Clow Cards Cardcaptor

Chapter 745: Wandering in London (Part 2)

Yi Fang Ran has never been abroad (crossed out)


   With Fang Ranna’s superficial knowledge that he has never lived in a foreign country and has no knowledge of economics, he has always thought that even if there is such a thing as exchange rate, it is only involved in cross-border trade.


  So all kinds of currencies should be similar in their own countries. A pound in the UK is equivalent to a dollar in China.


But after seeing that a bag of bread in front of me was only 70 pence and 0.7 pound, what currency value, national wealth, productivity level, and inflation did not understand in my mind. I thought very simply about my own bread in the capital. After at least three or four yuan,


   Fang Ran suddenly felt that he was holding a huge sum of money,


   He looked at the shelf in front of him. The simple label was a price that he could recognize in plastic English. Most of them were a few tenths or a few small numbers.


   A piece of bread is 0.7 pounds, which means that if I buy ten yuan, I have three pounds left...


  (°Д°!) Are prices in the UK so low! ?




   Contrary to the impression that the food in the imperial capital of the British Empire, prices in London supermarkets are unexpectedly cheap.


   You might say that a bag of bread for nearly seven yuan is not cheap according to the exchange rate, but don’t forget one thing.


   People earn more than you (relentlessly rolls eyes)...


   Can the price of a bag of bread be the same for you as it is for others (gaze again)?


  The salary of the most common employee in London is 1,500 pounds a month, while the average person is around 2,000.


   According to the exchange rate of 1:9.5, it is about 20,000 yuan a month when converted to RMB.


   Tell me what position I want to be in in Huaxia...


   And based on your current income, how much do you spend a month on eating...


Okay, get it. In other words, you go to the supermarket twice a week in London, and you spend 25 pounds each time and 200 pounds a month. You can eat whatever you want with about one-tenth of your salary. Isn't it low?


   In fact, the same is true. Not talking about productivity, commodity economy and other complex professional things. Although people go out to eat a small case of tens of pounds in the British Empire, they all spend the cost of eating at home, that is, the Engels coefficient is only 8%.


   But even so, why do you always listen to people who have studied in London saying that the cost is not low and you have to live frugally?


   He, this question will be discussed next time,


  The most critical question right now is,


   Fangran squatted in front of the supermarket shelf with only £10, wondering whether he should buy this large bag of sesame bread for only 60 pence, or a large bag of pork floss bread for 90 pence next to him.


   As for the three-piece ham sandwich at 1.2 pounds on top of the head...


   That is not in his consideration.


   suddenly felt an unprecedented reality experience, and Fang Ran, who was in the entanglement, suddenly became a little lost, thinking about his current distressing problem and suddenly couldn't help but smile.


   Really, a few days ago, he was still holding on to the high-end ingredients that he didn't know, such as king crab, bluefin tuna, etc., but now he squatted in the corner of the supermarket and hesitated for the price difference of a few dollars.


   It feels like I have changed back to my previous self...


From the participants who had the [Creative Card] what they wanted, they fell back to the ordinary people who were worried about food. Thinking about it this way, she laughed and escaped from the previous panic and loss. Falling back from the night battle world to the real world and looking at herself. The supermarket, obviously just returned to the same as before but has a novel feeling,


   Then he put the 90 pence pork floss bread back on the shelf, picked up the most common bag of white bread that was only 55 pence on the side, and looked for something he needed.


   Speaking of which, the last time I came to the supermarket, I was with my senior sister...


Walking through the shelves, Fang Ran found the next thing he wanted to buy. Looking at the fruit area, there were basically a pound a bag of various fruits. The first thing that came to mind in this kind of retail label belonging to his daily category was The figure of Xia Yao.


   I don’t know what Senior Sister is doing now, ah... oh...


   This national war had an accident, and I had to be trained by Xiao Ran again when I went back...


   Passing by Evian, who was discounting six bottles of £3, brought up a bottle of unknown mineral water that was only 17 pence at 21, and she had a headache to think that he didn't explain to Fang Xiaoran that he was not in school.


   Forget it...


   But in the end, Fang Ran looked at the bread and water in his hands and sighed as he walked to the exit to pay the bill.


   Before you worry about going back to be trained, you have to find a way to go back...


   Then thinking about that, he walked to the cashier counter at the exit of the supermarket. There were not many people in line at this time in the morning. Fang Ran chose an empty mouth and walked over to take out the things in the shopping basket.


   "I want this... uh, that...i..."


  Wait, what should I say to people when paying the bill? I didn’t seem to have learned it in class before (stay)...


   Just after Fang Ran was in a daze for two seconds, and found that he didn’t know what the conversation said when paying the bill, and when he was ashamed to say that it should be okay, the figure behind the cashier quickly settled everything, and his voice was clear and cheerful:


   "Two packs of farmhouse white bread, two bottles of Nestlé mineral water, a total of 1.44 pounds."


