Clash Of The Sword Titans

Chapter 420: The end of the world (3)

"Good job!"

He Shouzhong roared, and his body, which had been swollen several times, moved, savagely rampage, and smashed an unknown number of puppet armor in one breath.

He waved the completely transformed beast claws, slaughtering in the puppet armor group like a storm.

In the face of this monster with a sudden increase in power, the immortal puppet armor is as fragile as paper, and the beast claws cut their bodies as easily as cut tofu.

The puppet armour group that has caused great trouble to several masters is not the opponent of this ‘monster’ at all.

After a frenzied killing, the puppet armor in the sky has been visibly reduced by more than half.

"Now you still think that dealing with this monster is easier than dealing with a master?" Xiang Hongyu saw the scene in front of him, suddenly felt bitter in his mouth, turned his head and asked Wan Yan.

Wan Yan couldn't maintain the expression on his face, and said in a low voice, "Patriarch He, you haven't said before, he still hides this hand."

"The gods have evil powers. If not, why should we unite?"

He Shouwei looked at the violent figure who tortured and killed the indestructible puppet, and said solemnly: "Seeing this scene, do you still think it is the right choice for the gods to control Linzhou?"

"Patriarch He is right."

Xiang Hongyu also reacted, "If the gods continue to control Linzhou, He Shouzhong is a lesson for the past. Do you also want to become such a person and ghost?"

Seeing what He Shouzhong looks like now, Wan Yan only felt a chill.

A martial artist who can cultivate to the realm of Mingyou, no matter how much he pursues his power, it is absolutely impossible for himself to become such a ghost.

"And you." He Shouwei looked at the other four masters and said coldly: "Do you still think that the power of the religion is really a gift from the gods?"

Hearing his questioning, the expressions of two of the four masters became difficult to look at on the spot.

One is the master of the Xue family, and the other is Quzun, the oldest.

They all secretly accepted the divine power ‘given’ by the furious great **** ambassador. Although not many times, they actually felt the sweetness of that power.

Even a trace of supernatural power is enough for them to make great progress in their cultivation and even break through a small realm.

That feeling is too beautiful, for any master, it is an irresistible temptation. Even if it is clear in their hearts that gaining this power will inevitably have to pay a certain price, they still flock to it and choose to surrender to the religion.

However, if the price of divine power is to become like a ghost like He Shouzhong, they really should think carefully.

"He Shouwei!"

At this moment, He Shouzhong, who was nearly completely mutated, still maintained a trace of reason, and his hoarse voice was full of anger: "You rubbish, you are just jealous that I got the favor, so I hold my grudge!"

"In terms of talent, I became the Master of Ming You earlier than you. In terms of birth, I am the son of the He family. You are just a wild seed born outside by the old man! Why are you the head of the He family? Why do you sit there? On my head!?"

He Shouzhong grabbed the indestructible puppet next to him and squeezed it into pieces at will. Until this moment, he had already killed all the indestructible puppet armor.

And the huge vertical pupil in the sky also stopped releasing the indestructible puppet armor after the hatred entered another interspace.

"There are no annoying bugs now."

He Shouzhong grinned open his blood basin and showed a terribly grinning smile, "It's time to pinch you bugs to death."


"Let me tell you, don't panic when you encounter this kind of situation, it's all small scenes."

"Also, you are the princess of Heaven Swallowing Holy Kingdom after all. You have to learn to be prudent, do you know that prudent?"

"Do you call this a small scene?" Mu Ningqiu couldn't help interrupting Lu Li's endless chatter, looking around and saying: "Then you are explaining to this palace, how should we leave?"

At this moment, Mu Ningqiu was enveloped in a water blue energy, no matter how she tried, she couldn't break this thin layer of energy.

Lu Li on the other side was not much better.

Strictly speaking, he was even more miserable than Mu Ningqiu. The aqua-blue energy turned into chains, tied his limbs and hung in the air.

The Canglang Sword previously seemed to have triggered a certain restriction here, not only causing the ruins to completely collapse, but also dragging the two of them into another ‘plane’.

Yes, another plane.

Let’s talk about how they knew.

Lu Li raised his head, looked at the huge colorful energy group above his head, and said with a wry smile: "Surely we have found the core of the small world by mistake?"

The power that can drag the two of them to another plane silently, except that the owner of the Celestial Cave Mansion has not died, I am afraid that they can only do it if they accidentally touch the core energy of the small world.

Lu Li quietly opened the eyes of exploration and looked at the energy. As expected, all he saw was a vast expanse of aura.


This discovery made the last bit of luck in Lu Chengli disappear.

The upgraded Detecting Eye has expanded the scope of detection. Although Lu Li has not tested its limit, he knows that the range of aura points has increased to at least 2500 after a little estimation.

There are not many things that exceed this point.

In other words, this huge energy group is likely to be the core of maintaining the small world.

"The thing that makes Canglang Sword so excited is this energy group?" Mu Ningqiu gritted his teeth and said, "I knew I should have lost this broken sword!"

"It's also a magic weapon, what a pity it was lost." Lu Li flipped his wrist and waved the Canglang Sword in his hand.

At this moment, the Canglang Sword suddenly trembled and once again gleamed with blue light.

"No, come back?"

Lu Li couldn't stretch himself this time.

The Canglang Sword flickered just now, and he was hung in the void by this energy chain. Now a similar situation has occurred. Could it be that Canglang Sword thinks that hanging by light is not enough and wants to pull itself into the small world To burn to death in his core energy?


Just burn to death.

The huge energy that can sustain a small world that has been running for thousands of years is tantamount to suicide.

That large group of gorgeous power looks very beautiful and harmless, but the energy it emits can burn a top master to death.

In analogy, this thing is like a weakened version of the sun, its energy composition is very complex, but its lethality is beyond doubt.

Judging by the naked eye, he and Mu Ningqiu were at least tens of thousands of miles away, and he could still feel a terrifying heat.

Fortunately, the change of Canglang Sword this time did not narrow the distance between the two parties, but weakened the blue light that bound them.

Perceiving this, Lu Li's face still doesn't look pretty: "Oh, if we don't have the protection of this layer of power, we won't be able to live here for a quarter of an hour."

"Don't talk nonsense, think of a solution quickly."

Mu Ningqiu sat in the water blue light curtain and couldn't help but glared at him.

Lu Li helplessly said: "His Royal Highness really looks down on me. What can I do if it's in this situation?"

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li felt the aqua blue chain that bound him suddenly loosened.

With a little effort, Lu Li tore the chain to pieces.

"Come and help." Seeing this scene, Mu Ningqiu also summoned the spear, silently gathering strength to break the blue light curtain.

But before she could do anything, the blue light curtain seemed to have lost its support, turned into a handful of water, and dissipated into the void.

She was dumbfounded and glanced at Lu Li.

Lu Li shook his head slightly, and raised the Canglang Sword that was still shining in his hand: "It should be a ghost."

Mu Ningqiu has completely lost patience with this sword. She has swallowed the heavens grand princess, has never suffered such a big loss?

Still played for this purpose by a sword.

"Give it to me." Mu Ningqiu stretched out his hand blankly.

Lu Li doubted: "What are you doing?"

Mu Ningqiu sneered: "Don't it think there is something here that attracts it? Then let it stay here forever."

"That group of energy can burn even a top master, shouldn't it be a problem to melt a broken sword?" Before speaking, Mu Ningqiu stretched his hand towards the Canglang Sword.