Clow Cards Cardcaptor

Chapter 523: If you must show courage, then admit it,

After stopping, I felt fatigue spreading from the bottom of my heart bit by bit

Fang Ran sat on the luxurious seat of the first-class cabin, propped one of his cheeks, and his eyes hanging down to the last line seemed to close completely at any time.

Starting from watching the last light spot of the power bank go out, squeeze anxiety and anxiety into motivation, whether it’s a heart-stopping night cruise or flying to Moshui Linlang and returning to Dongjiang.

There was a voice urging him to keep him from stopping for a moment.

Until he boarded the plane, he had been thinking about the answer that was the origin in his mind, driving him to keep his head down.

But it should be fine now

I already got the magic core, and took the fastest flight to Northern Europe from Veronica

At least now I can take a break

Fang Ran closed his eyes sleepily,

What appeared in my mind like a rising tide was the warm night with a bonfire background, where people who cared about laughed.

Then the sound of the page turning awakened Fang Ran, the moment the rectangular light fell off,

He saw a familiar card appearing in his hand, and the slender beast with a long tail running on all fours was frozen by the card.


[Symbol: Victory with instant explosive power, fight with yourself]

[Introduction: It has fast-moving magic, but it cannot last]

"Fighting yourself?"

Fang Ran looked at the awakening [Driving Card] at this time, and whispered in a low voice, then went silent, exhaling a long breath.

He didn’t call for a meal and didn’t ask the beautiful stewardess just now to spread a blanket for himself, so he leaned directly on the chair and put himself to sleep with his ability

The steel sent into the sky by technological means gained the ability to soar into the sky,

Time passes, I don’t know how many countries I have passed, and an elegant white line is drawn in the sky without sea of ​​clouds.

And in one of the flights to Norway,

The rest room at the end of the corridor,

"How about the front guest in the first class?"

The flight attendant pulled over the outstanding flight attendant, and asked again, worried.

"There is no movement, it seems to be resting"

Some wry smiles answered the flight attendant, she felt that she was a little negligent and said truthfully:

"He never called me once. When I wanted to ask him if he could prepare dinner, I saw the light went out."

Hearing her answer, the flight attendant didn't blame anything. After all, they couldn't bother knocking on the door when the guests took the initiative to turn off the lights, but frowned and looked at the time and the still dark night sky outside, and she again asked:

"Then prepare for the meal at any time. We will arrive in Norway in two or three hours. Remember to take good care of that guest."

"That sister Zhang, at that age, what is he?"

"Don't ask, just remember."

Interrupting what she wanted to ask, the flight attendant said again.

At the same time, in the economy class

Few points of light are dimly lit. In the dim environment of the overall cabin, all passengers seem to fall asleep in their seats, but the exceptions are

In several seats, a few men with foreign appearances sat upright and nodded towards the position of their companions in the dark environment. Then one stood up shaking and walked towards the bathroom.

The moment he closed the door, he swept away his sleepiness, took a deep breath, then took out a bluish ‘plastic’ cube and crushed it forcefully.

Then the incredible distortion made the man startled and felt that after dreaming,

A communication module fell into his hand.

The nervous rolling of his eyes confirmed the above information. He gritted his teeth with a fierce expression, pressing a low bulging piece behind his ear:

"The boss has spoken. Although I don't know why the flight was advanced, there must be a loophole in the security of the time rush. This opportunity must not be missed. This investigation plan is invalidated. Everyone comes to me to pick up the guy!"

After speaking, he did not wait for an answer. He gritted his teeth to strengthen the burning sensation behind his ears, took out a disposable storage unit, and crushed his teeth.

I don’t know how long it took, maybe it’s because the effect of the "sleep card" began to fade.

Fang Ran seemed to wake up dimly, the scattered consciousness reunited in his mind, and began to think wildly.

In the blurred vision, you can see the newly awakened [Driver] still caught in your fingers,

Why does it awaken at this time

The drowsiness has not disappeared, in the hazy dream of half asleep and half awake, this thought came to mind, but then she closed her eyes again and wanted to sleep again.

You know

Unlike the child who cried that night last month, this time

Is the taciturn boy,

As if standing opposite to himself, asking himself.

You know

Yes, I actually know better than anyone why this card awakens at this time,

Fang Ran breathed slowly against the seat, and the bonfire party seemed to be just a second ago. The warm brilliance of the fire light illuminates the entire playground, which contains all the people he wants to stay in his daily life.

But you didn't dare to think about it, did you

Well, I’m afraid of leaving there, the restlessness and cringe of being alone, afraid that I can’t believe my guess and chase it out.

That night of the bonfire, the daily joy was too smooth and too good,

I was afraid that I could not help staying.

So you didn't think about anything?

So I didn't think about anything.

Breathing along with the weak vision, I recalled the moment I rushed out of Beijing University, my mind only indulged anxiety and anxiety.

Relying on this emotion, he exploded at the fastest speed, fulfilled his decision and embarked on a flight to Northern Europe.

It's like trying to throw the hat over the wall first,

With the fastest burst of speed, he defeated himself, who was still worried and afraid of going to the North Pole alone in his heart.

But why are you afraid

His head slipped from the back of the seat he was leaning on, and suddenly woke up from the sleepy hazy, Fang Ran struggled with his vague sleepy eyes, watching the TV in front of him in the first-class cabin and the seat beside him. The chair has a button that can call the flight attendant at any time,

On the small table next to the armrest is a tablet that can meet work needs, as well as matching noise-reducing headphones and a pull ring of a hidden refrigerator filled with wine and beverages.

