Close Mad Son-in-law

Chapter 1168: What would he think?

Regarding Song Jing's evaluation, Guan Yueqing was noncommittal.

She shrugged and said lightly: "The choice is still in your hands. It is up to you to decide whether this marriage contract will continue."

Song Jing did not hesitate at all. He smiled slightly and said: "Frankly speaking, I am a little looking forward to our married life. I really want to know what it would be like to eat and sleep with a woman like you. Maybe, not like ordinary couples. , But it must be very exciting."

For Song Jing's answer.

Guan Yueqing was not surprised.

Even, all this was completely in her expectation.

For Song Jing, she Guan Yueqing is the best solution.

The same is true for the Song family.

And this is the only reason why the Song family has not made a clear statement to destroy the marriage contract.

In contrast, Guan Yueqing.

If she will only be a mother and a wife in the future.

So for her, who to marry does not seem to have much choice.

At least for her, there is no value in any choice.

Of course, it is meaningful to officials.

Together with Song Jiaqiang, this is a huge investment of such top giants. It is a long-term layout.

And this is also Guan Yueqing's confidence to make such a show.

She knew that as long as someone took the risk.

As long as someone can vent their anger for the two families.

No one will really trouble her.

On the contrary, this marriage contract is still very feasible.

Get Song Jing's answer.

Guan Yueqing picked up the wine glass and said calmly: "Then wish us a happy wedding in advance."

Song Jing was stunned, and immediately picked up the glass and said: "I will go home to discuss with my parents. And tell your thoughts and attitudes to your official family. The engagement ceremony tomorrow will continue as usual."

"Cheers." Guan Yueqing said.

Song Jing toasted and drank it.

Li Zhanxian did not return until Guan Yueqing left the box.

He glanced at Song Jing with a strange expression: "What did you talk about?"

"Tomorrow night, you still have to drink our wedding wine." Song Jing smiled. "Strictly speaking, this is not a wedding wine. It's just our engagement wine."

Li Zhanxian's expression was slightly taken aback, and he asked in confusion, "Can your marriage contract continue?"

"Why not?" Song Jing asked rhetorically. "The two companies haven't made a clear statement so far. Isn't it just waiting for such an opportunity?"

"This is more than an opportunity. It is a miracle." Li Zhanxian shook his head and frowned. "Are you really not in the rumors of the unexpected face?"

"Compared with gossip. I care more about my future wife, not a dull woman. But a spiritual companion who can communicate with me in the soul." Song Jing said.

"It seems that you admire her very much." Li Zhanxian said.

"She is so cruel that I am full of conquest." Song Jing said. "In order to achieve her goal, she personally destroyed her best friend. What is shocking is that Lu Qingzhi willingly gave everything for her."

"You two really look alike." Li Zhanxian said.

"I really look a lot like him." Song Jing said with squinting eyes. "The only difference is that I will not betray my friends. Because I don't have many friends, I don't want to be a lonely old man."

Li Zhanxian smiled. No more words.


By the artificial lake.

Chu Yun and Aunt Duan received the news at the same time.

"Li Zhanxian interrupted Lu Qingzhi's legs. He has already been sent to the hospital." Chu Yun exhaled foul air. The expression is solemn. "He finally completed his mission. For Guan Yueqing, he gave everything he had."

"I still received news." Aunt Duan said. "After Lu Qingzhi's legs were broken. Guan Yueqing personally found Song Jing, and the two talked together for a long time. I think after tonight, this engagement ceremony between the top giants will definitely have a result. "

"I guess the marriage contract will not change." Chu Yun said calmly. "The marriage of the two is imperative."

"I think so too." Aunt Duan nodded slightly. "Then this so-called turmoil will be labelled as misunderstood and deliberate maneuvers. From then on, the two powerful and powerful Song officials have joined forces to become the biggest force within the red wall."

Chu Yun squinted her eyes slightly: "And Guan Yueqing, who should have been a victim, also has the right to control her own destiny. This right was even won by the Song family for her."

"It's really a wonderful drama." Aunt Duan said meaningfully.

Then, she turned her head to look at Chu Yun and said, "Have you seen? This is the descendant of the Red Wall. This is the great figure who is very likely to control thunder and lightning in the future. When they were young, they had incredible means and courage. And then later. How will they grow up in decades?"

Chu Yun fell silent.

This group of Red Wall children do have a more terrifying mind than their peers.

They are extremely cruel.

Their purpose is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

They don't care about the so-called face.

As long as the benefits are sufficient, any humiliation and irony are not worth mentioning.

In their eyes, friends, family affection, and friendship are regarded as dung.

Chu Yun stood up and patted his numb butt. Play taste: "Aunt Duan will also participate in the engagement ceremony tomorrow?"

"Invited. But not interested." Aunt Duan shook her head.

"I don't want to go either." Chu Yun shrugged. "Although no one has asked me so far."

Aunt Duan smiled. Said: "I hope you stay away from the red wall. Stick to your heart."

"It's easy to say. Then no one will trouble me." Chu Yun smiled.

"Yes. The most in the world, isn't it troublesome?" Aunt Duan smiled. Got up and said. "Go back early and rest. Your future path is not easy to follow."

Aunt Duan seems to know something.

But it didn't break.

Chu Yun nodded, turned and left the red wall.

This night.

How many people have insomnia in the red wall?

How many people achieve their goals?

In a city, sentient beings are in various forms.

No words for a night.

Chu Yun got up early the next day.

After breakfast, Chu Yun urged Dingliang to eat.

She can't work overtime at home tonight. There is also an engagement ceremony to attend.

There were so many big that there were so many business people like Top Liang who didn't have any special shining points.

But Chu Yun didn't plan to go. He wants to go to the hospital to see Lu Qingzhi.

"After this night. The marriage contract has not been torn up?" Su Mingyue took a sip of milk and opened her red lips slightly.

"No." Chu Yun shook his head. "Moreover, I believe the two newcomers will cherish this engagement more and more."

The top beam was startled. Immediately poked his lips and said: "A group of animals."

"Strictly speaking. It is a group of advanced animals." Chu Yun smiled. Pass Dingliang a fried egg. "I'm done early and go join the fun. You guys get engaged, don't be late."

"I know." Su Mingyue nodded.

Then, she asked thoughtfully: "Well then, Lu Qingzhi's legs were just broken for nothing?"

"If he knew all this, what would he think?"