Clow Cards Cardcaptor

Chapter 1171: hesitant person

The night is flashy, the lights are like the sea,

One after another neon high-rise buildings, one after another brilliant avenues, the development of the fourth largest city in the United States is vast in the dark night,

Compared with Calgary, which is basically dependent on the oil industry, it has developed towards diversification in the 1980s, with a high degree of medical, aerospace, transportation, education, international trade and finance...

Houston nights are louder and busier.

And just in this prosperous place, the roof of a building not far from the city center,

There is nothing but the dark night wind,

A man stood here blankly. He looked at the bustling scene in the city center in the distance. No one knew what he was thinking at this moment.


Jumped from the roof.

Although it is only six or seven floors high, it is deadly enough. When the feet left the roof, the night wind suddenly whistled, and the ground slammed into him with a rapid enlargement!

It was already dark at night, and no one noticed this scene,

But at the moment when the man fell to the ground!

The red lace-up ring appeared out of thin air, and a jet of darkness rushed out of it, and then all the things below the man's fall floated up!

In the blurred vision of the falling, I only feel a flower in front of my eyes,

In the next second, the man found himself still standing on the roof of the building, the night wind was blowing coldly, and the experience of jumping from the roof in just a few seconds,

It makes people suspect that it is a hallucination that appears in a trance.

And that's exactly what he thought, the man just glanced around blankly, then looked at the bottom of the building silently, and fell forward again, losing his strength.


The figure fell to the ground, this time the 'illusion' did not happen again,

It's just that before he leaned forward and fell, an invisible force pulled his body back and made him fall asleep unconsciously.

At this time, walking out of the dark corner of the roof, Fang Ran looked at the man on the ground in front of him and sighed helplessly.

Suicide by jumping off a building is not an easy way to get rid of it. The feeling of losing the support of the body and landing freely will make the fear infinitely magnified in an instant.

The acceleration of gravity will be like a person holding your neck firmly, your body will be stiff when you have difficulty breathing, and your eyes and ears will be congested and your senses will be blurred.

Only the fear in the mind is very clear, and emotions such as regret, collapse, and nostalgia will easily appear.

But from the moment I jumped down, I couldn't look back,

In the end, he could only usher in his own death in the torment of fear and regret.

After surviving such an experience, Fang Ran thought that he would doubt whether he had hallucinations, collapsed to the ground with lingering fears, realized the fear of death and lived well,

But he never imagined that he would make the same choice without returning to God at all.

In the Rolls-Royce car, I sensed the warnings of Haiji and Mullin patrolling around, and directly used the [Wheel]. Before I could fine-tune the control, the [Float] floated up.

Fang Ran finally rescued the man in just three or four seconds.

But now it seems that it is not so simple to really 'save' him.

A person who really wants to die, even if he saves him once, he will find another chance to commit suicide,

Knowing this very well, Fang Ran looked at the fallen man in front of him, and after some consideration, decided to contact his family first.

He squatted down trying to find the contact information from him, but at the moment when he turned his body over,

Fang Ran was stunned for a moment.

The vicissitudes of the face of about forty years old, the thin face has stubble, and near the sunken eye sockets, there is a sense of tiredness and haggard in the wrinkles that cannot be concealed.

At this moment, Fang Ran appeared in front of a somewhat familiar face.

I seized this familiar feeling and tried my best to recall it. It took a while for me to remember the energy agreements, scenes, dance parties, underground spaces, dark worlds and other major events in the past few days.

Find out about his memories from passers-by who have some impressions along the way.

This is the uncle 'George' who kindly took him and Celica to the city on the night he left the black market,

Recalling that time seems to be the same driving route as tonight, incredible coincidence,

Fang Ran looked at George who couldn't find anything on his body to contact his family in a drowsiness,

After thinking for a while, he finally exhaled.

He recalled Mullin to fall on his shoulders.

It symbolizes 'memory', and the power derived from the night device can spy into other people's hearts, but it is not good to experience other people's life experiences from an almost first-person perspective.

Fang Ran has always avoided using this ability as much as possible.

Contact the police, let Ill investigate slowly, or hand it over to Adeline directly, there is no other way in this situation,

Just thinking about his death wish that he fell to the outside of the building again, will this procrastination fail to change the fate of his jumping from the roof after he leaves, or will it be just a kind of temporary kindness, but he can try his best but irresponsible hypocrisy,

Thinking of the gentle smile he gave him a ride that night, he sighed that this might be the reason for receiving help,

Mana consumption, ability activation,

Although it is not the state of the liberation of the night equipment, it can only be roughly felt like a bystander, but it is enough to find the reason why he committed suicide by jumping off the building.

When Mullin turned into a black light and melted into his black eyes, the memories belonging to 'George' rushed towards Fang Ran!

Then unexpectedly,

He didn't 'saw' serious tragedies such as separation of wives and family, family ruin, or major emergencies that had no way out, such as gambling debts, etc.

George can only remember...

A hesitation.

He is a driver of a recycling station. His daily job is to sit in the car and drive the recycled things in the urban area to the waste factory in the suburbs.

There are no holidays, and so on and on.

His job doesn't need to communicate with people, and he has no friends here. After waking up every morning and going out, he gets in the car and sits in the seat with only the accelerator, brake, steering wheel, etc.

