Close Mad Son-in-law

Chapter 259: Aunt wants to see you more!

Staring at the back of Chu Yun leaving. Li Fu was not angry.

He talked to Chu Yun, which was just a test.

Whether he can persuade Chu Yun, he has no confidence at all.

Sighing, Li Fu made a call.


A magnetic and steady voice rang from the other end of the phone.

"I've talked about it. He doesn't save face." Li Fu smiled bitterly. "Also let me stand aside and watch."

"My personal suggestion is. If you can find the man behind the scenes more quickly than him. You can just turn your face with him. Or I can apply for the privilege to monitor him 24 hours a day. Control his actions."

The magnetic voice sounded again. It sounds like it is helping Li Fu.

But Li Fu listened strangely. A bit ashamed.

"He is the young commander of Shenlongying. How could I be more executive than him." Li Fu said helplessly.

"Then you have nothing to do in your spare time, and run to provoke his authority." The magnetic voice asked rhetorically. "Defaming his faith?"

Li Fu sighed: "He was only doing things in Mingzhu before, and it didn't affect our Yanjing. This time, he directly killed the Jin family. The impact is too great. We will be criticized."

"First of all, the Jin family has nothing to do with him. Second, if you are afraid of being criticized, I will help you write a resignation application. You will not be criticized when you go home to farm."

The voice on the other side of the phone gradually became severe.

"Boss Fu. Are you familiar with Chu Yun? Too partial, right? I am your soldier." Li Fu complained.

When the subordinates are deflated. Even if the boss is not in his early days, he is still in the yin and yang, falling into trouble. Too unkind, right?

"Unfamiliar. But if you're well-regarded. He counts as my teacher." Boss Fu on the other end of the phone said calmly.

Li Fu suddenly said, "Is that your secret training for half a year?"


Li Fu was incredulous: "Chu Yun actually became a teacher for you? That's too outrageous? As far as I know, he didn't graduate from junior high school.

"As far as I know." Fu's voice is magnetic, but very calm. "If he does not retire, the military department is going to train him into a weapon of the country. The future level must be higher than you and me."

"But he is just a soft meal now." Li Fu played the taste.

"You try to eat your wife's soft rice. See if she will divorce you." Mr. Fu said concisely.

Li Fu raised his eyebrows and said: "My seven-foot man, I don't bother to eat soft rice!"

"I'll be back after the end." Boss Fu gave an order. "On Chu Yun's side, the above means to open one eye and close one eye. Don't toss about it. Don't bother me. My family, Fu Wanqing, is an official background. The family has a high level of requirements. Unlike you, you are mixed. At the division level, you can return to your hometown in splendor. In Fu's family, this level dare not even speak loudly."

Li Fu curled his lips. Hung up the phone in a perfunctory manner.


As soon as he left the hotel, Chu Yun saw the Mercedes-Benz whose license plate was very familiar.

The parking position of the car is very aggressive. It happened to block Chu Yun's path. He had no choice and had to bite the bullet and get into the car.

"Brother. Are you okay?"

Chu Shaohuai, who was sitting in the passenger seat, said with concern.

"Pretend." Chu Yun didn't squint, pretending not to see Chu Hongye sitting on the side. "Aren't you going to send your lover one last time?"

Chu Shaohuai's face was green. Almost backed it.

"My aunt and I both suspect that the last person Jin Xifeng saw during his lifetime was her husband." Chu Shaohuai shifted the topic to Chu Hongye. The right should retaliate.

"He wants to go to the morgue to bid farewell alone?" Chu Yun said with a serious face. "I haven't seen you so affectionate before? It's kind of ritual."

Chu Shaohuai couldn't hold it anymore.

"Brother. Even if you are tricked by someone, don't vent your anger with me." Chu Shaohuai pouted.

Chu Yun took out the cigarette case. He glanced tentatively at Chu Hongye. Then click on it.

"Auntie. Brother is too crazy. You dare to smoke in your car." Chu Shaohuai provoked a divorce. "As long as you have a word, I will smoke him immediately."


Chu Yun slapped his head and said, "I'm thirsty. Buy a bottle of water for Brother."


Chu Shaohuai got off the car unhappy. Looked at and ran into the hotel.

Chu Kuang is less famous in the Forty-Nine cities. There are not many close friends around. Jin Xifeng counts as one. Now the hotel was tragically killed, and even the entire Jin family was destroyed.

"Is he emotionally stable?" Chu Yun took a cigarette. Asked.

"What does it matter to you?" Chu Hongye asked back.

The death of Jin Xifeng has nothing to do with Chu Yun. It is purely self-blame.

But in the face of Chu Shaohuai, he clasped his upper body.

"This kid cherishes the friendship with Jin Xifeng." Chu Yun frowned.

"He is not a child. You can't protect him for a lifetime." Chu Hongye opened her red lips slightly. "This bit of ups and downs can't stand it. What's the difference between it and waste?"

Chu Yun swallowed smoke and said, "You are also responsible."

Chu Hongye said nothing. Indifferent sitting in the carriage.

"Who will he make friends with in the future? You check it out. How can you let him get along with Jin Xifeng for more than ten years?" Chu Yun pursed his lips.

"He is Chu Zhongtang's son. It's not mine." Chu Hongye's scarlet eyes flashed a cold color.

"Women are small-minded. It's hard to become a powerful weapon." Chu Yun curled his lips. I don't want to discuss this topic anymore.

"Is your wife big-hearted?" Chu Hongye cast a sideways glance at Chu Yun.

"Just don't let you smoke." Chu Yun threw the cigarette **** out of the car window. "Can you speak without yin and yang?"


Chu Hongye said lightly.

The driver heard the words and stepped on the accelerator.

Chu Yun didn't speak either. He knew that this woman was going to get rid of Chu Shaohuai and chat with himself alone.

"If you go home. Li Fu won't, and dare not talk to you." Chu Hongye said coldly. "What you want to do can be more convenient."

"It's okay now," Chu Yun said.

"It's been a long time to eat soft rice. Can't my waist stand up?" Chu Hongye turned around.

Chu Yun glared at Chu Hongye: "What do you know. This is sentimentality."

"When can you hide? Is three or five years enough?" Chu Hongye said calmly. "One day. You still have to face it."

"Then say it after three or five years." Chu Yun sighed. "It's so rare for us to see each other. Can't you say something I love? Do you know why I keep avoiding you? It's just that you don't speak well. It always puts pressure on me.

Chu Hongye was silent.

She is so temperamental that she can't change it.

The car drove all the way to Chunqiu Mansion.

But Chu Yun's face turned blue with fright: "Would you not want me to live in your house?"

" Hongye got out of the car.

Li Fu was the first.

Who can guarantee that no second or third person will come out to chat with Chu Yun?

The Jin family was wiped out. Although it has no absolute relationship with Chu Yun. But this nightmare. But it started from the day Chu Yun broke into Jin's house.

And live in Chunqiu Mansion.

Chu Yun was absolutely at ease.

No one in Sijiucheng dared to trespass into the Spring and Autumn Mansion. No one would offend the devil Chu Hongye for a Chu Yun.

"This reason is not enough." Chu Yun sat in the car and refused to get off.

"You are so handsome. You are more handsome than Chu Shaohuai. Auntie wants to look at you more." Chu Hongye said without changing his face, standing in front of the car door.