Clow Cards Cardcaptor

Chapter 410: A fresh start to college life

In the rental house of the magic boy.

The air conditioner that was finally installed was continuously blowing out cold air, lowering the indoor temperature.

And finally, Meng Lang, who only had big pants left without being hot, yawned and leaned against the water dispenser, and emptied himself a cup of black wheat oranges.

With an expression of "Finally escaped from that ghost place in my hometown, no need to work day and night, my stupid Odoudou", looking at the house at this moment whether it is a newly bought small table carpet or a new The floor and walls of the decoration finally have a habitable look.

Ahem, as for the inexplicable ice cubes piled on the balcony...

That must be your illusion.

Meng Lang looked at Gou Yu who had just put the endgame of the three people in the dishwasher in the kitchen, and yawned lazily and asked:

"By the way, Xiaoor, did my brother go to class?"

Gou Yu, who is currently in the kitchen with flour and egg whites, intends to use the oven that the three of them bought two days ago to make the Black Forest Mousse Cake. Looking at the recipe, he nodded and said:

"Well, I got up in the morning and packed up and went out."


Meng Lang sighed and sighed that before the summer vacation, he didn't basking in the sun. Fang Ran, who would never get up, was able to get up earlier than he did. Then he put down the black wheat oranges, and suddenly a smile appeared on his face.

"That, Xiaoor, I think we need to do something for my brother, hehehe."

In the kitchen, Gou Yu, who had just stirred and took out the mold, looked at him speechlessly and sighed in his heart.

With this smile, why do I always feel like Brother Meng? You are thinking about how to cheat the captain...



the University,

A word that makes people feel good.

Freed from the dire high school, came to another city, another completely new environment,

Without parental restraint, in a fairly free way, the money that is free to spend every month, in the place called ‘University’, is undergoing various interesting experiences that have not been experienced in the first ten years of life.

Instead of only attending classes and studying as before.

Club hobbies, socializing with friends, out-of-school activities, all kinds of novel and interesting life that you can’t experience in high school life are waiting for you,

Even the premature love that parents have been forbidden before is not a problem.

How is it, very beautiful, isn't it?

But of course,

"You can have a girlfriend when you get to college". This may not exist (serious face)

That is just a lie that your teachers and parents want to hold you down for the time being and let you study hard.

I stupidly believe this sentence, but rejected all the girls who have a good impression of themselves in high school, and the little fools who study hard, will slowly find out...

I can't find a girlfriend, and you can't go to college...

It doesn't matter.

Believe me, your single status will not change just because you went to college. If you can get rid of the order, you can withdraw from the organization at any time and change from a consumer to a producer in the distribution channel of dog food. By.

However, if you can’t, the dead house and dry things skills are full, and you can only lie down all day in despair. If you don’t have a girlfriend at all,

Then I can only recognize the reality and spend the four years of college alone when I was only concerned about studying, and even rejected the girls who had a good impression of me in high school, resulting in arrears in emotional intelligence. .

And by the way, the girls who have a good impression of you in high school are just because the circle of high school is too small, and they will love each other for a long time. When you get to college, you will find that they start to grow rapidly and will never look back. .

Believe me, to some extent, it's actually more difficult to get out of college than high school.

Therefore, no matter from the skills of making girls, emotional intelligence, enthusiasm, and lack of experience in dealing with women,

After all, the most likely reason you are single is because...






I always feel as if I have also been hurt, hahaha... (Laughs with tears revealing strength)

In short,

At this moment, I feel as if I have returned to the freshman year when I was enrolled, facing a completely unfamiliar environment, watching the people coming and going on campus because of the freshman enrollment.

Coupled with the reasons for being a top university, he can see from time to time that it seems that parents who are not ordinary people take their children out of the car and walk to the place where new students sign up.

At this moment, it made Fang Ran very clear that this is the fact that this is the highest school in China, the top-level prestigious university-Jingcheng University. It is not the campus environment that looks very high-grade, and it is not the surrounding variety that looks very powerful. Qian’s parents, and an atmosphere full of high-level culture


He found that he was lost.

"I'm going...this is the capital of Beijing University before this big..."

