Clow Cards Cardcaptor

Chapter 1135: Clue Tracking and Abnormal Prominence (P

Commissioned objectives: to recover stolen contracts, facilitate the signing meeting of the "North Atlantic Energy Agreement", and resolve the crisis in the energy sector;

Progress: Determination that the contract is in Calgary without being destroyed;

NOW ACTION: Investigate where the contract is...


In the cold winter of January, the evening is fleeting,

Calgary, on the eastern outskirts of downtown.

The night is filled with winter silence, and in the darkness beyond the city,

The engine of the car roars!

The black car was speeding on the expressway. The moment it reached the edge of the lighting, the body of the car swung suddenly, the door opened, and at a speed of more than 100 miles,

Two figures flipped out of the car, and rushed into the field with lights shining all over them to offset the inertia!

When they realized that the vehicle target was too big to get rid of, they resolutely abandoned the vehicle and jumped off.

And the reason for their choice, behind the highway,

It's another car chasing us through the night!

On the outskirts of a foreign country with vast land and few people, in the green patterns on the satellite map, I noticed that the other two also abandoned their cars and chased after them.

The two men took out the night vision equipment and put them on at the same time. After confirming that there was no one around, they did not panic and prepared to meet the enemy!

One man took out a weapon with a flash of light in his hand, and the other took out a flare and threw it directly behind.

A ray of light slid across the arc in the wilderness,

The figures of two women loomed indistinctly, but just before they were completely illuminated, one of them directly raised his hand to predict the trajectory of the flare in advance,

The gradually solidified translucent black ball directly wrapped the light and disappeared abruptly!

This performance beyond common sense shocked the two of them, but they still took the opportunity to roughly lock on one person's position, and fired directly with the strangely shaped technological weapon in their hands.

A miniature missile turned and caught up with a female figure, and then was blocked by a technological shield!

si-5 infrared tracking marker gun, a technological weapon developed by North American scientists to miniaturize heat-seeking missiles, but the guidance function takes up most of the volume, resulting in insufficient power.

However, he didn't care about being easily blocked by the opponent's shield. It seemed that it was just to achieve the prerequisites for the hit.

The man's ability to stow his weapon activates,

Ability—Shooting point lock!

After hitting, the attack within a certain distance within a certain period of time must hit, and beside him, another man took out a submachine gun to activate the same ability,

Ability - Fel Ammunition!

You can tell what it is just by listening to the name. Before the magic energy is exhausted, it is equivalent to unlimited special ammunition in the chamber.

After taking the weapon thrown by his companion, he directly pulled the trigger and fired.

The firepower that does not need to be reloaded is all tracked and shot in a single line, like a twisting snake tightly biting the target prey!

Knowing that there is no point in dodging, a piece of ground exploded in front of the locked woman, acting as a cover to block the continuous locked shots,

The battle was fierce in an instant in the offensive and defensive confrontation between the two sides!

Seeing the opponent's response, the man wanted to go around to the side of the bunker and continue firing.

But at this moment!

The two men trembled all over at the same time, a strong energy wave exploded in the direction behind them, and two swift and powerful attacks struck!

There are still people on the other side!

Perceived that the attack behind him was close at hand, he gave up all attacks and turned around to activate the shield, and when he was thinking about the next action strategy in his heart,

They all saw a pitch-black round face opening on their shields!


The large-caliber bullet shot past me, causing goosebumps on the skin and the electric shock feeling,

The other party didn't intend to make a serious move at all. Otherwise, with this kind of means, they wouldn't have fired two shots so casually.

Realizing this fact from the tentative fight just now, the two men agreed tacitly and did not make any more moves.

The tempering of the scene makes each participant good at judging the situation.

The night is silent, and the night in the wilderness of the suburbs is even more desolate,

Standing where they were, the two of them soon saw a beautiful and wild female figure walking towards them with an unremarkable young man.

"Silver Shadow!?"

One of the men recognized Celica's identity instantly, and the experience of fighting in the scene was too impressive.

He couldn't help but exclaim in surprise, but he calmed down quickly, looked at his companions and said in a deep voice:

"What do you want to do?"

The bottom line of the rules in the North American night battle world is that other participants and ordinary people cannot be killed for no reason. In this case, it is basically that the other party has something to do to him.

"I want to ask something, take me to see your boss."

And just as they thought, Celika spoke concisely and directly, without worrying about the other party's rejection,

He didn't dare to be careless about the request of a B-level high-ranking person. The man directly contacted the organization he belonged to, and then nodded directly after receiving the answer:

"Come with us."

After saying this, he and the other person walked towards the road, and seeing that the intention was reached, Annabelle and Lynn also walked out,

Celika glanced at the black-haired youth beside him, after gathering at night,

He gets a little distracted from time to time.

"It's time to go, what are you doing in a daze tonight?"

Hearing her voice, he immediately came back to his senses, shook his head and completely let go of the encounter with the eighth pillar, Fangran scratched his cheek and replied:

"'s okay, UU Reading I just thought that the abilities of these two people are quite a match."

Glancing at him, not knowing if he had seen through the boy's change of subject, Celika walked forward and said casually:

"The abilities of those two guys will be very tricky if they are combined in the scene, so they are also a bit famous in the b-level,"

"If you have an idea, you can also find someone who complements your abilities, as long as you can trust it."

Participants... especially the abilities of the mysterious side, often focus on a single, like offensive abilities lack the means of movement, defense, etc.

So in addition to relying on equipment and other means to make up for shortcomings, it is also a way to find a partner who can match each other.

And it might work wonders.

The two men in front of me are obviously of this type, but they are already B-level, so it is impossible for them to have the obvious shortcoming of lack of mobility.

So the reason they will be together, besides the fact that their abilities work together better,

More importantly...

They belong to the same rogue organization.

And this rogue organization seems to know about the person who stole the contract.

After reuniting in the evening, on the way to the Chinese tavern in Calgary, Lynn unexpectedly provided this clue,

Even if the presence of cherishing words like gold is thin, but as a real B-level, she must have her own contacts and information channels.

Like the elderly attendee Celica knew in the black market in Houston.

It's just that everyone might not mind being exposed like she did, and it wasn't until then that Fangran understood Celika's intention of temporarily disbanding in the morning.

(acr;-acr;So am I the only one who really has the time to go shopping....