Close Mad Son-in-law

Chapter 174: I treat you the same!

Boom boom.

Chu Yun looked calm and knocked on the front yard door.

He seemed very polite, but he just didn't want to hide his murderous intentions.

The fact that there was no killing in Ye Mansion was to leave a thin face for this decent society. I don't want the reputation to be too bad and make people around me unhappy.

There was a knock on the door, but no one answered and no one opened the door.

Chu Yun put away his politeness and pushed the door open with one hand.


The front yard was silent, and even the hazy moonlight was hidden behind the dark clouds.

As soon as he stepped into the villa, Chu Yun smelled murderous intent. And in more than one place.

"If I arrange a hundred or even two hundred gunmen here!"

In the darkness, an almost furious voice sounded.

Soon, a figure appeared. Standing in the front yard, blocking Chu Yun's path.

"Do you still dare to come in!?" The middle-aged man's eyes were torch. "Are you sure to leave alive!?"

His name is Xiao Mu Ming.

The father of the dying man Xiao Fei.

In Mingzhu, he is not humble, even strong.

Perhaps there is no such top wealthy scenery as Ye Mansion Lu Yueting. But Han Daoren and Mo Qingfeng's generation could not restrain him either.

But after all, he chose to abscond from Yanjing. Hide in this deserted villa.

There is no doubt that he attaches great importance to Chu Yun, even scared.

Chu Yun stopped and said flatly, "Get out of the way."

"I'm asking you! Are you sure to leave alive!?" Xiao Muming roared, grimly.

"Your grievances with me, wait until Xiao Fei is dead."


I don't know when, a dark red blade appeared in Chu Yun's hand. The appearance is unpretentious, but murderous!

Today, he came to kill Xiao Fei, and it has nothing to do with Xiao's family.

Chu Yun took two steps forward, a suffocating pressure that seemed to be real.

Rao is Xiao Muming, and his expression has changed abruptly, and it is difficult to eliminate it.

"Chu Yun! Let my son make a living!" Xiao Muming said with a sharp turn, gritted his teeth. "I give you all my wealth! Enough for you to squander a lifetime's wealth!"

Facing the attractive conditions offered by Xiao Muming, Chu Yun didn't stop.

The dagger in his hand is shining with red light!

"Are you insulting me?" Chu Yun walked calmly, with a looming horror spirit lingering around him.

He didn't hide, he was just waiting.

Waiting for the master who sits here to show up.

"Or insult yourself?"

Chu Yun asked back: "Xiao Muming, if I were you."

"I will kill him myself. Because he is not worthy to live."

"Should he die? It's not your turn, Chu Yun, to call the shots!"

Xiao Muming trembled with excitement.

The cold light in the eyes burst: "Chu Yun! You're so **** bluffing here!"


Xiao Muming's movements are sophisticated, and he drew the gun hidden in his waist.

It's just that the gun in his hand hasn't been held firmly yet.

It was suddenly black in front of you!

A gloomy wind blows across his face. Chu Yun, who was at least five meters away from him, suddenly stood in front of him.

As if teleported from five meters away. Didn't even touch the ground!

"I won't kill you. It's because you don't know. I also consider your feelings about being a father."

The knife in Chu Yun's hand slowly opened Xiao Muming's muzzle. Thin lips opened slightly and said: "You will protect him again. I regard you as the same sin."


With the blade passing, the gun in Xiao Muming's hand was cut in two on the spot!

The fracture is as smooth as soft tofu, which shows the sharpness of a knife and the cutting of iron like mud!

Xiao Muming felt the terrifying murderous intent erupting from Chu Yun.

That is a fear that invades the bones and originates from the depths of the soul!

He was sweating profusely and his pupils shrank violently!

He knew that Chu Yun wanted to kill him easily and effortlessly.

There are big beads of sweat on his forehead, and his whole person seems to be wrapped in a breath of death, and he is pressed step by step, and the pressure is so suffocating!

Go around two steps.

Chu Yun continued to move forward.

He was less than five meters away from the main building of the villa.

Xiao Muming, who was left behind, stiffened, but when Chu Yun was about to enter the door, he roared, "You haven't shown up yet!?"

This roar, hoarse, hysterical.

The anxiety and anxiety in my heart have reached their limits.



Seven or eight black shadows seemed to fall from the sky, standing around Chu Yun's body.

Their auras swelled, and wisps of murderous intent came with the wind, wrapping up Chu Yun!

"kill him!"

Xiao Muming screamed: "One billion per person!"

The black shadow rushes like a jackal, with lightning and flint, revealing its murderous intent!

They are all masters.

The master of the master!

These seven or eight people, each of them can be one enemy to ten, killing people like trying to get something.

They joined forces this time and attacked brazenly, leaving no room at all!

But they castrate fiercely.

The fallen ones are even more crisp.

One knife.

Two dollars.

Seven or eight dollars!

Chu Yun is like a **** of death from hell, deadly with swords and extremely bloodthirsty!


When the last black shadow was hit in the head with a knife, blood splashed on the spot.

Chu Yun turned around and took that steady step.

Slowly approached the door.

Squeak. The door opened.

In the brightly lit hall, there was a man and a woman sitting on a sofa.

The man, it was Xiao Fei who was covered with scars and showed horror on his face.

The woman is a middle-aged woman. Xiao Fei's biological mother, Zhou's.

Chu Yun pushed the door and entered. The knife in his hand was dripping blood.

His face was frosty, his eyes gloomy. The body seemed to be covered with a devilish breath, hideous and desperate.

"Are you ready?" Chu Yun opened his thin lips slightly, and his voice was extremely cold.

Xiao Fei's body trembled, and a deep fear appeared in his eyes: "Why? I have enemies with you? Why do you want to kill them all?"

"You **** it." Chu Yun's expression was cold. "It's time to go to hell."


Zhou suddenly stepped forward and knelt in front of Chu Yun.

She restrained the almost collapsed emotions and pleaded: "Chu Yun, I can die for him! You killed me! Will you let my son go?"

Chu Yun didn't squint, or even looked down at Zhou's.

He bypassed his body and walked straight towards Xiao Fei who was in despair.

His face is full of ruthlessness.

The knife in his hand, Hanguang mastered it.

"Chu Yun! Kill me, can you run away!?" Xiao Fei was struggling to death.

He saw it.

Chu Yun was determined to kill, and begging for mercy was useless!

"Reserve some strength to enjoy death." Chu Yun approached step by step. "You won't die too easily."

Xiao Fei was panicked and his face was full of horror.


Xiao Mu Mingxing ran into the villa hurriedly, watching Chu Yun carry the knife towards his son. His liver and gallbladder were torn apart, and he was desperate for life.

"Chu Yun! Do you dare to kill my son! I will smash you to pieces!" Xiao Muming roared.

On the other hand, Chu Yun turned a deaf ear.

He slowly stood in front of Xiao The knife in his hand dropped high.

But while hanging in the air, he suddenly realized something.

Turning his head politely, he glanced at the painful and desperate Xiao Muming couple.

"Turn around, don't look back. The next picture is not suitable for parents."

The blade rises and falls.

Xiao Fei's left hand was cut off, and blood spurted out.

"This knife, Jing Qijun."

When Xiao Muming and his wife witnessed this scene, they couldn't help but tumbling with blood, and their hair was terrified.

He Chu Yun not only wanted to kill Xiao Fei, but also Ling Chi! ?

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