Close Mad Son-in-law

Chapter 1567: For this country!

Inside a small bungalow.

There was no sound.

When Old Xue said these lethal words in the most plain tone.

The old people in the living room had pale expressions and shook their bodies.

Red wall.

I don’t need you anymore!

If this sentence was spoken by anyone other than Xue Changqing.

They will definitely boycott.

And give it heavy revenge.

However, it was Xue Changqing who said this.

Is their immediate boss.

The most powerful man in the red wall.

Their hearts are still angry.

But they dare not say too much.

He didn't even dare to refute it face to face.

But even so.

They still raised their own objections.

"Old Xue. The existence of the Presbyterian Church is to arrange a place for our retired old people." It was still Old Xu who spoke.

He has been in the Presbyterian Church for almost fifteen years.

It is also the senator among the senators.

"Similarly, this is also the meaning of the existence of the Presbyterian Church." Old Xu said. "In the years we have retired. No one has ever felt that we are meaningless and worthless. And these years, we have been helping the country to make suggestions. We are working hard and fighting for a better tomorrow."

Old Xu seemed to have finished saying these words, even he himself was moved.

He moistened his eyes and stared directly at Xue Lao: "You tell us now that the red wall doesn't need us anymore? We are in the red wall, we have no value anymore?"

"Old Xue. It's not good to say. You will chill our hearts when you say that. It's more to kill the donkey." Old Xu said in a deep voice.

"Of course. What I can’t understand the most is that you don’t need us anymore for the Red Wall. It’s your evaluation from your own point of view. Or have you discussed it with someone? Or is it for national considerations. Or, it’s for you." Individual?" Old Xu's question became more and more fierce.

Who wants to cut his glory and wealth?

Who is his enemy.

Enemy of **** vengeance!

Even if it is Old Xue, he must struggle a bit and resist!

And what Old Xu said obviously represented the aspirations of all the members of the Presbyterian Church present.

They share the same hatred.

They were filled with righteous indignation.

They can't bear it and they can't understand it.

Why when they are old.

Why when they dedicated their lives to the Red Wall.

They lost their value and meaning to the Red Wall?

Red Wall, don't you need them anymore?

Even if you work in a company, you shouldn't be so cruel, right?

This will be given a moral judgment!

Will encounter an attack on the soul!

"The Red Wall doesn't need you anymore. But for the time being, I still need me." Old Xue said something more ruthless.

But what is said is also the truth.

"You have been in this red wall for too many years. Once, when the country needed to develop steadily. Your conservative attitude can indeed provide advice for this country and have a certain stability value." Xue Changqing uttered a word. To say. "But now, when the country needs to make great strides. Your set is outdated and outdated. It loses any meaning and value."

"You are here, it will drag down the rhythm of the country." Xue Changqing became sharper and more ear-piercing as she spoke. "It will slow down our country. It will also hinder the performance of those young people and hinder their thinking."

"So. Red Wall doesn't need you anymore. And you should really retire Lao Yang." Xue Changqing said calmly.

Old Xu was not convinced, nor reconciled.

Why are we left behind. What you still need for the Red Wall?

You Xue Changqing is here today, do you want to make a statement here?

What are you talking about?

They are not convinced, very unconvinced.

But they also know. These old guys who have retired for many years can't compete with Old Xue.

They have their own students.

Isn't Mr Xue?

Not only do they have, but they are also in important positions, even in high positions.

On influence. On power.

Together, they were no match for Xue Changqing.

But this does not affect their inner anger.

The atmosphere in the entire living room has also become very weird.

"Don't hold back." Xue Changqing said slowly. "Talk about your thoughts. Tell me about your attitude. This is not an order from me, but a sharing, a discussion. You can not follow what I said, you can use your own attitude to face the future."

Old Xu's expression changed abruptly upon hearing this.

He seemed to realize something.

Inexplicably asked: "Old Xue. I have a question, I hope you can tell us frankly."

"You ask." Xue Lao nodded slightly and took a sip of tea.

"Is Chong Lao's death related to you?" Old Xu stared at Xue Lao.

Want to judge whether he is telling the truth or lies.

I want to know whether his answer is true or false.

"Is it important?" Old Xue asked rhetorically.

"This determines our future plans and arrangements." Old Xu nodded heavily. "Very important."

If it's true.

Then they will regard Xue Lao as their number one enemy.

If it is fake-they will start anew.

"I didn't do it." Xue Lao shook his head lightly.

"alright, I understand."

After saying this, Old Xu stood up slowly, and then bowed deeply to Old Xue: "Old Xue. Thank you for your cultivation and support over the years. But now and in the future, I don't think I can walk with you anymore. Again. Or rather—you kicked me out."

After saying this, Old Xu turned and left.

The remaining people.

Also said something similar to Old Xu.

But in the end, they all chose to leave

It seems.

It was Xue Lao who gave up on them.

It can be seen from the current scene. But it seemed that Old Xue was guilty of public anger and was abandoned by these old people.

"You have always been taboo to commit anger." He Sanchong said, pursing his lips.

He has followed Xue Lao since he was a child.

I have learned a lot of Xue Lao. Including doing things for others.

But this time.

Elder Xue did something contrary to his life law.

He was offended by the crowd.

The price is that he was abandoned by everyone.

"I never mind committing public anger." Xue Lao lit the cigarette again. "The premise is, what I do can bring to this country."

"This time, do you want to bring great significance to this country?" He Sanchong asked hesitantly.

He didn't understand all Xue Lao's thoughts.

He just guessed something vaguely.

But for these and ruin all of myself.

Is it really worth it for Xue Lao?

He has done his best for the country in his life.

It's coming, and still use your own evening festival to fight for the last one?

Is it really worth it?

Really, is this necessary?

The current old man Xue, everyone betrayed their relatives.

There seems to be nothing left.

Could it be that in Xue Lao's heart, he can ignore all the worldly affections?

Just for, this country?

"The significance is significant. The significance is far-reaching." Xue Lao said categorically. "For this, I can give everything I have."

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