Close Mad Son-in-law

Chapter 1205: Plan to burn money!

He said nothing.

Silently waiting for Chu Yun's answer.

After an unusually long wait.

Chu Yun's voice finally rang slowly over the phone.

Calm and cold voice: "Mr. Depp. I have a doubt. Your political career is about to be ruined. What does it have to do with me?"

Senator Depp gritted his teeth slightly when he heard the words. I don't know how to answer for a while.

But this incident was caused by Chu Yun.

If you want to solve it, you must still find Chu Yun.

As for what it has to do with Chu Yun.

Isn't this **** nonsense?

There is not an old saying in China: It is necessary to tie the bell to untie the bell. Who else can I find if I don't find you?

"I will pay to Mr. Chu." Congressman Depp said grumpyly. "No matter what conditions Mr. Chu proposes, as long as I can do it. I will meet Mr. Chu."

Talking more is not helpful.

Solving the problem is the most real thing.

Recently, Congressman Depp has been tortured enough.

Whether it came from work or from public opinion, he was exhausted physically and mentally.

If he can't solve the problem anymore, he's really going to lose his future.

"I don't understand." Chu Yun shook his head and frowned. "I'm just a Chinese from New York City. Mr. Depp encountered these problems, shouldn't you use your power to solve the problem? What's the point of finding me a Chinese?"

What to wear?

Congressman Depp is extremely anxious.

But in the face of Chu Yun, who was a little bit stubborn, he must correct his attitude. You must not be discouraged.

His future is basically tied to Chu Yun's body.

He also firmly believes that the media that suddenly turned their faces and denied acknowledgment are definitely treacherous with Chu Yun. Otherwise, how could it be so emboldened. Don't even give up your own face?

"Mr. Chu. No matter what, you are the only one who can help me out of my predicament now." Congressman Depp said earnestly. "I hope you can help me."

Chu Yun accepted it as soon as he saw it, and did not continue to disgust Congressman Depp.

He paused, pursing his lips and said, "I'm flying to Washington at ten o'clock tonight. If Congressman Podd is free, come to the airport to see me. Let's talk."

After all, he hung up the phone. Nor did Congressman Depp have too many opportunities to speak.

hang up the phone.

Chu Yun began to pack his luggage.

Although the couple's luggage is not too much. However, it is still more troublesome to put away the things in daily life.

It's about seven o'clock at night.

Chu Yun and his wife left the hotel and took the special car arranged by the hotel to the airport.

In Washington, Chu Yun also lavishly undertook the hotel. A welcome ceremony was prepared accordingly.

During this "visit to the United States," what Chu Yun wanted was a sensation, if it was a celebrity effect.

Why would he offend so many people?

What else is he doing in such a big battle?

God knows how much effort he put into his back for this trip to New York? How much did it cost?

According to incomplete statistics.

Sanada Muzi alone had already spent nearly one billion dollars.

Yes it is.

This is Chu Yun's real private money. In terms of the small vault that Sanada Muzi helped him manage.

Is there much money?

For the top beam, it may be a small amount of money.

But to Chu Yun, that was real private money, and it was distressing to lose a penny. Not to mention billions of dollars?

He knows China's national conditions very well.

Similarly, the national conditions of the number one empire are also very clear.

In this city, this country. Not to mention ordinary people, even heads of state can spend money to serve.

In short, in this country, everything can be solved with money.

If it cannot be solved, the only possibility is that the money is not enough.

of course. With money alone, New York City is much richer than Chu Yun's big money. He is not convincing in this area.

But Sanada Muzi has.

Who does she want to use and whose power she wants to draw on. There are ten thousand means other than money.

Moreover, they are all means that the other party cannot refuse.

Therefore, Depp had to find Chu Yun personally after trying all kinds of fruitless attempts. And call after call.

in order. It is to find the righteous and solve the problem.

After being hung up by Chu Yun.

Depp immediately arranged a special car to go straight to the airport.

He must arrive at the airport before Chu Yun to express his attitude.

Nine o'clock at night.

Congressman Depp, who had waited for a full hour, finally saw Chu Yun and his wife dressed in casual clothes.

He greeted him with a friendly attitude and even humbly said: "Mr. Chu, I finally saw you."

Chu Yun was arrogant. Nodded slightly and said, "Congressman Depp, hello."

"Shall we find a place to have a good chat?" Congressman Depp suggested.

Chu Yun did not refuse either. After a few words with Dingliang, he was led by Congressman Depp and came to the cafe in the airport.

The taste of coffee is not good. Chu Yun took a sip, then picked up lemonade to rinse his mouth.

"Mr. Chu. I don't know any misunderstandings between us, but I think, no matter at any time, anywhere. One more friend is always right." Senator Depp said very calmly. "If you do not suggest, I am willing to be your friend."

"The problem my wife is facing in this country. I believe Congressman Depp has heard of it a bit." Chu Yun put down the lemonade and said slowly.

"I've heard of it." Congressman Depp guessed that Chu Yun did it because of his wife.

But he could not understand, what is the inevitable connection between Su Mingyue's dilemma in the empire and the destruction of his career as Senator Depp?

Is it because I am in trouble and I want the whole world to be buried together?

This is too **** ridiculous, right?

"This country will destroy my wife's reputation and reputation, and even make the whole world boycott her. Let her lose the opportunity to develop overseas." Chu Yun said sternly. "This is unfair to my wife."

"Yes." Senator Depp said very cooperatively. "It's really unfair."

But is your wife’s problem fair? Have half a dime relationship with me?

"Soon, my wife will have a fair and open conversation with the authorities in Congress. Of course, this so-called fair and openness is evaluated by your authorities. It has not been approved by my wife." Chu Yun said.

"Mr. Chu means--" Congressman Depp asked tentatively. "Do you need me to play a role in this conversation with your wife?"

if so.

Then his career of Mr. Depp may really have no room for redemption.

That congressional conversation.

It is the meaning of the authorities. It is the meaning of the top.

What key role can he play as a New York congressman?

Especially now that he is hard to protect himself, and his reputation is already discredited. Why does he play a role in the congressional dialogue?

Senator Depp's heart is desperate.

Can't wait to take out a pistol and kill this **** devil from the East with one shot.

"I didn't think so. I also know that this is too difficult for Congressman Depp." Chu Yun shook his head. Said lightly. "I just hope that Senator Depp can accompany me to Washington. I heard that Senator Depp and Senator Wilson, the principal official who will talk to my wife in Congress in the future, were old friends of classmates for many years?"

"I want to see him." Chu Yun threw out his purpose.