Close Mad Son-in-law

Chapter 129: I will help you teach!

Just as Chu Yun was about to open the box, several bodyguards immediately guarded Feng Yun. And stared at Chu Yun extremely vigilantly.

What's in the box?

The same item appeared in everyone's mind!

A dangerous article that could destroy this Lu Mansion!


A bodyguard shouted in a deep voice.

Draws out the gun hidden in the body.

Normally, it is impossible for Lu Gongguan bodyguards to carry guns. The risk is high, but the return is small.

But after Lu Changqing was beaten and seriously injured, and was admitted to the intensive care unit, Lu Gongguan was armed to his teeth!

Lu Yueting has been in shopping malls for many years, and Feng Yun is also from the Xibai family. The couple has absolute consciousness and consciousness. When they want to destroy a person, they must be fully prepared.

Because of their prey, it is possible to reverse their identity at any time and become a hunter!

"What do you think this is?" Chu Yun opened the ribbon of the gift box without raising his head, pursing his lips. "Don't be nervous, it won't threaten your personal safety."

"Of course, whether the mind will be hurt or not depends on the individual's will."


Chu Yun tore off the silk ribbon and pulled out the tray at the bottom of the box.

What catches everyone's eyes is not a high-kill weapon. It's just a few sticky, **** fingers!

No more, no less, exactly five!

Everyone frowned upon seeing this scene. I don't understand what Chu Yun is going to do.

But when Feng Yun saw the mole on the inside of one of her fingers, her body trembled and her face turned pale!

"Chu Yun!"

Feng Yun roared heartbreakingly: "This is my son's finger!?"

"good eyesight."

Chu Yun raised his eyes and said, "I specifically picked the finger with a mole on my left hand. I'm afraid you won't recognize it."

"Son of a bitch!"


Feng Yun pulled the pistol insurance, violent: "I killed you!"

There was a bang!

Feng Yun was so angry that he didn't give Chu Yun a chance to beg for mercy.

But one shot went out, and the bullet went into the soft sofa without force. Dull and silent.

On the other hand, Feng Yun's wrist was penetrated by a dagger, blood flowed!

"Didn't I say it? Don't worry."


Chu Yun lit a cigarette and frowned slightly: "Your husband is still on the way, won't you wait for him?"

Click! Click!

Half of the bodyguards pulled out the pistols hidden in their bodies, aggressively, ready to shoot at any time!

"Kill me to death!"

"As a hornet's nest!"

Feng Yun roared, hysterical.

"Unless you want to personally send your son to hell." Chu Yun let out a puff of smoke, his body tilted back slightly. "I have a bad life, exchanged for the only son of the Lu Mansion, the most dignified pearl, no loss."


Feng Yun got angry. Shaking all over!

But he was not scared, but angry!

An angry brain lacks oxygen, and its hands and feet do not listen to it!

Private hospitals are heavily guarded, with dozens of bodyguards taking care of them.

Logically speaking, Chu Yun could not threaten Lu Changqing's life.

But her son's four fingers were right in front of her, and she had to believe it. Don't even dare to bet on his son's life!

"What on earth do you **** want to do!?" Feng Yun's eyes were red. Furious.

She has never been bullied by anyone in her life.

When she was a child, she was domineering and doing everything. Relying on the evil forces of his parents and uncles to do bad things.

When she grew up, she married one of the best men in Pearl City. From an unknown junior to a business tycoon. With the rapid rise, even Ye Mansion regarded it as a strong alliance and formed a family relationship.

Who dares to offend her? Who would dare to let her be humiliated and crushed?

But today, this arrogant young man who treated Lu Mansion as his own home madly beat her precious son, chopped off his son's four fingers, and made a special trip to the house to show him!

He is crazy!

Too **** crazy!

Feng Yun has never seen such a crazy person in her life!

"What do I want to do?"

Chu Yun didn't like Feng Yun's questioning very much.

He frowned and shook his head: "For the first time, your precious son took advantage of the power to kill me. Even if I cannot be sentenced to death, he is ready to let me enjoy decades of jail. Do you know this?"

"I am broad-minded and forgive him."

"The second time, he made me embarrassed in public at the Convention and Exhibition Center. He was pointed at the nose and scolded a soft rice man and was a waste of money. I could bear it too. I thought, Tangtang Lu Mansion, the pearl's top wealthy family, must be a little tutor, right? Someone taught him what to do and what not to do, right?"

"The third time. He stopped messing with me. Instead, he started with my family."


Chu Yun took a deep breath of cigarette, and between his eyebrows, he was angry: "This time I am **** my aunt, trying to ruin her and force her to commit suicide by jumping off the building."

"What about next time?"

Chu Yun slowly raised his eyes.

In those dark and gloomy eyes, cold light flickered: "My sister-in-law? My parents-in-law? Or my wife?"

"Feng Yun. What do you want me to do?"

Chu Yun squeezed out the cigarette **** in his hand, and a real coercion surged: "I gave him a chance! Give it twice!"

"I also gave you Lu Mansion a chance! Similarly, I gave it twice!"

"But you didn't teach Lu Changqing how to behave! No one told him--"

"What are the consequences of provoking me, Chu Yun!"

"You don't teach! I will help you teach!"

"You don't tell him the consequences!"

"I let him experience it by himself!"

In the hall, there was no sound.

Feng Yun was furious, and her body trembled violently.

She covered her injured wrist, her expression resentful and bloodless.

"All bullshit! Shit!"

Feng Yun gritted his teeth and said in a cold voice, "My Lu family, Feng family, must break your body into pieces!"

"Welcome anytime." Chu Yun grinned. Like a demon, the fierce light is revealed. "However, I still suggest you wait for Lu Yueting. He is not here, this scene is not complete."

"Wait for me?"


A powerful but extremely suppressed voice sounded.

Lu Yueting strode forward, and the tigers and tigers are in the wind.

When Lu Changqing's five fingers were severed, he immediately ordered to go to the hospital.

But within two minutes of walking, I received a call from the housekeeper again.

This arrogant Chu Yun dared to run to the Lu Mansion!

He held back all the way, forbeared all the way.

At this moment, he finally saw Chu Yun who had upset the Lu Mansion!

An ugly, but cruel Chu family wild species!

"Wait for me to kill you myself!?"

With a low Lu Yueting is like a tiger descending from the mountain, murderous!

Chu Yun leaned back slightly and leaned on the sofa.

He seemed to easily digest the terrifying pressure released from Lu Yueting.

I even ignored the group of bodyguards in suits holding their guns!

The expression was indifferent, and the corners of his lips were slightly raised. Sarcastically said: "Seeing you look like a dog, how can you teach such a trash?"

This Lu Yueting is a personal thing.

The aura is strong, and he doesn't move.

More faintly familiar breath. The hidden strong breath!

"Don't bother." Lu Yueting's eyes were full of coldness, and the railway was cut firmly. "Shoot. Kill him!"

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