Clash Of The Sword Titans

Chapter 1121: Frost Princess

Upon hearing this question, the Demon generals present fell silent.

Moreover, the demon generals looked at the three-headed snake with the eyes of a madman, as if his question was so rebellious!

The three-headed snake seemed to realize that he had committed a huge taboo, but he had no way.

This is a war of two worlds, it can be called a war of genocide!

Without the emperor's seat, many people would have no confidence.

However, you can only think about this in your heart, not really say it.

Once it is said, it is to question the lack of commander ability of the Zifa Mozu!

After all, he thinks that he alone can play these human races around, even if there is no emperor in charge, he can still make contributions and take down the entire True Martial Realm.

Now that the three-headed snake raises such a question, doesn't it show distrust of him from the side?

"Are you questioning my ability?" As expected, the Zifa Mozu coldly glanced at the three-headed snake, his tone was no longer as plain as before, as if he was irritated.

The three-headed snake frantically spit out the snake letter, bowed its head, and said in fear: "The general Mingjian, his subordinates are just curious about the movements of the emperor. After all, the demon emperor is the master of our demon clan. Without him, we will always It's seven ups and downs, eager to hear the teachings of His Majesty the Devil!"

Although all this flattering was taken to the Demon Sovereign, the complexion of the Zifa Demon Race really looked better.

The Demon Sovereign is the master of all the Demon Races, including the Dragon Demon Race, and must surrender to his feet.

Although the three-headed snake was flattering the Demon Emperor, it also made the Zifa Demon and You Rongyan.

However, he still snorted coldly: "How can your majesty the demon emperor's whereabouts be monitored by a humble waste like you? It is now time of war, concentrate on fighting the enemy, and don't think about those useless things. Otherwise, the general You can treat you as a human spy, spy on the whereabouts of His Majesty the Demon King and reveal the supreme intelligence of the Demon!"

The hat was buckled, and the three heads of the three-headed snake shook frantically, saying, "The subordinates dare not!"

The Purple Haired Demon Race gave him a cold look, and then said: "The whereabouts of your Majesty the Demon King is the top secret of my Demon Race. However, I can tell you the whereabouts of the other two emperors."

Hearing these words, the three-headed snake made a touched look, "Thank you, General!"

When the other demon generals heard this, they also pricked their ears, wanting to hear where the other two emperors went.

Just listen to the purple hair demon clan saying: "The two emperors, the ice emperor and the supreme emperor, have been ordered by the demon emperor to go to suppress the strongest of the human race. Otherwise, you think it depends on your waste, Can you stop the young sword **** named Lu Li?"

The group of demons generals all showed a jealous expression, no one dared to speak.

Although the demons are arrogant and think they are a perfect race higher than the human race, they are not so arrogant to think that the demons are invincible in the world.

Over the years, the Demon Sovereign has not given up spying on human intelligence.

The strong man born of the human race is clearly visible, and there is naturally Lu Li's record.

After reading Lu Li's intelligence, the Demon Sovereign laughed a few times and asked, "Who dares to fight one?"

Then, after distributing the information, the demon generals who were still eager to try, after seeing Lu Li's sturdy record, almost all fell silent!

Who dares to fight Lu Li?

This question caused the thousands of demons generals present to be silent, and even those half-step emperors did not even dare to let go.

In the end, the Demon Sovereign shook his head, leaving a sentence: "Lu Li can't get rid of, no need to start this battle!"

Then left without a trace!

A group of demon generals were left with different thoughts, but no one dared to mention the nonsense of taking Lu Li's life lightly.

Take Lu Li's life lightly?

Then try to conquer the entire True Martial Domain by yourself!

Afterwards, the Demon Emperor formulated many plans for Lu Li. Of course, only the Emperor was eligible to participate in these plans, and the others were not included in the plan at all.

Now the Three-Headed Snake and others understood that the two emperors, the Ice Emperor and the Supreme Emperor, were going to solve Lu Li and the other four top powerhouses.