Why are you afraid

Obviously I should have slept for a long time, and the spacious first-class private room was enough to rest, but Fang Ran still felt tired. He pushed aside the binoculars he had somehow placed beside him, and lay on the small table by the window, hiding his suit. The louvered sliding door of the closet showed the light of the corridor outside and draped over him.

In fact, it is probably because of lack of confidence.

As if he had been back to high school for three years, Fang Ran seemed to be lying on the desk, staring at the desk with downcast eyes in a daze, feeling that he was not awake yet.

That's right, in the final analysis, in many cases he has no confidence.

For a very simple example,

In fact, it's just like ordinary people don't go to high-end restaurants.

The cramped worry about paying the bill is beyond one's financial ability. If you are nervous, if you are bullied and looked down upon by a wealthy and well-connected villain, you can only swallow your ridicule.

It's like walking on the streets of Dongjiang that night, guessing what is in those gorgeous buildings with bright lights.

Ordinary fate means that ordinary people with little confidence choose to stay on their own.

No confidence?

Oh, actually there is no money, no status, no contacts, no prestige, no rights, no no no no no no

Countless pieces boiled down,

——There is no ‘power’.

There is no strength, so there is no confidence.

So there is no way to walk into the most luxurious restaurant proudly, no way to face someone more powerful than yourself, to straighten your back without worry, no way to break into the most gorgeous commercial building without worrying about the price, no way to be alone unscrupulously Travel without fear of any dangerous gangsters!

Because they are ordinary people without "power"

Fang Ran lay on the small table next to the bed, his eyes falling down and his quiet eyes seemed to be able to close at any time. This truth was not as early as four years, but almost five years ago.

I knew it right behind that warehouse.

It’s not a calm and perfect genius like that of a young man, or a young master who seems to be a prominent family background like my old brother.

Compared with everyone in the night game, he was far behind.

Fang Ran, who was lying on the small table by the window and forcing himself into the plane, even when he was satisfied with his sleep, a little anxiety and anxiety erupted at this moment.

He has no money, he is not very good, he is not particularly good.

I have to say something special, it’s just that he was a little stupid when he was a child, especially in the middle of two.

But in fact, many people are like this

Therefore, Fang Ran actually didn't understand how ordinary people like himself were selected by the night battle.

Not to mention this luxurious box-like first-class room, without Veronica’s help, he couldn’t even go abroad.

Speaking of which, this is the first time he has come by plane.

Therefore, he will be scared, nervous, worried about a foreign country, and worried about the far north end of the world he is going to.


Are you really powerless?

Lying on the small table, Fang Ran lowered his eyes as if he had just woken up from a dream. Under the dim light, he seemed to see the taciturn teenager in his high school asking himself.

You just don't want to admit it

If there is no courage, maintaining the status quo is also an option.


What if you have to show courage?

"You must show courage"

His lips moved insignificantly, and he spoke silently, raising his eyes in the dim environment, the night outside the window was far away, and the clouds were like the sea.

By the way, he knew that he actually had power,

It is not a force that is forced to pick up like Night Crows, but a force that can be used unscrupulously, indulge in thoughts as you please, and achieve the goals you want!

Fang Ran still remembers the name he wore the black rose mask.

It's just that at the end of the scene of losing the heart, that name was taken by him with that power,

Locked into that night together.

As for the reason

Fang Ran looked ahead silently, as if the taciturn young man was standing in front of him, also not speaking.

There was a vaguely fierce pain on their left cheeks, and a man's roar echoed in their ears.

So do you really have no power?

The young man, whose hair is a bit longer, still looks silently depressed, seems to be asking him in front of Fang Ran's eyes, seeming to speak unwillingly.

At least those of us who are still children, the time spent to become a hero is definitely not in vain!

If you must show courage

He took a deep breath, seeming to blame Fang Ran, who was in a state of anxiety and depression at the moment, biting his lip and shouting in his heart!

If you must show courage! !

Then admit it!

Admit it! Admit it! Admit it! Fang Ran! ! !

Don't you want to go to Ling's place! Don't you want to help her solve the troubles caused by you! Don't you want to be the kind of person you hate most!

Since you want to be able to go to the kind of place she is!

How long do you have to satisfy yourself and avoid thinking that you are an ordinary person! ! !

boom--! ! ! ! !

Gunfire sparks burst with exclamation and screams!

In the economy several sturdy foreign men yelled with their pistols, and the silver bottle was broken and stable and disappeared in people's panic!

At the moment when the alarm was sounded, watching the security guards fall, the brutal culprit rushed in his direction. The beautiful stewardess assigned by the flight attendant panicked and tried to inform the captain, but fell and crashed into the first class cabin. The front room!

Then she hurriedly raised her head to say something, and saw the dim room,

The black-haired young man who finally woke up held the armrest to prop up his shoulders and sat upright. His pure black coat and the deep ruby-inlaid gold badge on the collar finally matched him, and his slowly opened eyes seemed to be a certain night. Something awakens, and the hot edge turns into darkness!

Unlike the child who cried that night in Sheng Le Fanjing, this time the taciturn teenager screamed in his heart!

Admit it! Fang Ran! !

It doesn't matter why the night battle chooses an ordinary person like you. It doesn't matter if you don't have confidence, confidence, anxiety, or fear, but since you can admit your ability overnight!

If you have to show courage to reach Ling's place!

Then give up thinking that you are just ordinary people's consciousness,

The raised black eyes seemed to see through the wall the scene after that, looking at the scene of hijacking, which he had only seen in the movie, the crowd screaming in horror, and surprisingly felt all the anxiety and tension of this journey All disappeared, because he listened to the silent young man in his heart screaming hard!

Admit it, Fang Ran, you are a participant! ! !