Clow Cards Cardcaptor

Chapter 321: Fighting guide for electric geniuses


"Light! Light! It hurts! No! No! No! Ah! No! Ah!!!"

In the underground training ground, the dehydrated salted fish shot on the ground made a melodious scream, shaking all over, regardless of what bad lines he shouted.

Su Qun silently looked at Fang Ran who was patted on the ground, and let go of the hand massaging his thigh muscles and the black line on his forehead.

Lime: "..."



Others present were not afraid of boiling water when they watched the dead fish. The hotter the hot water, the more waves I would get. In any case, if you dare to do it, I dared to scream.

Did you encounter rape? Do you dare to shout more brutal?

"He really... is the novice... is he..."

Lime pressed her lips tightly and stood not far away looking at Fang Ran as if a child refused to get an injection. She couldn't believe that such a guy had been promoted to the D level in more than a month.

"I was so skeptical before I saw the system prompting him to upgrade to D-level that day."

He turned his head and sighed, unable to look directly at this kind of easily crooked words.

"Maybe because we are there, we want to use this way to make the group gentle."

The magician held the cane, smiled and guessed, and then the group silently grabbed Fang Ran's ankles on the ground who wanted to squirm and escape, and sighed while exerting force:

"That's not the case. He always yells like that, but today you are a little bit restrained."


Was it like this...

Lime, recovery: "..."

Did it converge just now?

With the help of Su Qunshu (fen) Jinhuo (wrong) and Luo (bone) hands, Fang Ran finally stood up tremblingly after a minute.

To be honest, if there is no means of quickly relieving muscle fatigue and turning Fang Ran from paralyzed to active, even with the enhancement of the numerical transformation of the participant's system, it is impossible to complete such a high-intensity training.

If there was no such false treatment of pain, he would only need about ten minutes of training for a day, and he has been criticized for this.

Bastard! Don't let me know who your master is, otherwise I will wait for me to leave the customs and I must go and ravage the guy who taught you this skill a hundred times! A hundred times!

(..... Remember what you said now)

"Well, the next fighting training is cancelled. Instead, the ability of the afternoon will be extended to the present. Lime is your opponent. Her ability is pure electric energy, which should be very inspiring to the use of your ability."

The group patted Fang Ran on the shoulder, as if the coach said to the player who was immediately entering the ring, and then turned to look at Lime:

"Xiao Ning, remember to control the power of the electric current and use it to show more combat skills and abilities."

"Understood, Brother Suqun."

Lime shook his hands, and the green light on it crackled and sparkled.

Immediately afterwards, the group, the magician, and the recovery stood aside, leaving hundreds of square meters of open space in the middle of the training ground for two people.

"Come on, you shoot first."

Lime said to Fang Ran that the genius girl who was still in her second year of high school stood pretty in place, but she was surrounded by lightning, like an anime girl.

Fang Ran's mouth twitched and stood there, looking at the lime, some memories appeared in his mind.

If I remember correctly, that time with my old brother holding on to the roof railing, it seemed as if seeing her hit three seconds right...

So the chicken like myself...

"What? I don't know how to start? Then I'm not welcome."

After that, Lime just raised his hand, and a thunder and lightning was like a long whip, spreading like a water wave, and rushed in front of Fang Ran in an instant. He only had time to hold up the shield for one block. Fortunately, the power was not great, and Fang Ran Block.

But before he could catch his breath, he saw the lightning gathering on Lime in front of him!

"You have a magical ability, so you can put a thunder and lightning or something, you can follow me like this, play the advantages of lightning destructive power and speed, and simply rely on ability to crush the opponent."

As if confirming his own words, Lime's index finger moved.

Fang Ran opened his eyes wide, before he even had time to react, he saw a thunder mark spreading to his feet.

"Because the speed of light is so fast, most opponents can't react. The destructive lightning is very suitable for this kind of brutal play."

As he spoke, Lime threw out electric marks one after another, Fang Ran could only support the shield to dodge with all his strength, and then he found that in fact...

He didn't avoid a flash of lightning.

The corners of his mouth twitched, and then he heard Lime still speaking:

"But when doing this, remember to adjust the distribution of your lightning. Simple changing patterns can improve accuracy."

After finishing speaking, Lime's finger flicked, and an electric arc flew out, and from Fang Ran who was trembling in [Shield], whizzed by.

Immediately afterwards, the two conducted electro-optical shots in the field for ten minutes. Although most of the time, Lime underplayed Fang Ran's attack, Fang Ran did not hesitate to eat Lime's damage.

"Emma, ​​give me a few free cubes."

Feeling that this kind of training is almost done, Lime said aloud to the air above her head, and then Emma's simple and clear reply sounded.

"Understood, Freedom Cube is unlocked."

The ground of the training ground opened, and several white cubes that Fang Ran usually used rose up, and then the surface was surrounded by electric light, and was forced to rise under the control of lime.

"Hey hey hey! You are playing with it!"

Fang Ran's eyes twitched, watching the slender girl controlling several huge cubes, and then whistling white, smashing at him!