Without them, Zhen Wuyu's resistance would not be so weak and weak.

It is impossible for them to have free time to sit here and watch the fire from the shore, as if watching a play.

It had long been broken up by Lu Li alone and with a sword.

"It turns out that the two emperors have more important things to deal with. The subordinates are talking too much. No wonder the general, no wonder the general!" The three-headed snake heard the explanation of the Zifa Mozu and immediately knelt in the void. It seems that I really realized my mistake.

Hearing this, the Zifa Mozu coldly snorted, but didn't say anything. He looked around at many Mozu generals and said coldly: "The existence of Lu Li is a great shame to our Mozu. If not, No one of the Demon Clan dared to fight, so why did His Majesty the Demon Emperor waste the power of the two emperors to suppress Lu Li? Two emperors were sent long ago to defeat the entire True Martial Realm!"

The emperor, that is, the powerhouse at the Dao level, really possesses absolute suppressing power when facing the ‘low level’ world of the Zhenwu Realm.

It's a pity that now that the two emperors are not there, the True Martial Domain has got some breathing time. This is what makes the Zifa Mozu most dissatisfied.

In his opinion, as long as the two emperors make a move, there is no need to waste so much energy, and the True Martial Domain can be taken at any time.

Now that the trouble has reached this point, isn't it because the demons have no people available to make trouble?

"What the general taught is that our waste is really embarrassing to the demons!"

The three-headed snake smiled flatteringly.

The other demon generals were also smiling flatteringly.

However, there were many people present, but they didn't agree with it in their hearts.

The Demon Race has no one to use, so don't you scold yourself into it?

At that time, the Devil Emperor gave Lu Li's information to everyone, but no one dared to stand up.

Among these people, are you not alone?

Of course, everyone only dared to think about these words in their hearts. They would never say them.

They are not so bold!

"Huh, these trash human races in Zhenwu Realm, I want to see how long they can resist!" Seeing the flattering smiling faces all around, the purple-haired demon suddenly felt a bit greasy. He started to stare at the front and stopped talking to these people.

Many demons present were finally relieved.

This is the most terrifying thing about working with such a terrifying boss.

If he does a good job, everyone will naturally flatter and shoot continuously. If he is too stupid, they can only die together.

Among the demons, the class hierarchy is too obvious. As the dragon demons, the purple-haired demons have the right to live and kill other demons.

Except for the Extreme Demon Race and the Ice Demon Race, which also have a backing of the emperor, no one dares to make a mistake in front of the Purple Hair Demon Race.

Just at this time.

A cold wind blew, and the expressions of everyone present changed.

The cold wind blowing in this void can only represent one thing.

The people of the ice demons are here!

Sure enough, feeling the cold wind, even the Purple Haired Demon Race put away a somewhat arrogant expression, looked to his side, and said with a smile: "You are here."

I saw that a girl with pure white body and eyes like prismatic ice crystals appeared in front of everyone.

"I have seen Princess Frost!"

Many demon generals, immediately bow to this girl!

The status of this girl is obviously higher than that of the Zifa Mozu.

Because she is the younger sister of the Ice Emperor and the princess of the Ice Demon clan.

Although the Purple Haired Demon Clan was born in the Dragon Demon Clan, his blood relationship with His Majesty the Demon Emperor was already relatively weak. What's more, the dragon demon clan’s ability to reproduce is extremely poor, and intermarriage between family members is most normal. However, all the current dragon demon clan almost all have a relationship with his Majesty the Demon Emperor, and I have never seen his Majesty’s blood relatives. '.

However, this Frost Princess is different.

Since the death of the old Ice Emperor who fought with the Demon Emperor in the True Martial Realm, the Ice Emperor has only one blood relative. Although she is not a doting, she cares very much.

It can be said that behind this Frost Princess, there is really a powerful existence of the emperor's level, rather than relying on a weak blood relationship to show off her power.