Clow Cards Cardcaptor

Chapter 873: National War: The End!

Chapter 981 National War: The End!

In the dark sky of London, the artificial number of the unreached realm shows a part of the figure. In the final stage of opening additional crack nodes and preparing to start the engine,

Watching the moment the magician appeared from the street in front,

In the surging wind in the Kingston neighborhood, Ignat suddenly threw away the Arcane-Judgment in his hand like rubbish, removed the driver's armor from his body, and abandoned his own strength to speak:

"I was still regretful when I decided to participate in the Lord Kolosos plan."

He took out the ring device to buckle his neck, and stared at the magician's figure while resisting the irritation and irritation.

"There is no way to decide the victory or defeat head-on with you on the stage of the national war."

Then the A-level breath exploded from him with the flames, and Ignat let out a hoarse and slow sound like a dragon while the dragon's blood was burning!

"Are you ready! Magician!!?"

This scene is like igniting the final grand prologue of Mars, but watching my opponents from the previous two national wars declare war in the wind, watching the deadlock of adversity like a black cloud.

Holding the Hehuang Ancient Sword along the way, the magician's mind only showed all the memories of gentle singing in the past, from the bamboo forest to the island, everyone in the memory was laughing.

"I was supposed to be like him, I want to go back to the past, I want to come back in the past, and I think it would be nice if time could go back,"

Looking at the sky above the distant city center, where the figure of the cross is holding on to the opponent,

"It wasn't until I almost lost even the present place that I dullly woke up,"

Thinking of the attack on the night of the night in the capital, the magician held the hilt of the ancient sword that raised the head of the dragon ring and whispered to himself, wondering whether he was answering him or answering himself.

"So no matter what you pay, no matter what you want to fulfill, I'm ready this time."

The first segment of the sword's edge lit up from the scabbard pulled out, with an indescribable brilliance, his eyes opened the opposite edge of the usual, and the sword squat clanged loudly.

"Yanhuang Guxia, all things enlighten the spirit,"

Then the same A-level aura rose from him, and the sword edge of the Great Xia Longque bloomed red light!

"The sun is scorching, and the shining **** is!"

When the old enemy confronted, the dragon claws against the sword blade instantly, when Ignat gritted his teeth in horror, it was obvious that the ancient Su Feng was really the magician.

The southeastern border of the city of South London, Bromley residential area, a series of mechanical attacks that destroyed houses, all were melted by the red flames of the night weapon before they touched each other.

Looking at this extreme restraint ability, guessing that it might be the same everywhere else, the Francis manipulator pulled the ring device under the skin of the neck and laughed strangely in the wind:

"So are you planned?"

Seeing the mechanical weirdo whose sense of oppression has soared to A-level, Si Ai's bright red gauntlet burns away a long slender cigarette, his eyes are proud and dignified!

"Don't think that you are the one who succeeds."

Then I thought about when I really stared at myself, and looked at the uncle who was walking across the long street with Qing Feng!

"I didn't expect to join hands with you one day..."

East London, Raynham, Emma's figure fell by his side, watching Brianna coldly looking down at her strength upgrade, the young master of the mechanical legion's sweaty hair blowing in the sideburns,

"This is what I want to say!"

And similar to him everywhere, the sci-fi humanoid single soldier future armor, Simon took the lead in rushing out after all weapons were activated!

West London, Heathrow Airport, which is missing an airplane, smashed into the fierce figure holding the sword in the lake and the sword in the stone in both hands in the musical fantasy, watching the shepherd orange, which was completely undisturbed under the protection and intuitiveness, rushed The surface of the lotus pond in the ancient town,

When the Yunyin ring device was directly activated, Pedro's white-winged Leiqi figure appeared holding the silver thorns!

"Is it the trickiest person who came after me? How to find this, I think I have chosen enough to hide."

In Chigwell Forest in northeastern London, Rowling looked at Le Guin, who was being followed by the creatures armed, and her ancient aristocratic aura with an awe-inspiring smile:

"Even if I stop here, what can you do, do you really think you can stop the current situation?"

Even if she heard the facts, she did not waver. The platinum patterned suit was swaying in the forest wind under the dark sky, as if she rushed into the disaster town a century ago in the dark forest night, she remained unchanged.

"Do you stop resisting because you are in a desperate situation? Do you shrink back because you are going to die?"

Lifting the clear blue eyes, the demon horse raised its head and the flames neighed behind Le Guin, turning into light and shadow and melting into her body.

"No, no matter when, no matter how contradictory the situation is, it really determines one person's actions,"

Once again to carry out all the justice inherited from that light and shadow, the magic energy surgingly followed her last sentence repeating the words of the queen,

"There is only his will to do what he wants."

The promotion of A-level rank is only a hundred years too late!

The crack-set blocking was staged around the center where London Hemifis was waiting, the apex of the dark sky higher than the final battle between the two Weili,

The strongest battlefield in this plan,

The interval between the ring-shaped stars is inscribed with complex spell texts, the arcane magic circle brilliance cuts off the thin lines of death, and the magnificent to the thrilling battle interval,

Scanning the location of the Financial City again, overlooking the cracks in London and encountering obstacles, Clotide looked at the silent and cold death line in front of him, and the golden amber eyes chuckled deeply:

"Is such a scene also within your leader's expectation?"

The executive officer wearing the mask did not answer, but the powerful deadly ability spread again!

The wreckage of the crashed viewing room, guarding the restored exit, didn’t want to escape even if it trembled, gritted his teeth and supported the lime to prevent the numbered monster from escaping the scene.

Falling to the ground with exhausted energy, in the wind of crisis that is more remorseful, Jota watched the silhouette of the group holding Tang Dao appear at the moment.

The black spell between Hualing's fingers in the air finally shined in the surging numbering monster!

"An absolute sound from the ancient times!"

One figure after another, one battle after another, chasing their opponents and fighting in their own battlefield, even in the desperate situation where the huge darkness has appeared, they are still the City of London, from once again After throwing that huge silver gun over five meters, he fell down, and he was already exhausted physically and mentally at the end of the journey, and he couldn't even maintain his sight and thinking.

I can only feel the wind flowing on the ground, and then in the obscure senses, I heard the pale young man jumping out of the round pit in spite of danger and shouting his name...

"Fang Ran!!!"

London under the dark sky dissipated all the yellow fog,

Scenes happened everywhere in it, just like the continuation of a national war that failed to end successfully.

The magnificent music played with waves, as if to usher in the end at this moment!

Thanks to BV1B7411f7S5, this video gave me the enthusiasm and inspiration. It’s not liver, and the film will have a climax at the end. It will be slow tomorrow. .... However.... There is always a subtle sadness that I can't get before)

(End of this chapter)