Clow Cards Cardcaptor

Chapter 1091: It started suddenly under the dark night

   Chapter 1271 suddenly begins under the dark night!

  The night is grand, the night sky has shrouded half of the world since the sun has gone,

  Although the sea of ​​lights of human civilization is brilliant and bright, outside the urban area, the night still maintains its most primitive appearance, in pitch black, vast expanse, and boundless,

  Lake Superior is as silent as the sea in the night.

  One of the five great lakes in North America, it has the largest freshwater lake in the world, and can cover the fourth water storage capacity of 30 cm of the total area of ​​North and South America.

  Somewhere on its frozen western lake shore, hundreds of kilometers away from downtown Minneapolis,

  A whole area of ​​facilities and buildings stand quietly at night.

   Surrounded by the same building as the research institute, factories, workshops, warehouses, and central open spaces, everything in this facility is strictly enclosed,

  Backed by the vast lake, it is located alone in a deserted and remote place on the nearby land.

   "That's it?"

   drove through the wilderness in the night to arrive, slammed the door, and Selika looked at the building with only outlines in the night.

   "It looks like it should be correct, as the agent said."

  Confirm the equipment, confirm the physical condition, and prepare for the battle, Ryder said calmly.

   "A detection device that does not match any model on the market. There is at least one technologist with a level B or above in the other party. We may not be able to deal with it."

  The mechanical bird grabbed the ‘sentinel’ that was pulled out along the way, and the action was about to happen. Sion’s face also no longer smiled, but the calm sharpness of the participants appeared.

  “It’s really curious, how does the company get involved with so many participants in reality?”

  "Don’t care about indifferent things, we are just here tonight to complete the agent’s entrustment, drag the guy in that factory for 40 minutes, and give that trump card time to sneak into the investigation secretly,"

   reminded him of the criteria for the participants to accept the entrustment, Selika said the content of the task they were responsible for tonight,

   "Remember to limit the combat area as close to the factory as possible, and prepare for action."

   said the final request, her cheetah-like vigorous figure rushed directly towards the factory, silent and swift in the dark, without light.

  And the same figure flashed, all kinds of night vision aids were activated, and everyone else was keeping up with her.

   also opened his black eyes, Fang Ran’s figure followed at the end, and approached the factory in a covert manner with everyone. The speed of the participants was very fast even without a vehicle.

  Under the night, the outline of the institute became bigger and it was close at hand.

  Seeing that the goal is approaching, everyone is ready to speed up and rush in directly to create chaos.

  But at this moment!

  Haiji warned, Fang Ran's black eyes moved, and the rush at the forefront Selika suddenly stopped, and in a moment, he whispered to everyone behind him:

   "Stop it all!"

  Then the next second an arrow flicks through the night sky without warning!

  The speed of sound is harsh, nailing into the ground and exploding with roar!


   Amidst the roar, I heard the warning that the figure suddenly stopped and set up defense, Annabella, Lynn. Including Fang Ran, everyone blocked the impact of the air wave.

   Raising his arm and armor to block his face, Celica watched this familiar attack destroy the place they had almost passed.

   dissipated the smoke and dust, without thinking about the useless problem of how to be discovered, she coldly raised her gaze to look at the figures jumping out of the institute factory at this moment.

one two three four five six!

   A strong lineup of six B-level participants!

   But compared to the number, Selika looked at the women among the six who were capable of holding a fire bow with abilities in their hands and wearing technological eyepieces with their hair tied up.

   and a man next to him who doesn't seem to have any expressions.

   "Hemia, Isibod."

  At the moment when she saw them, Selika's eyes narrowed and she spoke.

   "Long time no see, but unfortunately, we are no longer in the same team this time, Selika."

  As if familiar, the indifferent man named Isibald greeted Selika,

   While standing behind, Fang Ran looked down at the familiar figure standing in the front among the six.

  Rufas Russell!

   "How did you find this place!?"

  I didn’t think that the Empire Trust CEO I wanted to capture the night before was right in front of me. Rufas looked at Fang Ran and others at this moment, but he didn’t pretend to question in disbelief.

   Then when I saw Selika and others didn’t mean to answer,

  His expression sank, and his words threatened coldly:

   "Although I don't know who hired you and how you found it here, don't think you can leave easily tonight!"

  The voice fell, the moment he heard him speak like this,

  The man named Isibald next to him raised his hand without warning, and a strangely shaped metal weapon whirled and made two tingling cutting noises.

  Thunder can't cover your ears! The explosion sounded towards Fang Ran, the lowest rank in the field!

This guy!

  Obviously as a B-level superior, he did not hesitate to use this sneak attack method to attack a C-level, knowing that he is more than despicable, but simply thinks that he can directly kill the other C-level is very cost-effective.

  Looking at the sudden attack of that powerful B-level level, I knew that I was the only one who would take care of that young man,

  Selika frowned, preparing to stop the blow,

  But a figure is faster than her!


  The exquisite and glamorous female figure stood in front of Fang Ran for an instant, the power was activated, and the thrust of the jet directly hit the sneak attack.

  Splashing sparks, her face became cold and dangerous, Annabella stared at Isibald’s location, her ability was activated under the special heel, and she killed him directly without any nonsense!

  Almost at the same time raised the longbow of condensed flames in her hands. When the woman with the eyepiece concealed was about to stop,

  The pitch black and transparent space ball suddenly enveloped her!

   At the moment when he sensed the high-risk ability of Space Devouring, Hermia dodged directly. A piece of the ground she had stood on disappeared and a flat round pit appeared out of thin air.

  Then before standing still, I saw the energy weapon firing beams rushing towards me!

  At this moment, whether it was Selika, Ryder, or Sion, they were all surprised by Annabella’s assistance and strong counterattack just now, as well as Lynn who did not hesitate to do it.

  The action that was originally planned to start after sneaking into the factory suddenly began,

   also did not hesitate, the technological armor was activated on the body, and Selika turned into a streamer to charge while decisively speaking to the combat communication:

   "Separate the battlefield! Don't worry about winning or losing, delay as much as possible!"

   On the other hand, UU reading did not expect that others would be so kind to help. Isibod avoided the black spikes rushing violently, while calmly and indifferently speaking to the Lufas who hired them:

   "Leave her to me, you will let the C-rank kid be dealt with first, and rely on the number of people to suppress them."

   Needless to say, Lufas waved his hand before facing Selika’s blade-like figure, and then the technology equipment activated the defense of the light wall of the force field.

   In that Dao Yaojiao figure, a light blade whip leg exploded and throbbed, and his feet sank an inch into the ground!

  On the other side, Ryder and Sion also met the other two B-level opponents, and the black beam's abilities and mechanical birds appeared in the night!

   "Boy! Find a way to get that guy in, and then quickly leave from here!"

  While listening to the combat communications channel, Selika’s cold reminder came in short words, which was different from the one at Coast Manor.

   Fang Ran's black eyes widened and watched this time a B-class rushed directly towards him fiercely!

  Under the quiet dark night of Lake Superior, on the wasteland near the factory of the Mystery Institute, the melee among the participants was about to start.

  The factory investigation that recovered tens of billions of dollars began suddenly!

  (End of this chapter)