Clow Cards Cardcaptor

Chapter 958: Into the city, the market, and opera per

It’s different from the leisure and tranquility of a few farmers on the side of the road or in the wheat field when traveling in the wilderness.

   Slowly approaching the entrance of the city, the nearby people gradually increased,

   There are many businessmen and tourists who are also driving horse-drawn carriages, and the guards and soldiers who are responsible for registration and interrogation. The long-lost crowd is noisy and has a lively atmosphere that is different from the fields and belongs to the city.

   "Hey...this city is quite big."

   In the excitement of the entrance, he drove a horse-drawn carriage into the city. Fang Ran looked at the invisible houses in surprise. On the quite spacious street, there were people coming and going under the sun.

   Although it is not comparable to Milan, it is already quite large compared to the small town they passed through before.

   continued the journey of two people in the carriage, and this time they came to a new city.

   "Fang Ran, where are we going now?"

  Leaving Milan and never passing through such a big place again, Ling was at a loss with a little girl, and pulled Fangran's clothes corner.

   "The old rule, let's find a place to live first, and leave the horse to their care,"

   answered with a chuckle, Fang Ran glanced at it after noon, then bowed his head and blinked at Ling:

   "Then I will go shopping here this afternoon, and we will get the news tomorrow one day, how about?"


   Listening to the girl's tender voice, the young man raised the rein a little, and the carriage walked into the city streets.

   "Then go!"


   is bordered by the Alps in the north, Milan, the economic city to the west, Venice, the water city to the east, and the capital, Rome, to the south.

   Announcement, really good, it is worth to install one, even Android and iPhone support!

   is located in the center of the Po River Plain, where the endless trains and railways stop.

   has a long history and many church monuments, as one of the important hubs of Italy,

   This is the city the two passed through this time,


   It didn’t take much time to find an inn that could take care of the horses. He just grabbed a person on the road and threw him a silver coin.

   With Ling in charge of the dialogue, Fang Ran quickly found the best hotel in the city.

   Then, directly after smashing a bag of silver coins on the counter, he booked the most expensive room here, and got the assurance from the supervisor that he would take care of the horses by nodding and bowing.

   As for the carriage and carriage, he directly put it into the black box.

   "Alright, let's go, Ling."

  Although there is no omnipotent Sharon, but with the power of money, everything is done easily and easily.

   Fang Ran looked at the delicate girl holding his hand and chuckled.

   "Where to go?"

   There was warmth and relief from the palm of her hand, Ling raised her big light golden eyes and asked.

   "Of course I went to the busiest place here."

   "But Fang Ran, do you know the way?"

  Hear such an answer?  Ling has some strange doubts?  Then she saw Fang Ran's pretendingly mysterious self-confidence snort.

   "Huh?   Don't underestimate the wisdom of future people."


   The city was founded in the first century BC. This city has a history of two thousand years. The names that ruled here are ancient Rome, the Scaliger family, and the Venetian Republic?

   assumes the position of the hub of geographical transportation?  every era?  is it a battleground for military strategists?

   This era is also true.

   But maybe it is because of this?

   This has brought trade, prosperity, and more people here...

   Vanilla Square.

  This public place was once used by citizens for arbitration and political assembly in the Roman era, but surrounded by buildings from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance?

   Those flashy patterns on the walls, and those very European-style sculptures on the top stone fence?

   I think that I will come back in a hundred years and it will still be almost like this. It feels strange.

  It’s just that this famous attraction is still a market?  Along the edge of the square, there are shading stalls rented by various merchants, selling fruits, vegetables, and the wine that is rich here.

   At the entrance of the store, large boxes of goods were carried on a wagon and sent to the station to follow the train to various places.

   Although it is far away from modern times, the customs and excitement that belong to this old age are still filled with people's greetings.

   "Eh, Ling! Look, look! The fountain in the middle is called'Verona's Lover' and it was built in the 14th century!"

   The sun was shining, walking among the people passing by, Fang Ran pointed to a small fountain in front of her, her eyes eagerly introduced to Ling,

   "14th century? Long ago?"

   While looking at Fang Ran's vigorous look, from time to time she also recorded the scenery of the surrounding people, Ling asked curiously.

   She has already discovered that it was the same when she was in Milan. Contrary to her interest in future things, Fang Ran is always passionate about these things.

   "Well, it is 1916, that is, the 20th century, and the 14th century is about 600 years ago."

   Hearing Fang Ran's explanation, this time, Ling also looked at the fountain and exclaimed a little.

   "Eh... the fountain six hundred years ago..."

   "Come on, Ling, here you are, let's take a picture."

   took out the small parasol that matched the skirt, and then raised the camera to start the usual activities during the trip.

   once again freezes the scene of the journey, holding the girl’s hand again, and looking at the various stalls, shops and restaurants nearby.

  There is no shortage of cheese, fresh milk, and pasta covered with tomato sauce on the sign, this kind of food is optional.

   "Ling, what do you want to eat, let's go buy it."

   "Huh? Would you like to buy these It will definitely be delicious without Fang Ran."

   After passing through many places in the journey, Ling, who had already understood this, looked up at him and tried to remind.

   But only to see Fang Ran raise his eyebrows to himself and smile happily:

   "The point is not the taste but the fun. Ling, if you go back a hundred years ago, you would definitely be curious about the taste of the food at that time, right?

   "So let's go! Don't hesitate! Buy whatever you see!"

   After listening to Fang Ran's righteous words, he didn't realize that he had been instilled in Ling, who had a strange consumption outlook, and finally took his hand through the bazaar ignorantly.

you idiot...


   The sun in Verona is sunny in the afternoon, even houses with old beige walls and red brick roofs, those buildings with a long history,

   all became brighter under the clear sky, and the vast landscape from a bird's-eye view of the sky really showed the picturesque scenery of European towns.

   By the way, speaking of historical buildings...

   There is an amphitheater built from the ancient Roman period. Its scale is second only to the world famous place in Rome.

   Every summer, large operas are performed almost every day.

   I saw this building through the night crow's vision before entering the city, and finished sweeping the shops near the market.

   Fang Ran happily led Ling into this'theatre'.