Clow Cards Cardcaptor

Chapter 1114: Participant's World (Part 2)

The inquiry was unsuccessful. After hearing her say so, Fang Ran had to keep up with her bag.

Then the two came to a dark street corner nearby.

"Remember not to be photographed by surveillance."

With such a simple faint explanation, Selika jumped onto the roof in the dark night.

She was embarrassed for a second, didn't she even need to use her strength? Fang Ran glanced at the height of six or seven meters, took two quick steps, stepped on a window sill and turned up.

Focusing on dark places without lighting, leap over various buildings with extraordinary physical abilities,

The prosperity of downtown Houston is far away at night.

Fang Ran followed Selika’s figure without activating her abilities, although she couldn’t ‘fly’ up to the top of another building as high as she did.

But occasionally walking through hidden corners such as cracks, barbed wire, behind buildings, etc., using a way that is a hundred times more intense than parkour, he can barely keep up with the pace of Class B.

This kind of movement seems to be particularly the feeling of the participants,

It reminds Fang Ran of the night in that exotic labyrinth...


It seemed that the destination was nearby, and the reason for ‘walking in a straight line’ didn’t take long before I heard Serika’s words.

Then she found that she had led herself to a deserted and remote place.

The two of them were originally located in the northeast of Houston, about 10 kilometers away from the ring road that represents the city limits, passing through the last block of buildings just now.

They have come to no man's land on the edge of urbanization.

Under the premise that almost no one will come, it is estimated that the door is locked tightly in a place where most people can't find it.

Is this to prevent people other than the participants from approaching...

"Put this on."

Seeing Selika throwing something at this time, Fang Ran caught it and looked at the pair of sunglasses.

Uh...Is it not dark enough to wear sunglasses in this environment...

Even though she said so, Fang Ran put it on as she said.

"Let's go in."

Relying on the strong night vision of the participants themselves, Selika climbed into the high wall in front of him.

Then after landing, I saw the scene inside. Except for a small four-story office building, there were only piles of building materials and a half-built workshop.

A dilapidated look that has been abandoned for a long time.

But the moment he entered here, Fang Ran instinctively felt that it was not as simple as it seemed.

"Here is..."

"The entrance to the black market."

Selika answered him briefly.

Then at this moment, the sound came,

A figure turned in from a different direction from the two. Needless to say, the identity of the participant, he wore a hat that could also cover his face.

He only glanced at Fang Ran and Selika, and walked towards the deserted office building without saying a word.

"Let's go."

Also not caring about him, Selika just said that.

Following her, she also walked into the building, only to realize that this place was not as deserted as it looked outside. It was obvious that someone had been cleaning and using it all the time.

And behind the desk like the front desk in the entrance lobby,

A man is leaning on the sofa with his arms wrapped around his head, as if he is sleeping.

But when the person who had stepped in before Fang Ran walked nearby, he suddenly uttered a drowsy look:


Not surprised by this, the man took out a wad of ten thousand dollar bills from nowhere, threw it on the sofa next to him, and walked directly in.

After seeing this scene, Fang Ran seemed to understand why Celica withdrew the money.


This is too expensive! ?

Even with the experience of spending large sums in Las Vegas, the ‘ticket’ for 10,000 US dollars per person still made Fang Ran feel ashamed for a second.

Following Selika, he took out two stacks of ten thousand dollars and threw them toward the pile of banknotes on the sofa.

But unexpectedly, the man on the sofa caught a pile and threw it back.

"She doesn't need tickets."

Although the lights were not turned on in the lobby, Fang Ran still caught a trace of caution and vigilance in the eyes of Selika.

But compared to this, he stayed slightly.

Wait, am I going out for 10,000 dollars in vain...

This is reflected first, even though it is considered as mission funding,

But for a moment, Fang Ran still felt so painful that he couldn't breathe.

Resisting the urge to take out the floating sequence and shoot him in the face, telling myself to take care of the overall situation, Fang Ran continued to follow Selika towards the inside. There was nothing worth mentioning in the rudimentary small office building.

But there are four elevators,

It's not surprising that this scene is placed in any tall building, but it seems unusually abnormal to appear here.

Suppressing the strange feeling about the next unknown experience, Fang Ran followed Selika into the elevator, and then he realized that from the outside, it was only the most common and common elevator.

There is an indescribable sense of high-end technology inside.

No floor buttons, no cameras, no billboards or promotional posters,

The difference between the inside of the elevator and the outside of the elevator is as if there are two worlds. UU reading made Fang Ran realize that his heartbeat has accelerated slightly.

The elevator door closed, and an almost imperceptible sense of descent came. In the elevator space lingering in a certain sense of technology, only him and Selika were present.

Seeing the dullness that the other party was accustomed to, Fang Ran deliberately didn't ask.

Then thirty floors? Fifty floors?

The descent did not last long. Less than a minute later, the elevator door opened again.

In Fang Ran’s eyes lifted up in the blink of an eye,

Reflected a scene that fascinated him.

Although I guessed it was underground and made some psychological preparations, the moment I saw this scene, I still failed to suppress the surprise in my heart.

An underground mall? A large exchange? Or even a shopping street?


All Fang Ran’s previous conjectures about the ‘black market’ were all wrong. The sight that appeared in front of him 120 meters underground was...

A block of buildings!

Above is a dark dome without lighting like night, and below is a row of houses that is no different from the city on the ground.

It's like moving the city to a small piece of underground world!

But this was actually only a small part of the reason that surprised Fang Ran.

What really made him slowly widen at the moment when the elevator door opened, is that at this moment in this ‘underground block’,

His breath of uncountable participants!

tens of? One hundred or two hundred! ?

Fang Ran perceives that there may be hundreds of participants, although the number of participants is sparse compared to the area of ​​this block.

But I never thought I would encounter so many participants gathered together,

Coming to North America, he felt that he had come to the world of the participants with an unprecedented sense at this moment.