Clow Cards Cardcaptor

Chapter 1059: Financial War (Part 1)

I believe everyone here has definitely heard such a sentence,

In this modern information society with complex values, in an era when people have different definitions of success, it can be regarded as the representative that can describe the peak of life most universally.

-Become the CEO and marry Bai Fumei.

Then it was abrupt, without a trace of preparation,

Fang Ran realized that he had suddenly reached the pinnacle of his life.

Chief Executive Officer (ChiefExecutiveOfficer), referred to as CEO,

Under the modern market economy system, among the current enterprises consisting of three parts: the general meeting of shareholders, the board of directors, and the executive staff of the company,

This position represents the highest person in charge of the third-tier executive agency.

Within the scope authorized by the board of directors, it has the management power of the enterprise, the highest execution power of responsible appointment and dismissal, execution, daily affairs and major business matters.

In a nutshell, under the decision-making level that is composed of shareholders and directors who make contributions to the overall direction,

The CEO is the person with the highest authority to execute everything.

In the life of ordinary people, even if they transformed into participants, Fang Ran never thought that one day he would acquire an identity of this nature.

But at the year-end party at the Empire Manor last night, on the occasion where the apex of reality was as brilliant and powerful as a dream,

He was suddenly pushed into this position.

And what surprised the big figures from all fields of the world who attended the celebration last night was the significance of that position.

Just the CEO, the company under each of them employs more than one such person,

But it is not just one or two companies, or even an important field such as oil and tobacco. In the financial empire that has expanded the original three-tier corporate structure by thousands of times and has an indescribable internal structure.

The full name of the old man with the majestic and heavy silver beard is,

The CEO of Fiesder!

The meaning of this name is detached from all regions and major areas, comparable to the dozen or so imperial pillars, and even one point higher.

With this title, only the O'Brien family will be responsible at the top!

Appeared with the sole authority in the headquarters, danced with the granddaughter of the old man, was directly entrusted with important tasks, young, male,

This feature after feature was all at the peak of glory last night,

The old man turned into a terrible conjecture when he handed the crimson empress symbolizing Fiesder into his hands.

Heir to the Empire...?

And I don’t know the deep meaning behind this position. Once, twice, three times, and once again, I realized the pearl of the night.

How significant is the beautiful and brilliant scepter that that person gave him? At the same time,

Becoming the CEO of the entire empire, Fang Ran only knows that the entrusted rights and responsibilities are in all areas related to the name ‘Night Fight’.

Face a strong enemy.

Arriving in Los Angeles in the morning, the leisure time as a student of Beijing University is over, from sitting in that dark luxury car and instantly transforming into the identity of the CEO of Fieselde.

Fang Ran looked at the snow-white, cold, **** and calm silver-haired beauty sitting next to him.

"So can you tell me in detail about the'invitation reason' now?"

Compared with the battle last night, going to Las Vegas to bet a hundred million yuan, and then repelling a team of participants who grabbed materials is not too pediatric.

It was just a stepping stone that a certain queen prepared for him in order to make last night's arrangement logical.

"of course."

This time, no longer refused, Adeline nodded calmly and surely.

She picked up a remote control from the sofa seat in the car and pressed a screen to lower it in the car.

"Considering that you do not understand business knowledge and business operations related matters, Master, I will explain Fisdel's current situation and dilemma as simply and clearly as possible."

The reason for the invitation to North America, the reason for granting the CEO, the reason for assistance, the reason for showing good... all the reasons are finally about to kick off at this moment.

At this moment, after hearing the affirmation, she saw Adeline calmly spit out cold and concise words.

"In short, we are facing a war."


The dark and long luxury car was driving on the road near noon in Los Angeles, heading towards the most central urban area of ​​Greater Los Angeles.

When Fang Ran heard this term in the car, he was slightly shocked.

"In the past ten years, associations have been eroding Fisdel's assets in various fields,"

"However, no matter how light or dark the means are, what was robbed was of physical assets like the night before. The value of the assets ranged from a dozen to tens of billions, which is generally considered restraint."

Evaluating such sustained losses as being generally restrained, as the right-hand man behind the queen, Adeline’s tone in this aspect is the same as Veronica’s.

But the next second, she changed her words,

"But just recently, the Fiesld headquarters, the market monitoring department in the financial industry, discovered that,"

On the cold and white face, a pair of calm eyes looked at Fang Ran.

"The stocks of more than one of our core companies in North America fluctuated abnormally on Wall Street."


Hearing Adeline utter a term that he had heard a lot but was not familiar with, Fang Ran frowned slightly strangely. After hearing this description of war, UU reading,

He believes that many vital industries have been secretly attacked by large-scale participants.

But I didn't expect that the first thing I heard would be this...

"Yes, just like most of China's money is in the housing market, most of North America's money is in the stock market,"

"The uppermost means of benefit on this land has always been finance."

Before last night, the only high-ranking real power in the headquarters of the financial empire, the chief administrative officer’s calmly stated words were impressive.

And from this sentence, Fang Ran felt a profound and complex huge thing...

"The reason for the abnormality of the stock is that, in the final analysis, someone has bought and sold in the market, but this is a signal."


I don’t know anything about the extremely complex and winding financial industry. Listening to her talk about the elements of war, association, and stocks,

"Why is it a signal?"

Although I didn't quite understand it for a while, it seemed that there was a key element that could connect the three together.

Then the next second, he heard Adeline say the key.

"Because those stocks are implicated in many entity companies, and once those companies are in reality, there is a special situation in line with the intention of their stocks to be manipulated..."

Fang Ran suddenly understood the breath just after the words of this sentence.

"The stock price has changed drastically,"

Suddenly, he watched Adeline tell the worst result.

"Fisdel will usher in a heavy loss that far exceeds the deprivation of physical assets and a huge scale."

Understand why it is the reason for the stock...


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