Close Mad Son-in-law

Chapter 334: The value of existence!

When she hung up, Chu Yun frowned.

"What did Luo Yin go to do? Make a show? Show loyalty? Afraid you will expose his ugly behavior?" Chen Sheng asked bewildered.

Not to mention Chen Sheng, even Chu Yun was quite surprised.

Is it really as Chen Sheng said, come to show?

Stop by and see if you will expose him?

If this is the case, then Luo Yin would not be worthy of the title of King Pingnan.

"Follow the situation." Chu Yun pursed his lips.

Then closed his eyes and rested, waiting to arrive at the command center.

Because Chen Sheng had a ugly face, when he approached the command center, he handed the car to Chu Yun.

"Although it's not very useful. But you still have to cheer up." Chu Yun glanced at Chen Sheng.

"Understood." Chen Sheng nodded, expressing meaningfully. "So are you. The Shadow Group is with you."

Chu Yun was stunned. Not much to say. Just drove away.

The command center is arranged next to the city hall. A conference building with a larger venue.

Three floors high. Outside the door seemed to be peaceful.

But within one door is full of enthusiasm. Full of severe depressive breath.

The first floor is where instructions are given. Heads were rushing, and everyone looked nervous. Seeing Chu Yun a young man with a shameful appearance came in. No one noticed.

Chu Yun didn't ask herself to be boring, so she had to find someone to find out. Wandered around and was about to go up to the second floor. But I saw a few middle-aged men walking into the door with great vigor. The spirits are vigorous and the physique is tall and straight.

Headed by Baicheng business leader Luo Yin. The few middle-aged men who followed them looked different from ordinary people.

as predicted. As soon as these people walked in, there was someone to receive them. And lead straight to the second floor.

When passing the corner of the stairs, Luo Yin saw Chu Yun, who was dressed in plain clothes, and there was no accompanying Chu Yun by his side. His expression remained unchanged, and he did not go up to say hello. Run directly to the second floor.

The corner of Chu Yun's lips was playful. There is no hot face and cold ass.

Arrived on the second floor. A senior person in charge received Luo Yin. Surrounded by the corridor, there was a lot of discussion. It seems that the development of the situation is worse than expected.

And when Chu Yun came to the second floor. The aura suddenly changed.

Several cruel and stern soldiers strode forward. Headed by Kong Zhu, he approached Chu Yun straight.

After meeting, Kong Zhu saluted first. Then escorted Chu Yun into the command room. Encountered staff along the way, one after another gave way. Appears strong aura.

"What are they from?"

Luo Yin asked the person in charge who was with him.

"It's not from our local military district. It's a mysterious troop that came here by air. It's very temperamental and big. I was in the command room before patted the table. I accused us of doing things badly." The person in charge said with a curl of his mouth.

Luo Yin nodded and understood.

This group of people should be the Shenlong Camp shown in the information. A group of special forces with explosive combat effectiveness.

"Currently in a meeting?" Luo Yin asked casually.

"Yes. The situation is escalating. At present, there are news that at least five stores have dangerous goods. The above attaches great importance to it, and they are afraid that the situation will get out of control." The person in charge introduced. "I have to go in for the meeting in a while. When there is the latest development, I will notify Mr. Luo as soon as possible."

Upon hearing this, Luo Yin frowned slightly and said, "Can I attend the meeting?"

When the person in charge heard the words, he couldn't help being stunned: "What is Mr. Luo doing in this kind of meeting?"

first. Luo Yin is a business leader. It has nothing to do with this kind of incident.

Secondly. This meeting can be described as highly confidential. Not everyone can participate. Even if Luo Yin has a high position, he has a very high position in Baicheng. But if he wants to participate, he must first say hello. See if the leaders agree.

"I am a native of Baicheng. I have also received official support over the years. Now that Baicheng is in trouble, how can I just sit back and ignore it?" Luo Yin vowed. "As long as the authorities need it, whether it is to contribute money or effort. It is my duty, Luo Yin."

The person in charge appreciates Luo Yin's attitude.

Check it out. How else can someone succeed? Just this awareness, this accomplishment. Show your skills in times of crisis!

"I will report to my superiors. If there is no problem. Mr. Luo will go in with me." The person in charge said. Turn around and walk towards the conference hall.

After finding the leader to communicate. The other party was obviously stunned. But considering Luo Yin's influence in Baicheng, he finally chose to accept it.

quickly. Dozens of people gathered in the huge conference room.

The head of the military, the head of the police, and the leader of Baicheng University. The leaders of all departments are also here.

The situation has seriously escalated. In addition, it confirmed the prediction of Shenlongying. The leaders of Baicheng did not dare to be sloppy. Even part of the command was handed over to the Shenlong Camp.

After all, being an expert among experts is better than a leader who has not encountered a similar incident for many years in politics. The suddenness is too strong. The imminent reaction is very important.

"This is Chu Yun. The former Shenlong Camp commander. My former leader." Kong Zhu straightly introduced Chu Yun's identity to the person in charge of Baicheng.

Before that, the leader had known Chu Yun through colleagues from Mingzhu. Although the information is not sufficient. But since it can make Kong Zhu so in awe. Must be an expert-level elite.

"Hello, Mr. Chu." The leader took the initiative to shake hands.

Develop the theme of the meeting quickly.

Even Luo Yin's level of business tycoon. At the moment, there is not much right to speak. He even got a nod from the leader. Even the greetings are a bit of a waste of events.

"Currently, the number of stores in crisis has risen to seven." The responsible leader turned on the big screen and pointed the direction with a laser light. "We have researched. The seven stores are not necessarily connected. It should be random. Do you have any other ideas?"

While speaking, he looked at Chu Yun. I hope this expert can give some suggestions.

But Chu Yun, whose appearance is not good and young, really makes the leader afraid to give too much hope.

Anyway, he already has a plan, but if it doesn't work, he can only implement it.

Facing the inquisitive gaze of the leader, Chu Yun was totally in vain. It seems to be wandering.

Being ignored by Chu Yun, the leader was a little unhappy.

This is the expert that Major Kong invited? And the commander-in-chief of the former secret force?

Looks very lacking!

"Major Kong. We have communicated with him before. Do you think the preliminary plan of the city hall plan is feasible?" the responsible leader asked.

"Not feasible."

Chu Yun spoke without warning.

When he spoke, everyone was stunned.

I asked you just now, don't you say.

Now it is necessary to implement preventive filing, and you say it is not feasible.

Do something deliberately?

Many leaders showed unkind eyes. Obviously dissatisfied with Chu Yun's behavior.

Kong Zhu had no expression on his did not speak.

The preparatory plan of the City Hall is definitely not feasible.

This is because the preparation plans are the same when faced with crises in various places. And many plans were eliminated by the Shenlong Camp. They understand that they have also cooperated with many ** units.

The so-called preparation plan usually requires necessary sacrifices.

Kong Zhu knew. Chu Yun never made concessions in this regard, let alone compromised.

Every innocent life! They are all worthy of the life of Shenlongying soldiers!

This is the meaning of Shenlongying's existence!

Kong Zhu remembered these declarations in his heart and did not dare to forget.

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