Close Mad Son-in-law

Chapter 320: The depth of the man!

"Why are you so polite?"

After Chu Yun took the seat, his attitude was very humble.

The top beam came from the idea of ​​colliding with overseas layout. Chu Yun wanted to eat a meal, so that was all.

Unexpectedly, Liang Guofei would have to "love" him. It's so thoughtful.

"Your old classmates get together. There must be endless topics. Didn't I come here to disturb you Yaxing."

The officials of Chu showed the temperament of the soft rice man to the fullest.

Even the tone is extremely sincere.

"Mr. Chu is serious." Liang Guo said with a smile. "You are Mingyue's husband. We can't neglect what we say."

"Don't be negligent. I had a good conversation with Zhou Yang. I also agreed to have a chance to go to New York to eat, drink and have fun." Chu Yun said seriously.

"You want to play with Zhou Yang?" Liang Guo pretended to be surprised. "Mr. Chu, don't you still not know what kind of behavior Zhou Yang is?"

"What character?" Chu Yun asked in confusion.

"In addition to work in New York, he spends most of his time obsessed with sensual places. In our circle, he is famous for playing and can play." Liang Guo sighed. "How can you still be a part-timer if you don't rely on his talent and knowledge? Mr. Chu. Don't let him lead you to damage."

It sounds like a bitter medicine.

In fact, it is an insinuation that Chu Yun and Zhou Yang are similar people. How can we talk together?

When Liang Guo said so, several other old classmates also joined in. He explicitly accused Zhou Yang of misbehavior and liked going to bad places.

This was to trample on Chu Yun and even ignore the friendship of his old classmates.

"President Liang, if you say that, I don't quite agree with it." Chu Yun said solemnly. "Isn't it normal for Zhou Yang to accompany clients to nightclubs for work? Everyone is a man, and you satirize Zhou Yang with this. Don't you be careful? Don't you be afraid of Zhou Yang's chills?"

Liang Guo didn't expect Chu Yun's skin to be so thick. Startled, he didn't refute anything at the moment.

His goal has been achieved. It even led to Chu Yun's very unfair attitude.

Say these in front of your wife, so you are not afraid to go home and kneel on the washboard?

Liang Guo tilted his head and glanced at Su Mingyue, pursing his lips and smiling: "Mingyue, your husband is really humorous."

"He is really funny." Su Mingyue nodded.

Liang Guo has a good life, and he has been immersed in the way of life since he was a child. I know that I can't take advantage of the victory at this moment, or I will fall behind.

As soon as the conversation turned, he began to talk about Su Mingyue's newly launched products.

The table of people also agrees with him. Targetedly pointed out some national conditions at home and abroad. Chu Yun was stunned when he heard it. I had to immerse myself in drinking and eating. So boring.

"Mingyue. I asked Jinlong’s top team to analyze your product. It is forward-looking and will transform the Internet shopping industry chain. However, there are two very serious drawbacks, or in other words, it is related to the overall situation. Conflict." Liang Guo said professionally.

"Oh." Su Mingyue nodded lightly.

I want to hear what Liang Guo means.

She is confident, self-confident to narcissism.

But she never resists new things. Nor does it work behind closed doors.

Participating in this class reunion this time is just to hear what new ideas these classmates who are overseas or work in multinational corporations have.

And Liang Guo is the representative of this group of students. He is also the person who stands in the highest position.

Su Mingyue will listen to his opinions attentively.

"First. Market changes in any period will violate the rights of vested interests. Your company's products have this problem. Once they are promoted on a large scale, they will form the mainstream of the shopping model. That group of outdated shopping models that have been replaced by you. A counterattack is bound to be launched."

Su Mingyue said flatly: "Any outdated concepts and models will sooner or later be eliminated by the times."

"That being said. But some people have the world, they must pay attention to humanity and sophistication." Liang Guo pursed his lips. "If you don't handle the multi-party relationship, this road will be very difficult. It may even fail."

After a short pause, Liang Guo began to administer the drug: "You tell me, I have heard the news. Several companies are ready to join forces to encircle you. It will make you hard to move."

"Even--" Liang Guo flashed his eyes. "Someone wants to buy your company at a low price."

"Why should I sell it?" Su Mingyue said calmly.

"They will not force buying. But it will make it difficult for you to continue to operate." Liang Guo said slowly. "Wait when you have a hard time, then buy it at a low price. At that time, you will be in a dilemma and you will definitely fall into a trough."

this time. Haven't waited for Su Mingyue to speak.

Chu Yun, with a nervous look, took the initiative to ask: "Mr. Liang. According to what you mean, our family Mingyue is guilty of a crime? And it is difficult to make a big difference in the business world?"

Liang Guo cleared his throat and said calmly: "There must be a countermeasure. But I want to eat this plump cake alone. Everyone will be unhappy."

"What countermeasure?" Chu Yun asked. It seemed that he seemed very worried about Su Mingyue's situation.

"Find a strong backer." Mr. Liang analyzed. "The backstage is hard enough. The funds are sufficient. All the problems will be solved."

Chu Yun nodded and asked, "Where can I find a strong backer?"

"It's right in front of you."

An old classmate said: "As the head of Jinlong Investment in China, Liang Guo handles billions of funds every year. With such a huge capital chain as the backing. No matter how big the problem is, it can be easily solved. Moreover. Everyone is an old classmate. Friendship is also there. We work more harmoniously together. There is no trust issue."

Liang Guo avoids suspicion: "Although Jinlong has a sufficient capital chain. I, the person in charge in China, does not have that much power to speak. We must have strong products and large enough prospects for the headquarters to provide funds."

After a pause, Liang Guo said slowly: “As for the second. It’s like the product you built by Mingyue. You can see the results if you try the water in China. But the overseas market is not that simple. Different countries have different national conditions and target users. The groups are also different. Once the progress is too slow, or if you are copied by others, there will be no way out if you want to file a lawsuit."

A group of old classmates on the table talked a lot, pushing a product that was originally full of potential and has already caused a hot topic in the China market to the edge of the cliff. It seems that if you make a mistake, you will be overwhelmed.

Faced with these many difficult problems. Su Mingyue's expression was light, she didn't seem to care about it. On the contrary, Chu Yun was very active and said seriously: "Listening to Mr. Liang, we must find a large group with sufficient resources in all aspects to back it up, so that our product will not die. Can we create the value that it should have? "

"That's what it means." Liang Guo nodded.

"Jinlong Investment has this strength?" Chu Yun asked is a long-established Wall Street investment group. The market value is nearly 20 billion U.S. dollars. The funds allocated to the Huaxia branch alone are close to 3 billion each year. "Liang Guo said in detail. "Jin Long definitely has this strength. "

"If Mingyue cooperates with you Jinlong——"

Before Chu Yun spoke, Liang Guo immediately shook his head and said, "Mr. Chu. I said this just to give Mingyue some constructive opinions. It's not about business. Today is a classmate gathering, not a business meeting."

Chu Yun panicked as soon as he heard it. The fragile psychology just wanting to find a backer is obviously not a big tool.

And Liang Guo's avoidance of suspicion is his professional insight into the current situation. But it shows a strong personality charm.

The depth of these two men is judged by each other.

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