Clow Cards Cardcaptor

Chapter 1099: The last sight of this night (part 1)

The darkness is wide and the night is infinite,

There are occasional golden spots of the city on the black ground, while the sky at night is really only black and boundless.

Driving the stars of You Ye and flying above the night sky, until she was far from the lakeside factory, she only slowed down and stopped the chaotic ends of her hair slowly.

Humanoid numbers in the human field appear in reality. Although abrupt and concealed, the nature of the situation is not weaker than the previous national war incidents in Europe.

The appearance of that peerless arcane zero rider here is the best proof.

Thinking of the reason why the magical "maid maid" appeared, and thinking of Hormonks who was on the way to cross the front with her, he confirmed that another line of events was happening in the dark, so that the Night Palace also acted. ,

It coincides with the self who helped Fisdel through the crisis in the incident of this lakeshore factory tonight.

Flying above the night sky, Fang Ran exhaled a long breath, shook his head and threw the matter away into the night breeze high in the sky, no longer thinking about things that he didn't know.

The things that can be traced by Clotide himself are obviously not at the level that he can blend.

Fang Ran understood this from the moment A-7 appeared stiff.

The more he has gone through, the more he knows how far he is compared to the A-level superiors who have experienced a long life.

So it’s better to leave the big guy’s business to the big guy, and'Sharon’ is different from the other A-level bosses who feel that they are strong. Worried,

Thinking about it this way, I got rid of the shock caused by human beings who hadn't appeared in the number just now, and then he flew freely in the night sky, but was a little aimless for a while.

The mission is completed, the crisis is over, and the sword is on fire, and we have experienced a battle that is evenly matched than the last on the coast.

But he was not as happy as he was when he crossed Rodeo Drive that night.

Obviously blazing silver, mechanical wave and mechanical five-headed dragon, such a thrilling handsomeness is the extraordinary extraordinary that Fang Ran has always dreamed of. It is the reason why he chooses to leave the daily life even if he is carefree.

However, compared with contentment and joy, he is now unhappy that is too complicated to speak of.

But compared to the casino, Fang Ran thought of the reason very simply.

After all, this time is not like the story of a boy who ended up in a fight on the coast. He saw life and death, saw the darkness, and saw more than what he had dreamed of.

Something not so beautiful...

The night sky is dark, and the suburbs around the Great Lakes area are dark, but it seems that the clouds are thick and you can’t see the stars, and I don’t know where I’m flying.

Just such a purposeless figure floated in the night, until a broad golden spot broke into the field of vision on the ground,

Only then did he come to a sudden stop, and gently exhaled to dispel the thoughts of trance.

Where did I fly...

Some helplessly sighed with such a headache, looked at the global satellite coordinates on the light screen interface in front of the field of vision, and looked at the light spot below Lake Superior in North America.

Well, it really looked the same as if I didn't watch it...

Fang Ran, who was unfamiliar with the place in his life, gave up the plan to read the map and directly pressed the communication device in his ear to contact Adeline.

"Master, are you okay?"

The communication was connected almost immediately, listening to the cold and calm question of the **** cold beauty, floating above the night sky thousands of meters, Fang Ran's black eyes looked at the broad golden light spot below.

"Well, I'm fine. Tonight's business is over, and I have the information about that factory."

"Okay, I will send someone to pick you up right now."

"No need,"

Thinking that she was lost in a daze and didn't know how far she was, she refused her proposal, and Fang Ran looked back at the direction of the factory, exhaling in a daze with her black hair flicking:

"I can go back by myself."

Then Yu Ye Xingchen's armor spit out flames again, and his dark figure drew a stream of light in the night sky...


It only takes five minutes to reach 100 kilometers. Even without full horsepower, Fang Ran quickly returned to Littonmei’s headquarters.

Landing from a high altitude by night and putting away the armor, he turned back to the chief executive officer wearing a dark and elegant coat.

And Adeline was already waiting on the roof terrace.

"This is the rough data of an illegal experiment conducted secretly by that factory, and it should be enough to use it as a reason to recover the funds."

Taking out a USB flash drive with data from You Ye Xingchen, Fang Ran handed it out to her to explain that the confidential information related to the tens of billions of dollars is in such a small USB flash drive.

But compared to the things she had received, Adeline noticed that the figure in front of her did not have the look that the incident should have been resolved.

"Did something happen during your investigation?"

But for a moment, he looked at the lights of Wanjia on the roof of the headquarters of the medical equipment giant, and the sound of Fang Ran's hair and clothes being blown by the night breeze was a bit quiet.

"Why do you ask?"

"Master, you look a little absent-minded. UU reading"

I wondered if my performance was so obvious, and I still couldn't get rid of some of the thoughts in my mind, Fang Ran sighed helplessly and replied:

"Just thinking about something."

Then, as if he wanted to move his thoughts away from tonight, Fang Ran, just like during the day, pointed to a nearby building that was still lit at this time and asked:

"What is that building?"

Standing next to him, Adeline took a look, then nodded and answered calmly:

"A charity under Fiesder's name, Master, do you want to visit it?"

Yes, the answer from Fieseld Industries is used to it, not to mention the fact that it’s near Littenmei’s headquarters, and it’s not surprising at all.

Thinking about shifting your attention, it's better to look at her and ask with a sigh of relief:

"Are we okay with this time?"

"They should be honored."

Hearing Xue Yan’s cold-hearted Adeline’s answer, the temperament of the top class and chief administrative officer was revealed with her calm words.

It made Fang Ran think that although she didn't show much around her, she was at the top of the world regardless of her status or status.

Riding in a dark, long-length luxury car with a driver on standby even at midnight, Fang Ran quickly arrived in front of the building just mentioned.

Pushing the door and getting out of the car, looking at a woman who is supposed to be on duty, she ran out to greet her with a nervous look. He followed Adeline and walked inside.

Then unexpectedly,

Fang Ran did not see the office environment that he envisioned involving professional fields, nor did he see the employees who were working hard and working overtime for charity.

Walking into this building, he heard it for the first time...

It's the voice of a child.