Begin a day of monotonous work that can take up to ten hours.

He would buy four burgers from a passing fast food restaurant for eight dollars at noon, eat them in the car, rest in the car, and continue to work in the afternoon,

until get off work.

His young colleagues who couldn't last long didn't deal with him very much, and he didn't have the capital to follow them to those cheap bars where men and women mingled,

Without any social entertainment, he went straight home after get off work,

He left the car he had been in for a day and went back to the house where he lived every day.

His teenage son is a rebellious school gangster who doesn't care about his studies.

His wife is a fat woman who is out of shape and works as a waiter in a restaurant, always complaining,

'Can't you try harder! We can only afford the rent this month, and the tuition after Wood, when will I be able to move out of here? ’

His family from the past to the present has been struggling at the bottom of the society below the poverty line. He has not received a good education, does not know how to change his situation, and does not know how to change his next generation.

Working in the car while sitting still for a long time made his shoulders and lower back pain more and more frequently.

It took him a long time every night to get himself to sleep,

Then wake up and start the same day again.

Wake up and go out, get in the car, sit in the driver's seat, the same scenery, the same route,

Buy four hamburgers at noon, eat them in the car, rest in the car,

Start the afternoon work, endure the pain in your shoulders until you get off work, then go straight home.

'Wood is fighting with his classmates, I have to go to school tomorrow, if your salary can go up, I don't have to feel bad about the little money I missed tomorrow by taking leave! ’

After listening to his wife's constant complaints, he dragged his body to bed with exhaustion.

Then wake up and start another day,

Going out, getting in the car, the same position,

Buy a hamburger at noon, eat it, rest,

Shoulder pain, get off work, go home.

'My friend's husband made a few hundred more dollars this month, when can you...'

complain, sleep,

Then another day...

Get out, get in the car...


Not a day or two, but a life day after day, year after year,

No society, no friends, no one cares about oneself, no one cares about one's own life or death, no direction to live,

There is no joy or hope in life, no light to see,

Every day in the same place as a cage, I repeat the monotonous and tiring work, I can only grit my teeth and hold back the pain and persevere.

Every day is laboriously gritted my teeth to survive, thinking of living this kind of life again tomorrow,

A feeling of being out of breath.

From George's memory, Fang Ran only 'sees' such repressed things, there is no such drastic change as the family is destroyed or desperate,

From the day-to-day repetition of his life, the sold-out burgers, the broken radio, his wife's complaints, his sore shoulders...

Fang Ran only saw such small despair piled up.

enough! enough! I can't stand it anymore! I really can't stand it anymore! I don't want to live like this anymore!

I've had enough of these days of pain and torture every night before going to bed!

Let it end! Set me free!

Perceiving the inner cry of pain and struggle in his memory, Fang Ran suddenly thought of that night in the black market. He looked at George's gentle smile that he squeezed out of him, why he felt a little familiar,

He had seen it in Kerim's face.

It's just that compared to the young super genius, George is a middle-aged man in his forties who lives at the bottom of Houston.

He was wandering in this world, living in the vast.

The collapse of adults is often in an instant,

At this moment, I suddenly remembered this sentence, and suddenly understood the reason why he wanted to commit suicide,

With some sighs, Fang Ran looked for the "moment" that detonated all his accumulated despair and made him want to jump off the roof.

Then Fang Ran found it in George's memory.

It was a few nights ago. On the way to work, he dropped by an unforgettable beauty and a very spirited foreign boy.

Listening to the young man thanking himself loudly in broken English, helping others' sense of accomplishment, made him a little excited in a life of repetition, depression, and hopelessness.

But that night, the police blocked a block for special reasons.

He couldn't make it home.

After the mood is lifted, I experience the drop of small despair, and because of this incident, other small despairs like the butterfly effect in the next few days,

The last straw finally broke George's already broken psychological defense.

At this moment, he confirmed the 'fuse' that detonated all his desperate accumulation, and learned the reason for the blockade from his memory.

The moment I saw the dark Bugatti,

Fang Ran's black eyes widened suddenly, the feeling of lightness and satisfaction after returning from the dark world and solving the crisis in the energy field,

It collapsed in an instant as if the pillar had been removed.

------off topic-----

In the end, I still couldn’t update it before midnight. Alas, I’m really sorry for the three-day delay. The good part is over again. The next few chapters are the chapters of naming and themes, which are as difficult to write as Helen’s. I’m very sorry. I was afraid that the writing was not good, and the finishing touches were not in place, which led to the collapse of the whole paragraph. I failed to sublimate and deepen the theme. After suffering for several days, I finally wrote it. In this chapter, the mid-life crisis part I wrote was really difficult, and it was very well portrayed. No, because I don't understand, I can only rely on my imagination. I feel like I'm struggling at the bottom and life is hopeless. I feel like I didn't write it. Originally, I had reference materials. , but I can't find it. [It is about a middle-aged man who was forced to collapse by the accumulation of all kinds of small despair in his life. He met a female high school student while in a daze. Yuan can be protected', that page is a trembling hand holding money] I searched for more than two hours yesterday and couldn't find it, and my mind burst when I was looking for it. If anyone has seen it, please let me know. A middle-aged crisis feeling of hesitation, looking for inspiration in despair and oppression, and repairing this
