Close Mad Son-in-law

Chapter 756: Fight with the master!

Chu Yun raised his brows and squeezed out the cigarette in his hand: "Your Majesty. You still dare to be rampant now? You were even more fierce than me just now."

Her Majesty's expression remained unchanged. He said lightly: "You will rest here tonight."

After that, she turned and walked out the door.

"Where is your Majesty going?" Chu Yun asked.

"It has nothing to do with you." Her Majesty the Queen walked out of the room.

Chu Yun was stunned. Just thought of getting up.

But he was rejected by His Majesty's cold eyes.

"good night."


The last ray of light outside the door was covered.

Unexpectedly, Chu Yun lay alone on the soft bed of Her Majesty the Queen.

The bed was in a mess. There are signs of struggle and rolling everywhere.

Just five minutes ago.

He and Her Majesty the Queen are in this room Wushan Yunyu. In full swing.

But at the moment. Her Majesty the Queen walked out calmly.

Neither embraced Chu Yun. Did not confide in the slightest feeling.

It was as if it was really just a battle, a duel between men and women without any emotions.

It's over.

It's time to end.

Her Majesty the Queen leaves the residence. Outside the door, a torrent of dark power was about to move, just listening to your majesty's dispatch.


Her Majesty the Queen murmured to herself, her voice low: "You once asked me to be his wife. I was ready. And willingly. But in the end you regretted it. You kicked me away."

"What about now?" Her Majesty's eyes flashed, her red lips slightly opened. "After all, he became the man who hid my spiritual clothes."

Under the night sky.

Her Majesty's beautiful face was filled with stubbornness.

She doesn't love this little man.

In her heart, there is no room for the love of men and women.

She is an ambitious, ambitious, and ambitious majesty the queen.

Her only wish in this life is to revive the royal family,

In addition, no one or anything can shake her determination.

Perhaps, confronting the powerful and invincible Master is the only motive that can make her give up her ambitions for a while.

"His Majesty."

The steady voice of the waitress resounded in his ears.

At this moment, she had already put on a strong outfit.

Beautiful face, solemn eyes. A yin and cold breath lingers.

"Everything is ready." The waitress said respectfully with her thin lips. "Just waiting for your order."

In this palace, the corpse was spread across the wild! Blood flowed into a river!

Her Majesty the Queen walked forward slowly and without expression.

The destination is the mansion of Prince Tanglin!

This is the second time she has gone to the residence of Prince Tanglin tonight.

For the first time, she personally killed the leader of the Shanchuan group.

The shameless villain who betrayed her.

What about the second time?

What is she going to do? Are you mentally prepared?

After all, the whole family of Her Majesty the Queen blindly and stupidly stayed at Prince Tanglin's mansion.

And this is probably the biggest trump card in the hands of Prince Tanglin!

The whole family is in your hands.

What is the fear of Prince Tanglin?

It seems that he is already invincible!

The palace at half past two in the morning. Quiet like purgatory.

Even the air seemed to be filled with murderous air. Every breath is extremely heavy.

Her Majesty the Queen moved forward slowly.

There was only one waitress by her side. A waitress who she cultivated since she was a child and whose weight is as important as Sanada Muzi.

Tonight, she will follow Her Majesty the Queen. Going through fire and water for it, will not hesitate.

"Your Majesty. Just tonight, Muzi took the initiative to contact me." The waitress said slowly.

There is still some distance from the residence of Prince Tanglin.

The waitress seems to be to soothe the emotions. He took the initiative to mention Sanada Muzi.

"Oh." Her Majesty said lightly. "What does she want to do?"

"Muzi hopes to make one last contribution to you." The waitress said with her lips pressed.

"I have given her to Chu Yun." Her Majesty said indifferently. "Her life belongs to Chu Yun. There is no need to work for me anymore."

The waitress nodded lightly, and then suddenly changed the conversation: "What about Chu Yun? He was almost stuck in a demon and had difficulty getting out. You found a way out for him. You also sold him a great favor."

"Since he wants to return your favor. Why don't you accept it?" the waitress asked suspiciously.

"Are you sure tonight?" Her Majesty the Queen did not answer. Instead, he took the initiative to ask the waitress. "Are you confident to see the sun tomorrow?"

The waitress heard the words. A strange color appeared on the corners of his lips.

Her Majesty's words stumped the waitress.

Tonight, what they will face is not the enemy of the three religions and nine ranks.

It is the uncle Tanglin who is fighting against her majesty in the royal family!

A horrible figure who is gazing at Tokyo City!

Even the group of stupid relatives of Her Majesty the Queen live in the mansion of the Tanglin Emperor.

Who has the absolute certainty that the queen tonight will win?

No one dares to make such a decision!

Because all members of the royal family know how powerful the Prince of Tanglin is.

Otherwise, how could Prince Tiande and other relatives of His Majesty prefer to betray Her Majesty? Want to stand in the same camp as Prince Tanglin?

One is because the Prince of Tanglin is strong enough.

Second, because the Prince of Tanglin can give them enough benefits!

"He is the only blood of my master." Her Majesty the Queen walked forward slowly and said blankly. "Anyone can die. He can't."

The waitress nodded and said nothing.

Ahead, Tanglin Mansion has appeared.

When Her Majesty and the maid came to the gate of the mansion, a figure blocked their way.

Not a dark master raised by the Prince of Tanglin. It was not that the Prince of Tanglin showed up in person.

Rather, Princess Joan of Arc, the sister of Her Majesty the Queen!

Your majesty's younger brother has died tragically in the restaurant.

Although Prince Tanglin admitted personally, he did it.

But the group of her family members agreed that it was the cruel and cold-blooded majesty of the Queen. Its purpose is to intimidate them and suppress them.

Later, they were escorted away by Prince Tanglin. Successfully moved into the Tanglin Mansion.

After that, they completely stood on the opposite side of Her Majesty the Queen. Not at odds!

"You want to stop me?" Her Majesty the Queen glanced blankly at Princess Joan Although the latter was connected by blood, she was a sister of the same father and mother.

But the life paths of the two sisters are completely different.

Their experiences, patterns, and even life demands are full of contradictions and conflicts.

On all issues, they maintained a state of contradiction.

This keeps the entire family immersed in struggle and calculations. No day has ever been settled.

"Sister," Princess Jeanne said in a pause. "If you still treat us as family members. As your loved ones, please stop fighting with Tanglin Huangshu. Even if it's just maintaining peace on the surface. My mother and eldest brother will be very grateful to you. "

Her Majesty the Queen looked cold and ruthless when she heard the words.

Like a criminal executioner.

She raised her eyes and glanced at her sister, and asked, "What if I don't agree?"_