Close Mad Son-in-law

Chapter 170: I will kill him!

Ye Shou's weather is appalling. Stride forward.

Professor Ye stepped forward calmly and stopped Chu Yun behind him.

"Dad. This matter has nothing to do with Chu Yun-pop!"

Without warning.

Ye Shoutian's slap like a fan came over.

On the spot, he fell on Professor Ye's elegant and noble face.

The seductive red lips overflowed with blood, shocking.

"Unfilial daughter!" Ye Shoutian asked in a cold voice. "Who gave you the courage to drive away the guests!?"

"Who gave you the courage to be the enemy of the entire Pearl City!?"

This scene made Cao Wanqiu both distressed and moved.

Has the daughter finally fallen in love?

Willing to be the enemy of Chu Yun and the whole city.

Ye Xuanjun lit a cigarette. Did not pass. His complexion was extremely complicated.

Although he had been in the military for many years, he was born in the Ye Mansion after all. Naturally, there is no way to understand the tactics of the upper class.

What the little girl did tonight is indeed wrong. And all the celebrity tycoons in Pearl City were offended. This not only damaged her own image, but also pushed Ye Mansion to the edge of the cliff, precariously.

She did it wrong. A slap in the face of my father deserves it.

However, a mistake is a mistake, and the support still has to be supported. Moral support.

"Dad, you are getting older."

Professor Ye touched his swollen face, wiped the blood stains on the corners of his lips, and said, "You don't understand the love of young people."

She slowly raised her eyes and stared at Ye Shoutian without fear: "For the man you like, don't talk about being an enemy of Pearl City."

"How about being an enemy of the world?"

"Bastard stuff!"

Ye Shouweather's brain exploded.

Raising his hand to slap again.

"The slap just now, I thought you were confused." Professor Ye narrowed his eyes, showing no sign of dodge. "You fight again. You are deliberately hurting people. It is sinister intentions."

"What kind of temper is Chu Yun? What means. Dad, you have seen it before. I don't need to say more, right?"

Ye Shouweather smiled.

Really dumbfounding!

This daughter is really spoiled! No respect, lawlessness!

What happened when I slapped you twice? Are you going to let the wild man outside get revenge on me?

"Listen to you, I'm going to hit you again. Are you ready to let Chu Yun clean up me?" Ye Shouweather's liver hurts.

If you want to commit a mess for a young, talented, and noble man, it's fine.

This Chu Yun is arrogant and arrogant. It's a **** married person!

Can you Ye Xue be self-focused? Regardless of your image, can you consider the reputation of Xia Ye Mansion?

Professor Ye didn't say a word, and looked back at Chu Yun.

"What do you see me doing?" Chu Yun frowned. "I'm so heavy, I really beat your dad to the lack of arms and legs. Can you accept it?"

"Forget it."

Professor Ye said lightly: "You go. I have to celebrate my grandpa's birthday."

Chu Yun didn't hesitate, turned around and left.


Ye Shoutian was furious: "You have caused such a big incident in my Ye Mansion, and you want to leave?"

Chu Yun stopped. He calmly said: "You can't beat me, you can't beat me. Scolded, you are not my opponent either. What do you think you can do to me?"

Ye Shoutian was stunned.

He has lived for most of his life, and he has never seen a young man more arrogant than Chu Yun! I haven't seen the old one!

Tonight, he has really learned a lot!

The living room fell silent.

Ye Shoutian seemed to be punching in the draft, thinking of a fatal blow, and made Chu Yun speechless.

But after three minutes of contemplation, he did not find inspiration.

So he gave up.

With a trembling hand, he clicked on a cigarette, and Ye Shoutian stood less than one meter away from Chu Yun. Try to keep yourself calm: "You are offended by the crowd."

"I was shocked." Chu Yun also lit a cigarette. The look was plain.

"You also tired my daughter. Including Ye Mansion!" Ye Shoutian said in a deep voice. "If you are a bit responsible, you should come up with a solution."

"You don't want me to kowtow to Xiao Jia to apologize, do you?" Chu Yun let out a puff of smoke.

Under the smoky green smoke, his faint grin made him look particularly hideous.

"At least it must be calmed down." Ye Shoutian pursed his lips. Said slowly. "The grandfather's birthday is to stabilize the situation. If you do it well, you will spoil the situation when you come up. Not only is the situation chaotic, but the city is full of troubles."

Ye Shoutian was born to Ye Laosheng.

Also gave birth to a magnificent Professor Ye.

If he had no brains, he would be a foolish man. Either Ye Lao picked it up, or the top of his head was green.

Chu Yun was violent in public. Instead of stopping, the old man went upstairs alone.

what does that mean?

It's not that the old man can't live in town, but that he doesn't want to control it!

This is tantamount to acquiescing in disguise to Chu Yun's behavior in Ye Mansion!

Ye Shoutian will be angry and angry because of this, but he can bear it.

What he couldn't accept was that his daughter turned out to be an enemy of Pearl City for Chu Yun!

People have a family and a wife, why do you have a hot face and a cold butt?

The eldest son Ye Xuanjunzhi is not here, and sooner or later Ye Mansion will rely on her to steer. Such as this year, he offended the Mancheng tycoon at a young age. As soon as the old man leaves, as soon as he retreats, who can help her?

The group of big guys who were offended by her will not secretly make trouble and kill her with disgust, calculate?

The situation completely exceeded expectations. He hoped that Chu Yun would do something.

No matter what, I went to the Xiao family to apologize. Or go with him to the Pearl Chamber of Commerce to win forgiveness. Anything is fine, but you can't just leave!

"Okay." Chu Yun shook his head lightly, pursing his lips. "To put it bluntly. It is to stabilize the situation in Pearl City. Everyone has a good year with peace. Right?"

Although the words are rough, Daniel is such a reason.

Ye Shoutian nodded his head carefully: "You need to be able to come up with a feasible plan. I will personally come out to wipe your butt. This is all done!"

"I don't like to owe favors." Chu Yun pinched out the cigarette in his hand. Slowly took out the phone.

He wanted to do it in one go, but he had no choice but to call Xiao Fei.

"Do you have Xiao Fei's phone?" Chu Yun handed the phone to Professor Ye.

The latter fell silent and asked, "Call him?"

"Hit." Chu Yun nodded.

Professor Ye dialed Xiao Fei's phone and returned the phone to Chu Yun.

Ye Shoutian also became a little nervous.

Instinct told him that it was difficult for this kid to apologize. It's a fantasy.

But since he is willing to make this call. At least there is sincerity.

No, I should join the chat later to ease the emotions of both parties.


Before long, the call was connected.

What sounded was a calm and angry "

Chu Yun couldn't hear it. Ye Shoutian knew that this person was Xiao Fei's father. The city tycoon Xiao is very famous.

"Me. Chu Yun." Chu Yun looked indifferent.

In his tone, he was not sincere.

"Do you still dare to call me!?" Xiao Muming roared abruptly.

"I don't want to. But someone asked me to calm it down. Let everyone have a good year." Chu Yun's tone was flat. Between the eyebrows, there was a strong hostility suddenly rising. "I'll let you know. Twenty-four hours, whether you arranged for Xiao Fei to go abroad or hide in the deep mountains and old forests. It's only twenty-four hours. The time is up."

"I will kill him."

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