Close Mad Son-in-law

Chapter 1476: I do not mind!

Chu Zhongtang was speechless during the run.

He can see it too.

Xiao Ru must know more than himself. Including this peak matchup against the younger generation.

But she would not say.

Nor will I reveal too much secrets to myself.

Thought for a while. Chu Zhongtang only left a sentence in the end: "If your son dies, you won't be recognized by the Chu family in your life."

After all, he did not give Xiao Ru a chance to fight back.

Just hung up the phone.

Xiao Ru saw this, but the corners of his lips were playful.

Not recognized by the Chu family?

She Xiao Ru is, does the Chu family need to approve it?

Even if it was facing the old man of the Chu family back then.

Xiao Ruye didn't have the slightest timidity.

I never thought that I would definitely need to get the approval of the Chu family.

She smiled.

Smiles seem harmless to humans and animals. But it is full of playfulness.

"Master, you should get up." Butler John's calm voice came from outside the door.

Xiao Ru heard the words, put down his phone, got up and said, "I see."

She should indeed get up.

She has another appointment this morning.

The date is not someone else, it is Li Beimu.

One rarely shows up. But the powerful man who appeared in front of Xiao Ru several times.

The meeting this time was not for anything else. It was the peak matchup that was happening.

They went fishing on a luxury cruise ship.

The cruise ship drove to the center of the sea and then started fishing.

This kind of life is in line with Xiao Rushi's identity.

Only the rich can do this kind of low-nutrition, but expensive thing.

The sun rises into the sky.

The sea was sparkling.

Xiao Ru put sunscreen on his smooth face.

He even wore a peaked cap on the top of his head.

Covered half of her face perfectly.

Fishing is a meticulous job. It is a test of patience and concentration.

Xiao Ru has a lot of time to enjoy life.

She is also a very patient woman.

At least in enjoying life, she is very patient.

So her skill in fishing is more profound than Li Beimu. Also more sophisticated.

"How sure are you with your son?" Li Beimu asked calmly.

Between words, there is no so-called temptation.

Even if Xiao Ru didn't answer.

"How about you?" Xiao Ru asked rhetorically.

"I don't care." Li Beimu said lightly.

Immediately make this meeting weird.

As his father, Li Beimu said it didn't matter.

And such a sentence immediately gave him an advantage.

Would Xiao Ru be indifferent?

It doesn't matter if she acts enough in front of Chu Zhongtang.

But it is difficult for her to say such a thing in front of Li Beimu.

Even if she is allowed to act, even if she can act realistically enough.

She didn't want to, she didn't want to do it.

"It really doesn't matter. Why are you still looking for me?" Xiao Ru said lightly.

"I just care about things after this duel." Li Beimu said. "We are partners and allies. At least in this matter, so."

"I want to know your plans for the future, what are your plans. Or whether it has been arranged." Li Beimu said calmly.

"I only care about this battle now." Xiao Ru asked rhetorically after turning around. "Do you think my son can kill your son?"

"Have a chance." Li Beimu nodded slightly. "But the opportunity is not as big as you expected."

"Do you think you can understand the situation better than me?" Xiao Ru said with squinting eyes. "Do you think you have a deeper understanding of martial arts than mine?"

"I'm indeed not as good as you in theory." Li Beimu said calmly. "I pay more attention to practice."

Xiao Ru was silent for a moment.

She seemed to be thinking about something.

It seemed that something was being deduced.

Many thoughts surfaced in her mind.

And an analysis of the current situation.

She has faintly analyzed the whole situation thoroughly.

But deep in my heart, there is still a shadow.

And this shadow. It was not brought to him by the Chu family. It's not Li Beimu either.

It's—that man.

After a long meditation.

Xiao Ru slowly put away the fishing rod and asked, "If your son dies. What will you do?"

Li Beimu hasn't caught a fish yet.

He still fished patiently.

Although his fishing ability is average. But he has enough patience and determination.

He would not have any emotional fluctuations in his heart because he was facing the life and death battle between Li Zhanxian and Chu Yun.

"Are you asking about the future arrangements. Or is it just the handling of this matter?" Li Beimu asked calmly.

"What if I ask them all?" Xiao Ru asked rhetorically.

"If it's just the handling of this matter." Li Beimu shook his head. "I don't want to answer yet. Because there is no result after all."

"What about the future arrangements? How did you plan?" Xiao Ru asked.

"If it is your son who dies. My plan will be slightly hindered. If it is my son who dies, I should proceed more smoothly." Li Beimu said.

Xiao Ru narrowed his eyes slightly: "So it seems. Do you even want your son to die?"

"Nor." Li Beimu said, shaking his head. "He is alive. It is a relief to my emotions."

"Do you need emotional relief?" Xiao Ru asked.

"Not so much needed." Li Beimu said. "So whether he died or not, I have a good choice, and I have a reward."

"Listening to you, I think I am communicating with a beast." Xiao Ru said unceremoniously.

"There are a few more people who can really live like one person." Li Beimu said nonchalantly, speaking flatly.

"Wait." Xiao Ru slowly got up and said. "This fierce battle should be reluctant to end."

"It's not far." Li Beimu said. "From an objective point of view. My son's strength should be higher than your son."

"I know."

Xiao Ru turned around and walked towards the deck: "But my son, his name is Chu Yun."


Under the thunder and lightning.

The blade in Chu Yun's hand was slaying the fruit.

His fierceness and fierceness are beyond comparison by Li Zhanxian.

But at the moment.

Li Zhanxian's body broke out with ease and sharpness. It is unmatched.

These two top powerhouses of the younger generation are showing their own aura and dominance.

Knife, light and sword shadow sparks are everywhere.

The battle has already come to an end.

Chu Yun suffered several injuries.

Li Zhanxian was also hit hard once.

But the fighting spirit of the two is still surging and surging.

The determination of the two is still as stable as Mount Tai.

"The sword is out of its sheath." Li Zhanxian's sword stroked, bleeding water flowing between his fingers. His expression was extremely indifferent and cold. "It's time to see blood."


The long sword roared.

It was like a sword, covered with light of ten thousand meters.

In an instant. The long sword runs through the sun. If there are thousands of sword blades coming through the air.

Li Zhanxian arrived in the blink of an eye.

The battle of life and death should come to an end!