Clow Cards Cardcaptor

Chapter 1060: Financial War (Part 2)

A very simple reason, if a participant holds stocks in a certain company, and then they continue to use their ability to do things that are beneficial to their business.

For example, a series of actions such as providing new technology, escorting, or eradicating competitors, etc.

The result will naturally be that the company's stock price rises and it makes a lot of money.

And if the other way round,

The same can lead to the other extreme.

Adeline, who is indifferent to more than a dozen or even tens of billions of dollars, can say ‘ultra-large losses’, the real sense of money experienced in casinos,

Fang Ran couldn't even imagine what a big number that would be.

"Fishld suffered huge losses, what good is it for association?"

"Unlike China’s stocks, which are mostly sold bullishly for profit, short selling is allowed in North American stocks, and the market under capitalism has developed longer and the system is more comprehensive."

"And in the bubble generated by the virtual economy, many financial derivative products with complicated rules have been born,"

It’s like common sense in elementary school, breathing, and naturally speaking words that require thousands of words to explain one by one,

Adeline looked quietly at Fang Ran’s unintelligible face, and briefly explained the basic conclusion after giving the reasons.

"In simple terms, associations can gain huge benefits through Fiesder's huge losses, and losses are what they want to see."

"After all, predatory destruction is simpler and more profitable than positive dividends."

She pressed the button on the remote control to switch the screen on the screen inside the luxury car,

I don't know why the calm voice makes people feel a pressure.

"In the worst case, certain important industries will even fall directly into the hands of associations due to equity acquisitions."

No longer satisfied with project-level petty fights, use the top-level profit methods to directly focus on larger goals, and even the lifeline industry chain that continues to generate huge profits behind it.

Looking at the front screen, information about dozens of company names appeared,

Thinking that any of them is estimated to be a huge company that is unattainable in the eyes of ordinary people, this kind of scale brings up an invisible smoke of gunpowder.

At this moment, Fang Ran finally understood why Adeline was talking about a war.

Under the chaos of the abilities of associations, enterprises, and participants in the dark, a game surrounding the rise and fall of stocks, knowing the specific details must be more complicated.

But after listening to Adeline’s explanation, Fang Ran finally clarified the general interest relationship.

This is a financial war!

"In other words, the association acted on the stocks of a large number of companies under the name of Fiesder in the stock market, and by allowing participants to disrupt operations in reality, causing stock prices to plummet, making huge fortunes and even directly annexing industries..."

After clarifying the status quo, or the situation of the war, Fang Ran looked at Adeline and continued to inquire:

"How is Fiesder's situation now?"

"About less than two months ago, since factories in various places began to suffer unexplained damage, we have launched measures from various aspects of finance, business, politics, and external media."

"Even now, the headquarters' financial department and related securities teams are working day and night to prevent the stock price from plummeting,"

Adeline took out a tablet from the side of the seat, entered her personal password and fingerprint, and called up Fiesel’s internal high-level data.

"But the effect is still limited, because we can't get around the opponent's disadvantage of having supernatural power, even if we want to counterattack with the same means,"

"It also lacks decisive strategic power like the night before."

Taking the tablet she handed over, Fang Ran looked at the complicated and detailed page and data introduction. Although he couldn't understand it, the icon column showed a dense broken line with a downward trend.

It still illustrates the serious impact of association on Fiesder.

"No wonder Veronica suddenly got an internship in North America..."

With such a serious situation as speechless in my heart, that figure is still like a okay person in front of me, and I can’t see a trace of worry and anxiety.

Fang Ran returned the tablet to Adeline, and then suddenly realized a detail in her words.

"Wait, did you say that associations started this financial war less than two months ago?"


With her immaculate beauty, **** and indifferent, Adeline answered all Fang Ran’s questions calmly from beginning to end.

Hearing this answer, Fang Ran was slightly surprised.

Memories straddle the vast and elusive fairy mountain, mountains, forests, ancient temples, bluestone steps, and countless secret realms.

Spanning the daily life of recuperating injuries, attending classes, returning to the hut on the Beijing University campus, spending time with those figures happily, and then growing and accumulating every night

At that time about two months ago,

It is the time when the God Pro plan has just ended in Europe!

"What's the matter, master?"

The icy smell of good perfume, the white silk shirt and black suit give her extra nobility and beauty,

"It's nothing."

Seeing Adeline approaching and asking, Fang Ran suppressed the association in his heart, shook his head and turned his thoughts to the current war.

"So far, how many industries in Fiesel have been disrupted or attacked by participants?"

Hearing Fang Ran asking this Adeline looked at the companies that were targeted by the association on Wall Street on the screen, her eyes were calm and beautiful.

"It is impossible to find out how many industries are secretly manipulated by the participants, but what is certain is that the companies that form associations in reality are concentrated in three lifeline areas."

"All are in North America."

Three areas...

Fang Ran chewed this piece of information in his heart, and also chewed all the information he had just learned.

In order to repay the favor, Veronica promised to help Fisdel to solve the trouble. In the event that touched the night battle level, which affected the final outcome of the financial war on the bright side,

"What is the most serious situation that has been secretly interfered with by participants now?"

Thinking about what he could do, Fang Ran looked at Adeline seriously and asked.

"It's an information means."

In response to his inquiry, Adeline spoke concisely and concisely about the most severe situation at the moment.

"Some technologists have technical means beyond the actual level and can easily obtain our internal confidential information,"

"In this regard, even if the government or the black market obtains the technology encryption methods provided by North American official technologists and rogues, there is no guarantee that data will not be leaked."

Hearing this, I suddenly remembered that although the technology of the Night War World is deformed and incomplete, it is still far beyond reality.

Realizing that before embarking on a problem in a specific area, we must first find a way to solve this thorny problem, and then took a deep breath and leaned in the car to look ahead:

"Let's go, let's go to the place related to this aspect first."

"Don't worry, we are already on the way."


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