Clow Cards Cardcaptor

~: Behind the scenes of the movie

When a certain girl learned that the youth had returned from midnight and did not bother him who was desperately reviewing, while waiting for him to see herself someday,

"Director Ornes, the last part of the original film has also been sent for editing. With the current progress, it should be released during the Chinese New Year as expected."

After reporting the incident, the assistant seemed to be relieved, and his dry and dull face showed a gleam.

Suddenly came to China to take over a job, suddenly received a large amount of funding from the parent company, and suddenly turned into a big investment movie.

The most terrible thing is that it takes half a year to complete the production.

It may be more than enough to change to an ordinary movie, but it is really difficult for a movie with a luxurious star lineup, special effects, and high standards in all aspects.

Fortunately, the power of money is powerful,

But the price is that their crew members are so busy for half a year.

"It's almost time for the plane to take off, we should almost go to the airport."


Seeing that Ornes, who should be the busiest and most tiring, is not at all tired, it is clear that this is the performance of the famous director's devotion to creation.

On the way to the parking lot downstairs, the assistant couldn't help but ask aloud:

"Sir, is this movie really worth it?"

Although it is clear that this great international director, who has been with himself for many years, is a person who will put everything to work once he finds a fascinating subject matter,

But this production, it should be said that it is a bit too...

"You don't understand, I have a hunch, this work will definitely bring people a different feeling,"

"It will be effective sometime in the future."

Speaking confidently and confidently that the assistant could not understand, Ornes found that he had already begun to look forward to the day when the post was completed.

This is the feeling that he can only have after he has made a satisfactory work.

Board the commercial vehicle waiting downstairs and rush to the airport, and then board the plane through security check. It takes about ten hours to fly back to the United States from China.

Ornes drove back from Los Angeles Airport to a villa under his name in the suburbs.

The first thing to return to my country,

It's not about handling follow-up work, not relaxing, not greeting family and friends, and not contacting a young girlfriend who has just had a young girlfriend.

Ornes returned home, as if suddenly entering a state of no-heartedness.

Go to a private room that the living room thinks.

Close the door to lock himself in the house, drew the curtains, and the room suddenly dimmed, Ornes opened a hidden cabinet behind the door, and inside a top safe connected to the wall,

He entered the password and fingerprint to open it, and what appeared in it was not something that needed to come back to confirm the safe assets and cash immediately.

It's just a communication device like a mobile phone.

Ornes picked it up cautiously, pressed the only button on it, and the connection was successful, waiting for the other party to connect with the light flashing.

Then a few hours passed.

Put the contact device on the table, from noon to sunset, a whole afternoon,

Without drinking water or eating, he was in a state of being in a fixed state. Ornes sat behind the table all the time, waiting for the connection in front of him.

An internationally renowned director is as low as a servant, waiting for the response from the other end of the communication.

Time just passed by every minute and every second,

Without turning on the lights, there is no sound in the darkened room, as if there is no change at all,

But suddenly, the flickering light of the communication device on the desk went out,

The green light is lit to indicate that it is switched on.

Waiting for a long time did not diminish his concentration. The moment he realized this, Ornes immediately picked up the communication device, his voice was so steady that he was not like someone who had waited six or seven Reported respectfully to the person at the other end of the contact:

"Your Excellency, I have finished making that movie as instructed."


And only a simple syllable reply came in the communication,

Then just hang up the communication.

After a long time of waiting, I got a reply that was as short as an illusion, and from the voice on the other end of the communication, I could clearly hear the extreme indifference.

It's just like feeling indifferent to the ants under your feet.

But without any dissatisfaction with this, Ornes carefully put the communicator back into the safe, turned on the light, opened the door and opened the curtains, and after all this he sat back in the chair.

Then it seemed to come back suddenly.

Looking out the window, I wondered why it was all this time. I sighed that it was really long enough for me to explore inspiration and creativity this time. Ornes stretched out his body.

The look became more relaxed, and I decided to enjoy life in the next few days....

At the same time, somewhere in North America,

Hang up the communications that I noticed inadvertently, and don’t care about the trivial things that I have deliberately entrusted to myself before,

This figure just turned around in this dark environment, and a horn of the body was slightly exposed under the cloak covering the whole body...

It's a terrifying bone.

Probably the secret rumors that only experienced B-level participants will know, are like mentioning that the first executive officer of the association is the first executive officer who does not know or is not a human mechanical body feature.

I also don’t know whether I’m real or not, the undead-like skeleton, there is only one in the world of night battle

Song of the Wanderer NO.II-Sage, Nastaro.


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