Even if it was a little cooler than yesterday, but the temperature was still around 30 degrees, Fang Ran, who had been running for almost half an hour, looked desperate. He covered his face and dared not think.

Had it not been for the excitement that I couldn’t sleep last night, I would have come out almost an hour earlier this morning.

What will happen now...

"The professional foreign language classroom, where the **** is..."

Fang Ran burst into tears with a bitter smile, wondering if the teacher at Beijing University will call him...

Do not! Fang Ran, you have to believe that teachers who rely on rollover to retain students are like juniors who rely on pregnancy. Teachers at Beijing University will definitely not be like this!

I took a deep breath and did not give up the hope of finding a classroom. As my first class in Beijing University, I had to leave a good impression on the teacher, and I definitely can’t go back and drink with the old man by the table. With Xuanmai citrus bullshit!

So Fang Ran resolutely decided...

First go find someone to ask for directions...

He looked around him, it was a path under the shade of trees, and there were many students walking in groups, talking and laughing.

Uh, although it was very sudden to mention this, Fang Ran's first thought at the moment was to look at the faces of passers-by and sighed in her heart.

Ah, everyone is the face of ordinary people.

One summer vacation, I stayed in the night game all the time. I was nurtured by many high-value participants such as Yesheng, Suqun, Hualing, Resuscitation and so on. Like Ye Sheng, it can even faint him...

Even in the rental house these few days, I faced the handsome, quiet, virtuous and perfect Gou Yu and Meng Lang who was actually quite a man but was passively vilified in Fang Ran’s heart and resolutely refused to admit it, leading to a drop in his score.

So at this moment, I looked at the public faces of passersby that he saw, and sighed from the bottom of my heart.

Ah~ This is the world of ordinary people.

I seemed to be living in the celebrity circle before, I must have made a mistake.

Unlike the world of night battles, there are not so many superb appearances in the world of ordinary people. Some are just the vast majority of ordinary people with ordinary looks and a small part of superb looks that can arouse passersby onlookers, such as. ..

Fang Ran looked at the two brothers who had just passed by, pointing in a certain direction behind him and exclaimed:

"Hey! Isn't that the quiet and beautiful girl we two met before the holiday!...The goddess beside her is also!"

"Um... Forget it, buddy, I asked a little bit during the summer vacation. The goddess senior sister is said to be the daughter of the boss of a fairly large listed company in Beicheng District, Beijing. There is a mine at home. Then she is affirmed by her as a younger sister. It's not easy, just give up."

"Tell me such cruel you the devil?"

"No, I am an angel among the devil~"

Hearing the nonsensical dialogue between the two, Fang Ran rolled his eyes as he passed by. The idea that I had always thought that there are talents in Jingcheng University was a little broken.

Was such a real conversation actually found in a prestigious university like Beijing University?

What about high-achieving students who say they are self-improving, persevering, inspirational, confident and persistent?

Fang Ran complained in a speechless heart, and then didn't have much interest in the beauty who could arouse the two people's surprise, so he continued to find his own teacher.

And in the two of them... or it should be that many people are oriented towards their goals.

There, the beautiful girl in high-heeled sandals and a pair of long-legged fashion and exquisite dress hugged a girl who was shorter than herself, and rubbed her cheek with her cheeks.

"Ahhh, Xiao Ranran, you are finally back, do you miss me?"

"Mingling-senpai, hug too tight, and please don't call me that."

The small girl who was hugged by Ming Ling, with a neat ponytail, white short sleeves and denim shorts with half of her calf, was clear and simple.

While talking helplessly, with some headaches dealing with this particularly enthusiastic senior, she suddenly saw a somewhat familiar back from the gap between the other's hair.

"Xiao Xiaoran, I told you that the night before the capital was quite lively... well, what happened to you?"

Ming Ling let go, teased her with the tips of her hair and said with a smile, only to find that her cute school girl didn't seem to pay attention.

"Ah, nothing, um, I know, I saw a shocking scene on TV, and don't change it to a more unacceptable title."

Recovered, and answered Mingling, she gently shook her head.

How could it be, an illusion...