   "Oh, thank you..."


   subconsciously handed over 10 pounds, and said in a daze, then after getting 8 pounds and 56 pence change, staring at the familiar figure wearing the uniform of the supermarket staff in front of him was silent.


   "Um... I said, Tang Bing Xuemei, what are you doing here?"


   Different from the domestic treatment, Tang Bing, who was sitting behind the cashier, had already put on a uniform with short sleeves, and when she heard Fang Ran's question, she answered as expected:


   "I am working here."


   Then you will tell me you don’t know where the supermarket is!


It seemed that he felt the speechlessness in Fang Ran's eyes and the prevarication that he had been afraid of avoiding before. Tang Bing was a little guilty and embarrassed to confess his mistake, then changed the subject and coughed and quickly expressed his concern. Asked:


   "Well, for seniors, do you only buy these two, eh, why do you buy so much bread?"


   "Because I can eat, there is another person left here to learn to save money."


   Fang Ran rolled his eyes and replied truthfully, and then Tang Bing quickly and enthusiastically stretched the bag for him to make up for his work, and while putting things in, he asked the genuine school girl a little bit angry:


   "Didn't you come to be an exchange student, what are you doing here?"


   "Because I don't want to eat soil."


Ok? Eat dirt?


   Isn’t the stuff here cheap?


   It was strange to hear her melancholy with a bitter face, but she didn’t ask much, she could hardly bear the gurgling in her stomach, she just wanted to find a place to get rid of a bag of bread.


   But before leaving, Fang Ran still remembered another important thing, looking at this school girl who had never known each other before but met on the streets of London.


   "Oh, yes, school girl, do you know where to sell blankets?"


   sat behind the cash register, the cheerful girl blinked and pointed to a place to answer:


   "You know, senior, you can find it by walking over there."






   is an island located in the high latitudes of the northern hemisphere. October in London is short in days and long in nights.


  In the city of Westminster, in the dimness of the ancient and yellow Elizabeth Tower, countless gears turn to make the huge hand on the dial point to the moment of vii,


   The afterglow of the sky dimmed, and endless darkness poured in.


   An entire large city has completed its day's ‘work’. The normal subway bus does not know how many people living here walk down, and the British-style street lights are on.


It's not a warm high-rise building, but a remote roof terrace in the city, surrounded by cheap blankets, watching the golden lights gradually illuminate the bustling London city in the distance in the coming night. ..


After completing the two goals of ensuring economic sources and ensuring food sources, I spent an afternoon in a very dilapidated urban area in the East End of London, and found this roof full of various debris, barely able to replace tents. A place protected from the wind is used as a solution to the third goal to ensure shelter.


   By the way, this cheapest blanket is £8.


   Fang Ran, who currently has 56 pence in assets, ate the last piece of bread in this package, and couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.


  Go on, luckily I didn’t buy the expensive one...


   And this dry bread is really worthy of its price...


   To be honest, at the moment when I personally experienced the purchasing power of the pound sterling and when I searched the shopping malls and did not find a blanket cheaper than 8 pounds, Fang Ran was only in the mood...


  ┬─┬丶(£Д£*) all evil capitalism!


Most people on the roof of this building can't turn up except for the door. They come from the roof next to it by the dark night, and use the tattered table and chairs next to it to prop up a small space. Below is a bag of bread and water. ,


   Securing financial resources, ensuring food, ensuring shelter, and being suddenly sent to London without the ability and nothing, finally achieved the primary goal of temporarily living in this city.


   Fang Ran tightened the blanket tightly, looking at the night of London, I had a headache, what should I do next.


   He was not sure that Shui Linlang had foreseen that he was in London now, and he did not know what kind of power the people chasing him were, so he rashly went to embassies and other places to return home by real-world methods.


   Fang Ran wondered if he could return to China safely.


   But he couldn’t get in touch with anyone who could help him by the way of Night Battle World, no matter which way,


   As long as the A-level high-ranking that gave him a fatal feeling that night appears, it is basically all cold.


   "Not enough information..."


No matter what I know so far, it is overwhelming too was suddenly thrown to London from the national war, and Fang Ran sighed to himself without knowing what action to take, sweeping the roof The street outside the bar,


   There are still a lot of people, and it’s not time to go out to jungle.


Then I rolled myself into a caterpillar with a blanket, and got into the'tent' I set up a little bit. As for the next fourth goal,'find a way to return to China', she had no clue and decided to sleep first. Will wake up at night to consider this issue.


   Penniless wandering in a foreign country with language barriers for a day, the tiredness that has not had a good rest is swarming at this moment, the tight heartstrings are slightly relaxed,


  London survival adventure started with **** difficulty, he finally passed the first day,


   flashed back in his mind the memory of the day when the British pound and English fell to the street. After running for a day in order to survive, the last thought before falling asleep was a weak eye.


   I knew...


   I promised Veronica to take care of it...