Close Mad Son-in-law

Chapter 349: She wants to kill me!

Lying on a soft hospital bed, Luo Yin gave an exception to the media interview.

   His injury is not serious, and to a certain extent, this contest between him and Chu Yun is tacit understanding. Including the heavy damage to Chu Yun in the end, he didn't really do his best.

   The tacit understanding between them is to force Ye Lu out!

   They also knew that Ye Lu couldn't let his father and enemy die in the hands of others. Once Chu Yun was at an absolute disadvantage, Ye Lu was bound to emerge.

as predicted. Ye Lu appeared.

   carried him full of anger. I want revenge myself.

   But unfortunately, he still thought Chu Yun was too simple.

"Boss Luo, when you chose to enter the building. Have you ever considered that you are the richest man in Baicheng. This is very dangerous. If something goes wrong, it will cause huge losses to the Luo family and Baicheng?" a media interview said. .

   "The situation was critical at the time, and the group of mercenaries called me to enter the building. Otherwise, they would kill all the hostages in the building." Luo Yin said calmly. "If it were you, how would you choose? Is it to steal your life, or to fight for Baicheng?"

   These words, the answer is very decent.

   Even the group of media was deeply moved by Luo Yin.

"Boss Luo. What do you think of Chu Yun? His hands are covered with blood, and he is known as a murderous madman. The mercenaries asked you to kill him, you can release all the hostages. You give up. On the contrary, Chu Yun But chose to kill you and rescue the hostages."

   Some media asked: "The outside world is criticizing Chu Yun, thinking that his move is to make his reputation. It is basically to achieve his own reputation. Regardless of your life and death. Will you blame him for this?"

   Luo Yin heard this and said emotionally: "I think your wording is very inappropriate."

   As soon as he said this, the ward fell silent.

   "I don't want to kill him. First, I don't want my own person to beat my own person. Second, I don't want to bear the charge of a murderer. I don't want to be an executioner in front of the whole world." Luo Yin decisively cut the line. "On the contrary. Chu Yun didn't hesitate to choose to kill me. It was the real man who did it. In order to save the hostages, he didn't even care about his life and death. Would he care about his reputation?"

   Luo Yin's words made the atmosphere a bit embarrassing.

   This group of media came over, one is to promote Luo Yin's heroic actions. The second is to belittle Chu Yun. Let this great Baicheng hero stand up and denounce the murderous madness.

   Right now, Baicheng and even on the Internet, the voice of crusade against Chu Yun is becoming more and more intense. As if attacking him and accusing him, it became socially correct. Not scolding him is a trampling on human nature and morality.

  What does the media want? Of course it is a topic. Is the flow. It's heat.

   came to interview Luo Yin this time, if he could get the criticism he wanted. Hasn't it become a big hit immediately?

  Unexpectedly, Luo Yin not only didn't criticize and criticize Chu Yun. Conversely, he also spoke good things for Chu Yun. This is completely beyond the expectations of the media. It also made this interview boring.

   briefly talked about other topics. The media went back in failure.

   The ward is quiet again.

   Luo Yin's face is not pretty.

   First, he felt unfair about what happened to Chu Yun.

   A back-to-back battle created a very delicate relationship between him and Chu Yun. War friendship? Can't talk about it. But it is this delicate feeling. Let him resolve his hostility to Chu Yun. No killing intent.

  Second. It is Ye Lu's attitude towards himself.

   He felt the danger signal.

   and it is an inexplicable crisis.

   Ye Lu shouldn't do this to him. This is not logical.

   Unless someone behind him is against him. Want him to be destroyed by this crisis. Even more, in this catastrophe, heading for destruction.

   Otherwise, Ye Lu has no reason to put him to death!

   Luo Yin was lost in thought.

   He wanted to figure out who was instigating the conspiracy. Who is it to destroy himself.

   After a long time of thinking, Luo Yin could not find the answer.

   Until the appearance of his son Luo Wenzhou.

   "Father. How is your injury?"

   Luo Wenzhou rushed over as soon as he heard about his father’s treatment hospital.

   Although, in the process of coming, he encountered difficulties and troubles. But no one can stop him, who is a son, from coming to see Lao Tzu!

   "It's okay." Luo Yin shook his head.

   In those dark eyes, a subtle light flashed.

   "How is home?" Luo Yin asked, pursing his lips.

   "Everything is fine." Luo Wenzhou nodded. "Mother is also very worried about you."

   "Well." Luo Yin's tone was very low, so low that Luo Wenzhou didn't even hear clearly.

   Luo Wenzhou saw this, and his face changed subtlely.

   He sat on the bedside, pursing his lips and said, "Dad, you are in the middle of the day in Baicheng. The momentum is getting higher and higher. Even our group's momentum in the stock market is like a rainbow, rising steadily."

   A fierce battle of life and death, in exchange for fame and wealth.

   Even though these two things are not what Luo Yin lacks.

   But who would think that there is less money? Who is afraid that more and more people know about themselves?

   At least Luo Yin has worked hard all his life for these two things. Especially the latter.

   Pride and self-esteem have always been lacking in Luo Yin.

   Listening to his son's report to the group and family, he felt relieved.

   This time, he did it independently.

   He didn't ask anyone for help. Not to listen to Mrs. Luo's opinion.

   It was this time that he became a hero of the White City. Like the sun in the sky. Whether it is private or official, the evaluation of Luo Yin will reach its But when Luo Yin looked at his son, he found that the corner of Luo Wenzhou's eyes had an unnoticeable color of worry.

   This made him more convinced that his guess was not groundless.

   "Do you have something on your mind?" Luo Yin let out a suffocating breath. Said slowly.

   Luo Wenzhou was stunned, then shook his head: "No. Why do you ask?"

   "You are my son. You can't hide from me." Luo Yin said with her lips pressed. "Tell me. What happened?"

   When I became famous, I just suffered some minor injuries.

   This should be a good thing for the whole family to celebrate. But the son was worried. Obviously there are more deadly troubles that are bothering Luo Wenzhou.

   He may be inferior to his wife in tactics.

   But in terms of his mind and understanding of his son, he is better than Mrs. Luo. More responsible.

   "Dad, I don't want to say." Luo Wenzhou shook his head.

   It's not that he doesn't want to say. But unable to speak.

   The mom wants to kill dad.

   What should Luo Wenzhou do?

   And what Mrs. Luo did was to enable herself to take control of the Luo family more quickly.

   He was very embarrassed and distressed. Very desperate.

   Luo Yin gave his son a deep look. A solemn color appeared between the eyebrows: "Is it your mother, what did you say to you?"

   Luo Wenzhou was startled. He looked at his father in shock.

   "How could you—" Luo Wenzhou said incredulously.

   "She." Between Luo Yin's eyebrows, a fierce color flashed. "Want to kill me?"