Clow Cards Cardcaptor

Chapter 761: The meaning given to the wanderings of L

You always have to learn to be independent.

Learn to no longer rely on parents, elders, and peers, learn to grow up and no longer covet a stable daily life,

Take the initiative to participate in the wider world with your own will.

The black Bentley crossed the traffic. From Grace to Edgware, he had already crossed a distance of London, but it seemed that he could still hear the sound of the police siren to the scene of the'car accident'. The surge of blood caused by the leap of the roof has not subsided.

The bullet marks were in the back row of the car with all the rear windows. Fang Ran looked down at his palm in a preoccupied manner. It was obviously a small scene compared to the previous crisis, if his ability was still there. If that is the case, it should be the'little matter' that he solved easily when he was still chatting with his older brother.

But perhaps because of his inability, the scene that he did with his own "self" just now allowed him to subconsciously raise a frantic smile at the moment when the moon hunting was directly inserted into the roof of the car and dragged.

Then Wei Wei was unbelievably aware of a sense of excitement and accomplishment that was trembling from the bottom of his heart.

Realize that the child is not dead.

"Master Fang, do you really stop thinking about it? It is too dangerous for someone to stay in Europe in this situation."

"In fact, I should have been thinking about it for a long time, and I haven't completely lost my ability, Uncle Sun, don't worry."

Perhaps finally realized that these are the meanings of his wandering in London for several nights. Through this short return to ordinary journey, I know that the greatest meaning it gives to himself is not 55 pence bread and 17 pence water.

But ability is not everything that constitutes him,

Without the ability, he can still do a lot of things.

"Young Master Fang, we are here. According to those people's explanations, the manor in front is the base of those who appointed them."

I deliberately turned into a remote street corner that was not monitored. There were few buildings in the vicinity of the outskirts of London in the northwest. After Sun Shanhai got out of the car, he nodded in the direction he pointed to him:

"Well, I got it."

Then, looking at Sun Shanhai who really helped him a lot in asking for the location and leading the way, Fang Ran thanked him with a serious smile and said:

"This time I really trouble you, Uncle Sun, you should go back to China as soon as possible. If they find out that you are related to me after tonight, you may also be in danger.

"Well, I will leave by plane tonight."

Knowing that he could not set foot in that extraordinary world, Sun Shanhai nodded without refuting, and then still a little puzzled, Fang Ran asked why he was left alone:

"But what do you want to leave alone..."

"Collect information, I want to find a way to rescue everyone in the game."

Sister Ye Sheng, Big Brother Suqun, Old Brother, Xiaoor, Sister Recovery, Alchemist, Magician, Sister Hualing, Uncle, Young Master, Orange Sister and Yota...

Looking at the night sky in the direction of the manor in the distance, the silhouettes of the members of the night game flashed in Fang Ran's mind, and their voices and smiles were extremely clear.

So only this time I can’t go back, now when everyone is not there,

I am the only member of the night game.

"With all due respect, for everyone in the night game, Madam may find a solution later. Master Fang, you don't have to take any risks."

"I know, it's just..."

Listening to what Sun Shanhai said after hesitating again and again, Fang Ran answered calmly and then smiled at him and said seriously:

"I want to do this this time."

Fang Ran knew that even if he didn’t choose this way tonight, everyone trapped in the scene should be rescued sooner or later.

But only this time, he didn't want to choose that way.

This time it’s not to save anyone, but I don’t want to change back to the previous one as long as no one is in danger,

I will never act.

Has it grown?

Growing up...

"By the way, Uncle Sun, do you have a spare coat?"

It is not surprising that he was puzzled. He was ready for everything. Finally, Fang Ran looked at the white hooded jacket that he had been ‘peacefully exchanged’ from passers-by, and smiled and asked Sun Shanhai.

Participants of the action at night can't wear white, it's really a nostalgic memory...

"Just in case, I brought a spare set of mobile equipment."

Hearing his question, Sun Shanhai walked around to the car and took out the box containing the night mission equipment and handed it to him, except for the tool dagger tied to his thigh and the Glock for emergency needs, whether it was a secret bag or The styles designed to not affect the action have a feeling of habituation.

