What's the matter?"

"It's nothing." Feng Shixun reluctantly let go. "He wants to trouble you, you must tell me. Even if it's not for trouble, ignore him. We can't afford to play with rich people like them."

Feng Shizhen just agreed, and the two talked for a while before hanging up. Feng Shizhen left the porter's room and thanked the porter again.

But the aunt pulled her excitedly and said, "Miss Feng, your boyfriend has come to find you and is waiting for you outside."

"What?" Feng Shizhen was shocked. Rong Jiashang is back?

"Yeah." The aunt smiled, "Oh, driving a very stylish car..."

Feng Shizhen wrapped his shawl tightly, pushed open the door of the apartment, and rushed into the cold wind outside.

"Jia Shang, how are you..."

The words stopped abruptly.

Meng Xian, who was wearing a top hat and neatly dressed, was walking out of the car with a relaxed smile, elegant and handsome. Two bodyguards in black stood by.

Feng Shizhen was shocked and made no secret of it. It's not that she didn't expect to meet Meng Xian again, but she didn't expect it to be so soon. Judging from the last time they broke up unhappily, Meng Xian won't be relieved until after the New Year. Otherwise, Meng Xian found out that Feng Shizhen could be of any new use, so he stared at Feng Xue from afar to find her.

"Seventh Master, what wind brought you here?" Feng Shizhen stopped indifferently.

In the face of the woman's impoliteness, Meng Xian seemed extraordinarily gentle and polite, and said with a smile, "Shizhen, I'm also very happy to see you again."

Feng Shizhen smiled reluctantly: "It's freezing cold, and I don't know what made the seventh master go this way. I'm really a little uneasy."

Meng Xian glanced behind Feng Shizhen: "Aren't you going to invite me in?"

Feng Shizhen blocked the door and said, "There are single ladies living in the building, so it is inconvenient to entertain guests. Seventh Master Jingui doesn't dare to let you sit in the hall and eat the cold wind. There is a teahouse at the intersection, and the door should still be open. Why don't you ask Seven Father move?"

Meng Xu'an smiled in a good-natured manner: "Since I have come to look for you from a long distance, naturally I have something important to discuss with you. Have you had breakfast? How about I treat you to coffee?"

Feng Shizhen was already hungry and stood in the cold wind, and after a little consideration, he readily agreed. She went back to the house, changed into a thick coat, carried her handbag, and went downstairs again under the conjectural gaze of the neighbors. Meng Xian held the car door very gentlemanly and put her in the car.

After today, she was too lazy to think about how these new neighbors would talk and guess about her. At first, she thought that separation from Rong Jiashang was the end of everything, but now it seems that she is too naive.

Meng Xian is the person who pays the most attention to pomp and enjoyment. Even if he just took a lady to eat and go, he would not hesitate to travel across most of Peiping City to go to the most upscale and beautiful French restaurant in the city.

The guests in the restaurant were dressed in luxurious clothes, but Feng Shizhen only wore a half-old coat over the old shirt and skirt, which was out of tune with the entire restaurant. But Feng Shizhen didn't care about other people's eyes, he ordered a tuna sandwich, a plate of French crepes, poured thick maple syrup, and ate it with coffee.

Meng Xian looked at her for a moment with a smile, and said, "I just like your free and easy appearance." #####


"Seventh Master came all the way north to find me, definitely not just to invite me for coffee." Feng Shizhen added an extra sugar to the coffee, "Actually, Seventh Master has something to say. According to the relationship between the two of us, Ben Yong No riddles, no riddles?"

Meng Xu'an smiled lightly and said, "I met Rong Jia at the dance at the Shanghai elder's house yesterday. Young Master Rong ran away from his fiancée, but he didn't lack any female companions.