Clow Cards Cardcaptor

Chapter 425: The secret strategy of Shaved Ice 3

Beijing University, a corner on the east side of the playground.

Still behind a certain bush, two sneaky magic boys and a helpless magic boy have refreshed here.

Of course they are pushing their "Shaved Ice Stand"

"Brother, do we really have to shoot and change places like thieves?"

Meng Lang held a small branch for concealment, stretched his neck and looked at the new-born phalanx in the playground that was kicking upright. At the same time he asked Fang Ran beside him silently, he suddenly realized, huh? There seem to be more girls here.

"Huh, stupid brother, what do you know, only in this way can we make the three of our shaved ice heroes more famous. As long as more people know about it, more people will buy it and we will earn more. Money."

Hey, wait! Captain, are you sure you want to make the Shaved Ice Three Heroes a name you just thought of! ?

Seeing Fang Ran's contemptuous reply next to Meng Lang, who also held a small branch in both hands, Gou Yu thought with a dazed expression, feeling that he could not accept the title of'Three Shaved Ice Heroes' at all.

"That's right, even if you don't want to be famous for our shaved ice three heroes, you can try another place."

Meng Lang also nodded slightly.

No, has the name of Shaved Ice Three Heroes been decided?

Gou refused to accept and began to regret telling them about money. Yu, with a look of despair.

"So it's time, brother, it's time to beat!"

Seeing that the instructors once again announced the beginning of the afternoon free break, Fang Ran threw the branch in his hand to the ground with a snap, and suddenly started by ejecting, just like the warrior rushing to the final battlefield in the story. Obligatory background

Pushed on the shaved ice stand and rushed forward!


Half an hour later

In front of the "Shaved Ice Stall" with no one at all

"Brother, do you regret it?"

Looking at the shaved ice in the waste book box on the back seat of the electric car, there are not more than 20 people who have come to buy shaved ice just now.

Meng Lang stared at Fang Ran blankly and asked.

During the free rest period of the freshmen just now, let alone their reputation, they were almost given the background by the fact that no one came to buy them.

"Impossible! Why is this? My perfect plan including invincible marketing strategies and MLM methods can be unexpected!"

On the other side, Fang Ran showed unbelievable eyes between his fingers covering his face, squatting on one side and already refused to accept the facts.

Gou Yu looked at the used book box in front of him, although it was almost sold out, but he knew

There is a sauerkraut jar behind him and the ice cubes are useless

"The majority of the freshmen girls in military training here, I believe it should be some majors with more Chinese and English girls. Unlike boys who only want to quench their thirst and don't pay attention to appearance, women prefer the kind of milkshake salad. We can’t sell the delicate shaved ice of fruit desserts. It’s normal for only a few girls to buy them.”

With a helpless sigh, Gou Yu looked at Fang Ran, who was already autistic, squatting on the ground and slowly explained

"Girls who can enter the Beijing University are naturally excellent people. The conditions at home are generally not too bad and they may be rich. To get thirsty, buy a glass of shaved ice that is very simple for two yuan. A matter of shame,"

"Furthermore, because of the time when the freshman girls just started to develop their social circle and good friends, no one wants to be regarded as such a person, so they tend to use their own water and sunscreen to survive. ."

"Damn, the reason for such hypocrisy is that the military training is not tired enough or the temperature is not high enough! What is going on with the strange rules in the social circle of this group of girls, it can make them float like this!?"

Fang Ran was powerless to kneel down on the ground with an angry hammer, and said angrily with an attitude of hating iron and steel.

Meng Lang looked at him silently, and thought with a sweat in his heart.

(;¬_¬)?? So, brother who can’t understand this at all, you have never had a girlfriend until now

Of course, given that he had not yet found an effective means to counter Fang Ran's blow, Meng Lang wisely did not vomit this sentence.

"So, brother, should we go back to the morning? Now, I think it should be too late."

Meng Lang poked him and said, trying to persuade Fang Ran, who was already autistic.

But Fang Bao, who couldn’t stand this kind of grievance, stood up and gritted his teeth viciously.

"No! No! We can't just give up like this! The great thinker Mr. Lu Xun once said that wherever you fall, you can barbecue! We must find a way to make us famous! Let them know how powerful we are! "


Brother, I may not know anything else, but this **** thing must not be what Lu Xun said! !

Gou Yu ""

Captain, do you not hit the south wall and give up? And can we not be attached to the Three Gorges of Shaved Ice, which sounds like a title related to the Three Gorges

"Then brother, do you have any ideas?"

Seeing Fang Ran fell into this state of disobeying people at all, Meng Lang rolled his eyes and asked.

"Huh, about this, I have a secret plan that I have prepared a long time ago and I haven't used it yet."

Fang Ran pushed his sunglasses and said with a confident smile, as if he had anticipated this situation.

However, seeing his unbelievable and autistic look just now, both Meng Lang and Gou Yu thought in unison in their speechless hearts.

This is definitely something he just thought of

Soon the free break for the second military training arrived.

"Brother, the secret strategy you have prepared a long time ago is to yell again normally. Are you calling for free and calling me for money?"

Meng Lang was carrying out the loading operation with a cold face. However, unlike the speed that he was worried about not being able to sell in the morning, he can now shovel slowly and steadily.

"Ahem, brother, I just started the game normally, I'm still waiting for the time to use the secret strategy."

Being stared at by Meng Lang with a very cold gaze, Fang Ran coughed awkwardly, and explained in a serious manner.


Meng is still indifferent.

"Brother, do you believe me?"

Seeing that he was still unbelieving, Fang Ran had no choice but to speak with sincerity and emotion.

"Brother, I just believed your nonsense on the Pearl of Night. Do you know how much work my **** did in the previous month?"

"Puff! Hahaha! It turned out to be like this, brother, you told me before that you went to the beach to enjoy your summer vacation."

"Hehe, brother, before laughing at me, think about how you spent your summer vacation?"

Instant silence

However, just as the two exposed each other’s scars, a girl’s crisp questioning sounded

"Well, are you selling shaved ice here?"

The two guys who might be pinching together are both turning their heads at the same time. Seeing a pretty-looking girl frowning, she seems to feel a little embarrassed to ask.

Her face was flushed, and the heat of more than 30 degrees made her temples stick to her cheeks. It seemed that she finally couldn't stand the weather, or she was the type who forgot to bring water before coming here.

"Finally waited."

Seeing the moment this girl appeared, Fang Ran sighed to the sky and muttered to himself.
