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Chapter 1014: Fairy's Gift

Main text, Chapter 1014, Gifts of Immortals

Paint an option on the last line of the answer sheet with the pen tip, and then all the thoughts of hard thinking collapsed in an instant.

Fang Ran raised his head and breathed a long sigh of relief, finally finishing all the questions.

He glanced at the examination room. Most of the candidates were still immersed in the test papers. Although they didn’t use any abilities, they often faced the battle of making judgments based on the complex surroundings in a short time.

As a result, in terms of intelligence intake and thinking speed, the higher the level of participants, the more they surpass ordinary people.

By the way, it also led to more than half an hour before handing in the paper.

Fang Ran has finished the papers.

Well, although he does not deny that part of this is the reason why some of his questions will not be directly covered...

But in short, the answers are all finished, and it is impossible to check. Even if you see the words in the paragraph translation on your answer sheet, you can even use pinyin to put it together.

Fang Ran didn’t even plan to read it again. He tried to make up for it. He had done everything he could.

Leave the rest to fate.

Thinking of this in his head, Fang Ran resolutely put on the earphones again. I believe everyone who finished the fourth level test in advance would know.

That earphone can receive other channels.

Some are singing, some are talking about cross talk,

Of course, there are also those who don’t know why it seems that every radio has it. It talks about buying and selling cars and traffic broadcasting...

Turning the gears, tuned to the music channel casually, listening to some song by whom I don’t know, and looking at the English words printed on the test booklet.

I saw the letter spelling of ‘ling’ in a word somewhere.

I remembered that I entered the night last night, and as always, I woke up and teleported to the mechanical micro-city under the night bureau, thinking that no matter if it was left for so long or encountered so many things in the middle of the night, I had to report to the Queen.

But he did not see Ling's figure.

‘The master immediately executed the next phase of dormancy plan when you came back from the outside the night you left. ’

Thinking back to the answer that Il said truthfully to himself last night, he was a little bit disappointed in failing to admire the exquisite and unreal beauty of the Queen.

Fang Ran supported one side of his cheek, holding the pen and subconsciously drawing horizontal lines under the four letters.

I went to sleep again in such a hurry,

Is Ling's situation still tricky...

The unknown love song in the earphones, Fang Ran thought about something that I didn’t understand, and then the song ended, and the registration of the next song came out in the earphone’s audio channel.

"Please enjoy the Erhu repertoire..."

The tip of the pen paused, his eyes opened slightly unexpectedly,

Fang Ran listened to the erhu ringing in his ears, the audio signal sound was far from the timbre and mood of the fairy mountain night, but it still evoked his memory.

Because he was busy preparing for the exam right after he came back, he didn’t have time until he finished answering the questions in the exam room.

Think back to my practice experience in the past month.

Looking up at the university classroom full of candidates, this scene of returning to modern real life,

Let the midnight experience until yesterday was a bit illusory like a dream...

Recalling that when I first arrived, I was lost in the lush forest, the fairy mountain that I walked into with shock, and the surprise of meeting my acquaintances and the mechanical dragon again,

The ancient charm in the small building on the top of the mountain is leisurely, and the hot and majestic in the Baizhang Hall,

Senior Tiangong who wakes up on time every day, as well as mentors who can always find something for themselves,

To recast the plan, I was not familiar with the busy to exhausting workload at the beginning, the crisp hemp of the restorative and the refreshing coldness on the bluestone steps, watching the beautiful scenery, rest and chatting,

The medicine pool that has to grit your teeth, the spirit beasts that are getting closer and the illusion every night,

After the magnificent battle, like the collapse of the mountain and the violent storm, I went back to the bed in the small building and fell down, after the chatting under the eaves of the moon that night,

Master the key to the integration of power, day after day in the isolated world,

The time to live in the Midnight Fairy Mountain is so extended day by day...

The night watchmen who don’t see the truth, the smart girl with mysterious identity, the extremely strong white-haired youth,

And that fairy...

The erhu in the earphone has become the sound heard in the middle of the night in my mind. Fang Ran looked out the classroom window, dreaming of yesterday.

He stepped up to the top of the fairy mountain and passed through the Tianshan Palace, as if he was in a fantasy legend.

So why did the fairy tell himself those things...

Recalling the words that Yi Nuo said to himself yesterday, those are actually history and legends about extraordinary powers, and then I thought about the immortal’s intention to tell me these things.

The origin of the mysterious creature...

Another extraordinary force of the past that remains in this era...

It’s different from the Queen’s instructed by the Queen who pointed out the meaning of wishes to the participants, pointed out the direction, and was full of profound meaning.

Except for the last question, the immortal just told about the extraordinary power.


Yesterday, when I went back to the hut, I was shocked by the inexplicable prying sight. I didn’t have time to think about it. I was sitting in the Level 4 examination room.

Just then began to think about the words of the fairy.

"Right, Fang Ran,"

‘Do you think this world is capable or incapable? ’

In a trance, as if the voice of a fairy rang in his ears again, his figure sitting at the table in the dark leisurely and leisurely.

this world....

Is it capable or incapable...

I think of the only question in the fairy’s words, UU reading www. Fang Ran thought about this problem far away, he seriously thought about the impact of ability on the whole world,

Think about whether this impact is good or bad, good or bad.

The remaining time for the exam passed quickly in his thinking, and then he realized that he still couldn't understand and couldn't give an affirmative answer that he felt was correct.


He sighed long and smiled bitterly in his heart. This kind of ‘big’ problem is not something a child of his level can think of.

Abandoning the pros and cons, Fang Ran simply imagined what a capable world would be like.

Then at this moment,

He suddenly remembered something.

Yesterday in the empty house full of Yehui, the moment the fairy sent himself back,

At the end of the long-lasting words, the illusion in front of me is extremely illusory, except for one Lamiao jumping to his side,

There seems to be one more thing.

Still stunned by the indescribable abyss-like appearance, Fang Ran only remembered at this moment. At the last moment when his vision was illusory,

The fairy seemed to send a little light toward him.

The moment he remembered this fact, Fang Ran immediately began to search, but he searched all over his body and found nothing more on his body. Then just when he was strange,

Suddenly found the edge of the field of vision, the interface of the night combat system seemed to flicker.

Fang Ran was taken aback for a moment, his mind touched and clicked.

The moment my eyes widened,

He saw the ‘light’ that the fairy gave him, what kind of gift the fairy left him!

【You have obtained the privilege】

[Privilege: Only once, let any target including oneself be separated from any scene (not activated)]

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