"Young Master Fang, please take care of yourself. Both the wife and the eldest lady, I hope to see you return safely."

"Well, say hello to them for me."

Finally, Sun Shanhai watched the black-haired young man curl up in a long dress and disappear into the night...



Inside the manor.

"Has no one else arrived yet?"

"Yes, Mr. Fred, the others have not arrived yet."

I arrived at the manor base almost as quickly as possible, walked into the lobby of the villa building, Fred threw the coat to the housekeeper, loosened the hindering tie that had to be worn because of disguise, and walked quickly in one direction. He walked and spoke without looking back:

"I have an emergency to contact the leader of Ignat. When the others arrive and tell them to find me underground, you know?"

"Know... got it!"

"Also, now notify everyone below to immediately enter a state of alert, if an intruder is found to delay it at all costs."


Under a solemn order, the butler, who knew that work here must not be neglected, hurriedly answered, and then Fred walked towards the villa with low eyes, leaving the butler hurriedly to give a notice.

Not long afterwards, this private estate on the edge of the suburbs of northwest London,

All lights are on.

This gangster controlled by the participants as eagle dogs, almost all of them acted for a time. The roads of the manor were filled with various vehicles, entrances, roads, gardens, and various corridors and internal corridors in the main body of the villa building.

Gang members patrolling and guarding gangs are all over there in twos and threes.

"Ha, what emergency actions are the bosses doing at night? It would be tiring to find people everywhere in the city during the day."

"Don't complain, do you want to be dealt with by the boss!"

On the side of the manor, the ring-shaped encircling net guarded the edge of the villa building and was assigned to the farthest position. A strong man was smoking a cigarette and talking with his companion in a low voice, but was warned by the other party.

"There must be some reason for the bosses to be so vigilant. Don't talk nonsense. We only need to obey orders and take care of our own affairs."

"That's what I said, but suddenly everyone was called in midnight..."

The gang member who looked rather vicious with his cigarette in his mouth glanced at the battle that was about a hundred people scattered tonight, and slobbered.

"Those who didn't know thought we were going to fight with someone."

Similar conversations took place in almost every corner of the manor at the moment. All the gang members who were notified of the urgent arrival did not know.

Their boss suddenly called them over to deal with what kind of guy...

At this moment, a corner of the fence of the manor.

All the gang members who are still in the manor holding the handle of the gun at their waist have not yet known. Their "enemy" tonight has quietly stood up, squatting like a crow beside the wall in the dark where no one can see clearly. On the corner,

Biting the corner of the edge and pulling it hard, put on the black half-finger gloves made of special materials and alloy sheets for the night game, like a strange thief fully equipped and ready to sneak in.

Fang Ran looked at the villa building in the center of the manor, and there was something called ‘tension, excitement’ in his eyes about to move.

As if holding the arc of the corner of the mouth that was exposed when the moon hunting wildly inserted into the roof of the car, while noticing the meaning given to him by the wanderings of London,

I also realized that I still longed for the unfolding of the plot that I only saw in the movie, and the adventure that only exists in the story.

Admit Fang Ran,

You still like these handsome things, right?

Even if he cherishes the daily stability and preciousness after experiencing loss and collapse, deep down, he is still like the self he used to be when he was a child.

Looking forward to and longing for the scene where the world is beyond the ordinary!

The self, once released only in the scene in the capital, reappears at the moment when he is determined to stay in a foreign country and achieve his goal.

Feeling the blood flowing more turbulently in the body, on the night when he decided to join the hunt to reverse the hunter’s prey status,

A huge moon hunting appeared in Fang Ran's hands. When he held the center of the bow with both hands, the clergy inscription on the bow hunted brightly lit up. Then, when he suddenly exerted his strength, he made a clanging spark.

Yao Jiao’s long and slender moon white bow separated into two gorgeous arc blades for hunting. The moonlight appeared on the dark night like the watch of a goddess, and quietly turned over. When the two gang members just heard what seemed to be a sound, they turned and drew their guns. The moment of a sudden shrink!

Holding the arc-shaped hunting moon blade almost as long as the silver broken dragon tooth in both hands, the figure with wide eyes has already dragged the windbreaker and rushed to them!

Kuro Magician

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