"Xiao Ning, remember not to over-damage the ground, otherwise it will affect the layout of the three-dimensional maneuver tomorrow."

Suqun had already sat down aside, drinking ice coffee and said.

Using all the skills he had learned every morning for his life, Fang Ran holding his head in the white cube that hit him had no time to roar in his heart!

Compared to whether I will be knocked down, you are more concerned about whether the degree of ground damage will affect tomorrow's training!

Do you still have any humanity?

Friends, friends! I don't have a big brother like you! !


Another white cube smashed into the ground, forming a perfect corner with the previous ones.

Fang Ran swallowed, and felt that he was still missing a pillow with a funny expression, so that he can become a perfect, high-definition scared .jpg now shivering.

"But compared to the simple and rude way of use just now, the use of thunder and lightning is diverse, and it can even make you unimaginable. In the face of an enemy that cannot be attacked, it is obviously more effective to use another method to make the opponent bashful."

Fang Ran was stunned.

"So, such a big thing...Do you also use mind power?"

Fang Ran looked at the white cubes he used to train as obstacles, and asked with twitching corners of his mouth.

"Mind power? That's not true. My ability is pure electric power manipulation, and there is no branch of mind power or mental power. As for this, it's very simple. This is what I told you about other ways of using electric energy."

Hearing from Fang Ran’s mouth that ‘Mental Power’ is obviously not something that D-level participants can know, Lime is not surprised, thinking that it might be taught to him by the group, and replied casually:

"Just like in reality, we can also do many things that use electricity in reality, such as charging a mobile phone if the power bank is broken."

Fang Ran looked shocked!


There is even this kind of skill! ?

Please teach it to me, my power bank has been ‘broken’ for more than a month (cover my face)...

"I'll go, so strong, wait! That's not about a lot of physics..."

Fang Ran listened with shock on his face, and suddenly remembered a lot. He suddenly remembered what Meng Lang had told him before, that lime's ability was too practical and had been recruited by many big forces.

"Uh, although I know you would think so, but that..."

Facing Fang Ran's admirer's shocked expression, Lime scratched her short hair in trouble, and said vaguely without knowing how to explain:

"Although Faraday and Edison's physicists who have left behind in history have made a lot of various applications about electricity, a large part of it is actually..."

Said this lime was very helpless and sighed:

"It's useless."

Fang Ran: "Meow meow?"

"In theory, controlling electricity can do a lot of things. You can't live without electricity at all times, but that has nothing to do with you after you fight."

Seeing Fang Ran's persistent and perplexed look, Lime seemed to have also noticed that her description was unclear and somewhat inconsistent. She sighed in a little embarrassment:

"Speaking of people’s neural signals or positive and negative electrical signals, I can theoretically control other people’s emotions, but in fact, I have to be as powerful as a dragon, powerful, and meticulous. Controlled like a scalpel."

Lime looked at Fang Ran speechlessly, speaking like a spit:

"This kind of thing can only be nonsense in the invincible article. I have controlled the current for charging the mobile phone for a long time. Until now, if I accidentally use too much force, it will charge up. The total of the broken mobile phone is enough for me to buy a box of charging. treasure."

Fang Ran: "..."

So you mean to tell me to honestly buy another power bank?

Then Fang Ran covered his face silently, listening to Lime, a true electric power capable person, personally told this fact, feeling that the dream was suddenly shattered, and the reality was so skinny.

I'm sorry, I thought I would control the electricity for a second. I thought I could take off and become the hero of the city invincible.

Finally, Fang Ran watched the lime spread his and said with an uncomfortable mouth:

"I remember that when I was in physics class, I learned the theorem that the coil can generate force when it is energized. Then I was excited for a long time, wondering if I would be able to discharge and attract the opponent, but I was enthusiastically waiting for the next scene. Find an enemy to try..."


Fang Ran asked tentatively, only to see Lime's puffing voice roll his eyes:

"Then I found that it's better to use electro-optical paste on the opposite side."


Fang Ran took a lot of effort to stop himself from laughing.

"In physics, many theorems and formulas are useless, and the more advanced and complex, the more sophisticated, the more difficult it is when a fight starts."

"And the most annoying thing is that those technologists will always understand those complex theorems and scientific research conclusions better than you. Even if you don't make the bells and whistles, you may be used by the other party if one is not good."

"So, these heroes are..."

After finishing this sentence, Lime shook the broken hair of his bangs, complaining that his ability was completely overcome by the technologists.

Hearing Fang Ran pointed to the huge white cube floating around, and asked hesitantly, she replied nonchalantly:

"Oh, ah, I later discovered that although most advanced things are useless, simple and basic electrical knowledge is quite useful."

"This is the inspiration I got from high school textbooks. The electric field force that I learned to attract and so on, faces the opponents who are not easy to use with thunder, especially when you meet the technologists, you can smash them and make the opponent look confused."

Fang Ran: "..."

So, I apologize to the physics truths that you just said are useless!

(╬◣д◢)╯┬—┬ (beat the table)!