Clow Cards Cardcaptor

Chapter 421: Those things about military training

Military training.

The first big thing every student entering the university has to face!

Good, good, good, I know, I know,

Every student who has just entered university is dreaming about the beauty of university that I said before, but forgot to tell you,

Before going to experience those, please go through the trial called ‘Military Training’.

In this military training, which is as short as a week and longer than half a month, it can actually highlight the quality of the university.

What you will face...

It is a group of devil creatures named ‘instructors’ that gave you all sorts of strongmen lock male orders to the newcomers.

(`へ′*) Hmph, don’t think I don’t know,

Every student who has just entered college, both men and women, will dress up beautifully at the beginning of school. Put on the good-looking clothes that you don’t have much chance to wear in high school. The excitement of the environment is to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

But sorry!

I refuse...cough cough,

(Excuse me, I'm so happy...start again)


But sorry! (Sneer)

In the face of military training, all those bells and whistles have to disappear for the baby. It is impossible to get out of the organization!


The first thing you have to face is that the quality is not good. It is neither good-looking nor comfortable to wear. There is no money to spread the school trash and make a camouflage uniform that may be inadvertently opened in the army.

And most of them are flat shoes with flat soles that are as hard as barefoot on the ground, even if you are careful.

Oh, and apart from these basic conditions, your biggest enemy is not the instructor who always lets you do it, and has a rude temperament and a careless nature that depends on the individual.

It was the temperature in early September.

At this time, I have to say some digressions. In the special month of September, if your geography teacher gives you the basic common sense, you have not eaten...

You will know that the temperature difference in cities with different latitudes is quite big. A certain idiot’s hometown even started heating, and he is still in a situation where he can’t live without air conditioning.

So if... I mean, if the city you chose when you applied for the exam was not in the south and there are some well-known ‘burning stove’ cities, then congratulations,

All you need for military training in college is simple training that you can hold through with a little bit of teeth.

If...Of course I said what if, it's definitely not a self-destruction...

If your eyes are blurred when you apply for the exam, you don’t know why your head is pumped or you have no choice to apply for the school is in some well-known'stove' city in the south or Beijing, which is hot even in the north. local...

Then I can only say...

It’s okay, kid, we have to learn to be strong (cover your face and laugh and cry)

——The above, from an unknown senior in the far north of his hometown, a tearful heart monologue.

And at the moment,

Beijing University rushed to the sports playground that was cleaned and repaired on the last day before military training.

The teams have just been divided according to the class. All the freshmen of Beijing University are in an orderly manner on the open playground where participants can fight a battle or countless numbered monsters rush out.

Facing the scorching sun and cloudless ‘good weather’ on September 30, standing in a military posture,

As I said before, as a top school in the country, the military training of Beijing University is...very strict.

Let’s not talk about the duration of about 20 days, the seriousness of various trainings, the responsibility of recruiting the best officers in the army, and the strict standards for review.

As a prestigious school, it’s compelling... ahem, it’s even strict enough even if you haven’t been able to participate in military training in your freshman year,

You have to make it up in your sophomore year...

It’s impossible to turn it off, it’s impossible to turn it off in this life (a serious look.jpg)

And on this basis,

Beijing is one of the hottest cities in the north...

Therefore, after learning that there was no problem in the playground and the news that the freshman military training was carried out as scheduled, I watched the senior and senior sister I just met with a meaningful smile.

Almost all of the ‘future pillars’ who are standing in a military posture in the scorching heat, wearing thin camouflage uniforms and flat shoes, gritted their teeth in their hearts:

Mom, don't let us know which **** who was in a hurry to complete the work and rushed to reincarnate contracted the project!

Sweat ran down from the cheeks, the soles of the feet hurt, and the muscles began to sore. The new students who started military training on the first day did not complain, because they knew that they had nothing to love.

Such days are still more than half a month...

They dare not expect the military training to be cancelled. They just want to let us go to class and then military training if the playground cannot be used?

Since even the postponement cannot be realized, don't give us the hope of delaying this hottest period of time!

Hope it will only make people more desperate!

I have to say that this is actually a blow to many people, because if you think about it, girls who are pursuing a high-quality life naturally do not allow themselves to get dark and black, so all kinds of sun protection measures are quite good. Trouble, this also applies to boys who want to protect their skin.

Of course, if you ask me if you are short and ugly, after this military training, can you become stronger, stronger, and have eight pack abs.

I can only say, child, go to sleep, everything in your dreams.

Throw away these delusions that are not something that can be achieved in a short-term military training, and recognize the facts. As for the current military training situation, if you are short and ugly, then after the military training...

You will only become short, black and ugly.

emmm...Hahaha (Laughing owe)

The loud whistle sounded--

The captains of each team looked at the head of the military training. The figure that made them look forward to it, said that they had received it, and then the standard turning posture, facing the students of one of the teams, sounded loud and serious. The opening:

"Free time and rest for ten minutes!"


With a command roar, a team of freshmen who were originally like pieces of tofu fell softly in an instant, almost all collapsed on the ground and panted, looking at the instructor who was clearly standing with them.

In the high temperature of more than 30 degrees, the fart is nothing, even during the free time, it still maintains a strict standard movement, turning 360 degrees and running towards the instructor assembly place to report the progress.

"My mother, I don't know if it is my illusion. Why do I feel that this year's instructor is exceptionally powerful."

In military training, as a friend who is suffering in military training, even people who don’t know can easily talk to each other.

After all, everyone will be friends in the hard days in the future. If they see each other fainted, they will definitely go up and slap twice to confirm whether they are pretending, and insist on advancing and retreating together.

"Uh, brother, what do you mean this year..."

"Stop talking, brother, everything is silent..."


Chat **** is probably the only thing that supports all freshmen in military training, because...

This instructor is so strict about him (covers his face)

Every student who graduated from Beijing University will remember the harshness of the military training instructor at the beginning, until they learned from the seniors and sisters that they were soldiers from the direct units of the Beijing Military Region.

"I Di Tian, ​​this.... This is really military training... Don't you want... my life...?"

Among the freshmen, there will always be students who are relatively weak in physical fitness and are not good at sports and physical fitness. Such students are extremely high in this Jingcheng University, which requires extremely high Although improving this is the purpose of the school's military training.

"Why do you repeat the practice of turning and military posture so many times... From the perspective of efficiency and result acquisition... it's not right..."

A man with glasses became a schoolmaster in his past life, but at this moment he was paralyzed on the ground like a salted fish trying to make his final rebuttal. However, before he could finish speaking, the other one was lying next to him. The salted fish in glasses answered him equally quickly.

"Don't think too much.... The instructor may consider it from the perspective of solid geometry...I simply want to make our exposure more uniform..."

"..." (Born without love...)

So, this story tells us that even if you are a student with a score of more than 670 in the college entrance examination,

In the days of military training, you can only honestly be a salted fish, waiting to be dried into dried fish by the high temperature of more than 30 degrees in the capital.

"Thousands of miles are cloudless, so the smog situation in the capital has been managed so well..."

Seeing a sunny day in the sky, the freshmen showed a sad and hard-working smile.

"Brother, I didn't expect it to be at this time. You still care about our smog management in China. I really admire my brother..."

"God's **** smog management has something to do with me. I just want to say that the broken sky that can't even be found in the shadows, the ice water I brought specially has turned into hot water!"

"Um... do you have a girlfriend?"

"Don't you think your topic jumps too much, so what if I have it, so what if I don't?"

"If yes, you can send her to tell her to drink more hot water, if not, you can give it to me, I am so **** thirsty..."