Close Mad Son-in-law

Chapter 1351: Grandma Xiao!

The Chu family has a queen.

Chu Zhongtang no longer worried about Chu Yun's life or death.

At least not as worried as before.

If you die, you die.

No matter how good the heroes of Chu are trained.

Compared with Chu Yun. When the hero of Chu was born, he received all the love, it was a great difference.

How did Chu Yun spend this life?

He had no father and no mother since he was a child, and the strictness of his grandfather was beyond the harshness of normal elders.

Even the second uncle Chu Zhongtang rarely gave him a good face. It's like an old-fashioned, rigid elder. Very indifferent.

Although he was born into a wealthy family, he has never experienced the lavish experience brought by a real wealthy family.

Even ordinary people receive far more family care than Chu Yun.

And this is what Chu Yun didn't want his daughter to experience.

Chu Yun had to help her daughter avoid everything.

Fortunately. Chu Yun would not be a too strict father, and even from Su Mingyue's point of view, he would be a daughter slave who loved his daughter so much.

Reluctant to fight, reluctant to scold, even if the tone is a little harder, I probably won't say it.

After Chu Hero was born.

Yanjingcheng talked a lot.

Some people believe that the birth of Chu heroes directly determined the status of the first daughter in the capital.

No one can compare, and no one can compete with her.

Because her mother is the richest woman in Beijing. Especially after she made a big fuss in New York and became the president of the China Chamber of Commerce. Her popularity and reputation once aspired. Reached the height of nothing.

And her father, although he didn't have any actual status or position.

But in Yanjing City, in Mingzhu City, he is the master of one thing. They are all roles that no one dares to provoke.

Anyone who thinks about him badly will end up dying!

And as the fourth generation of the Chu family.

As the grand niece of Chu Zhongtang. From the birth of Chu Hero to the next three days, Chu Zhongtang's mood was so good that even the shadow could not be understood.

"This is Chu Yun's daughter. It is the true descendant of the Chu family. What does it have to do with Chu Zhongtang? As for being so excited, so excited?" This is the shadow of the belly.

Xu Jixia was also puzzled.

He felt that the big boss was more excited than he had a granddaughter.

It's really unnecessary.

But from the side, the two basically obtained a piece of information.

Chu Zhongtang loved this grand niece far more than Chu Yun and even his biological son Chu Shaohuai!

And this kind of love relationship, the two are not surprised.

Even Chu Shaohuai had a banquet in his circle of friends for three days. Warmly celebrate his newborn niece.

The Tokyo imperial family sent a gift.

The European Manor also sent a generous gift.

Even in New York, Miss Katie, the heir to the Chakel family, one of the world's four largest giants, gave her a special gift. For Chu Yun's happiness, she sent her blessings exclusively.

"The first daughter in the capital?"

A certain important person in Yanjing City sighed: "This battle, this scale, is said to be the world's first gold medal, is it too much?"

Yes it is.

The birth of Chu heroes not only whispered in the upper class.

Among the ordinary people, it has also become an after-dinner conversation.

After all, Su Mingyue is not an ordinary woman. She is the most popular rich woman in China's business circle.

And Chu Yun, although everyone is not familiar with his appearance. But his deeds are like rumors.

Heroes of Baicheng.

The hero of the Pearl City.

As a former military **** of war, Chu Yun's popularity and reputation are naturally not low.

Magazines and newspapers, including the Internet, are scrambling to discuss the birth of the capital's first daughter.

It also gave a great blueprint for her future.

A week after Chu Hero was born.

The Chu Yun family of three finally went home.

The home is big enough.

But Yuesao brought only one person back.

For nothing else, Su Mingyue likes quietness and doesn't like a lively environment.

Besides, she had a natural birth, and recovered for a week after giving birth without any particularly obvious symptoms. Except for going to the confinement center every few days for rehabilitation, she is not busy.

There is a sister-in-law who handles some basic care work, and the Su family did not become a parent for the first time.

You know, Chu Yun is idle and doing nothing every day. He can take over everything at home, big and small.

This night.

After feeding the top beam, he came to the function room.

Chu Yun was lying exhausted and drinking tea on the Grand Master's chair. Seeing Dingliang came over, busy getting up and taking care of Dingliang sitting down.

"With children, my family status seems to have improved." Su Mingyue is also not polite. He sat down with a smile on his lips.

Frankly speaking, Chu Yun has been very tired recently.

She is more tired.

I won't talk about it during the day. Being awake is awake anyway. It was outrageous at night.

Basically every two hours, he had to breastfeed Chu Hero. Not to mention a good night’s sleep, it’s difficult to even have a comfortable meal.

In this regard, Dingliang took great care of Chu Yun, and since she had a child, she took the initiative to sleep with Chu Yun in a separate room. In order to make Chu Yun give up, Dingliang even added a bed in the master bedroom and let the auntie Yuesao move in. He also lost the thought of struggling.

"You can't say that." Chu Yun said solemnly. "When there are no girls, don't you always have the final say in this home?"

"Obviously not." Su Mingyue pursed her lips.

Chu Yun rolled his eyes: "You will have to install a monitor in your home in the future. So that there is no lack of evidence."

Chu Yun brought a cup of nutrition and handed it to Su Mingyue.

Then stood behind the top beam and rubbed her shoulders: "Recently I have received a lot of big red envelopes, and also received a lot of expensive gifts. The mess outside is all discussing our girls. I was thinking, this kind of living environment will Will not turn the hero into an arrogant girl."

"Can't we really change the name of the girl?" Su Mingyue sighed. "The hero really doesn't sound good."

"On this issue, don't discuss it with me again. I don't accept any opinions." Chu Yun said firmly.

"I just said that this family listens to me." Su Mingyue played with it. "I can't feel it at all."

"Other than that, it's all up to you." Chu Yun corrected. "The girl's name must be my decision."

Su Mingyue smiled and didn't struggle any more.

Heroes of Chu are indeed masculine. But it did not reach the point where Su Mingyue was suffering. What Chu Yun said is what he said. She didn't struggle anymore.

While still in the hospital.

Xiao Ru came to see it once.

Very low-key, even very mysterious.

After I took a look at my granddaughter, she didn't stay for long before she disappeared from the world.

So far, Chu Yun hasn't contacted Xiao and really complied with the sentence: Shenlong sees the beginning and ends.

This is Xiao Ruye.

An extremely irresponsible. When a mother is like this, being a grandmother is the same.

However, to Chu Yun's similar evaluation, Xiao Ruye's answer was clean and neat: "I can be responsible. Give me your daughters and I will bring them to the castle to raise them. It's definitely better than what you cultivated."

Chu Yun believed.

Su Mingyue did not dare to be presumptuous in front of Xiao Ruyi.

But no matter how good you cultivate, how can you compare with staying with your parents?

Ding ding.

Early the next morning.

Chu Yun was awakened by a harsh telephone ringing.

Looking at the caller ID, it was Xiao Ruye.