Clow Cards Cardcaptor

Chapter 967: What am I to you? (on)

Listening to Ling’s answer, her delicate face was still immature and innocent, so she didn’t care.

In the restaurant of the fairy tale castle, Fang Ran raised her eyebrows and chuckled at her:

"Then we will go to watch the parade after eating."

If you are going to Disney one day, you must go to see a float parade.

You might think that just some people wearing cartoon costumes walked in front of them, which didn’t mean much.

But believe me, seeing something with my own eyes really feels special.

Listening to the cheerful, humorous and dreamy music of the cartoon style,

Looking at the girls in bow ties and skirts, standing in a row holding the arms of those doll costumes, and dancing with the rhythm of the music,

Seeing joy on each of them, waving and teasing people standing by the road,

There is a real excitement called "Amusement Park" that ignites the high mood!

"Fang Ran, look at that!"

Also among the crowds on both sides, Ling pointed to another big float with a different theme, and dragged Fang Ran's mouth in surprise. Several people she knew stood on it.

"Eh! Queen Aisha?"

Holding the camera to shoot the parade, Fang Ran raised the camera in surprise.

It seems that the high mood of coming to Disney was completely ignited by the enthusiasm of the parade,

In the sunny amusement park, watching the float fleet end, Ling couldn't help but raise her light golden eyes and look towards Fang Ran.

"Fang Ran, Fang Ran, where are we going next! Is there anything else fun?"

"Huh, of course, it's not just for people to take pictures here!"

Taking out the strategy that he had checked a long time ago, Fang Ran smiled at the corner of his mouth, and then the sun pulled his hand up and ran in one direction.

Looking at his back, Ling was suddenly confused.

I am...


As a world-renowned large-scale amusement park, it is impossible for Disney to have no amusement projects?

-Flying over the horizon-

"Um... Ah! Fang Ran? Chair...!!!"

Sitting on the raised chairs together, exclaiming from time to time? Looking at the sail from the top of the snow-capped mountains, the Arctic glacial ocean, to the Sydney Opera House?

Passing by the white castle on the mountain, looking at the back of the elephant group on the grassland,

Fly over the Great Wall, over the desert, over the pyramids, over the Taj Mahal, over the treacherous canyons? Over the magnificent huge waterfalls,

Surrounding the screen, the chairs seem to tremble, simulating the smell of mud and sea water?

Witness the shock of many world wonders with technology simulation? It amazes every visitor who comes here and has become one of the hottest rides in this amusement park.

"Fang Ran, are all those real?"

"Yes, all the sights just now were in this world? All in this era? We can go there to see with our own eyes in the future."

After experiencing the visual shock of flying over the horizon, Ling still left a surprised question.

Fang Ran replied briskly.

I couldn't help but secretly use the [phantom card] to enhance the effect from the middle, and apologize in my heart to the few viewers who are still trembling with their legs after a fear of heights.

He took Ling and ran to the next item on the Raiders.

"Eh! Ling, let's go play with that next!"

In addition to the fairy-tale world-like architectural scenery? Various cartoon characters in doll costumes,

Several rides in this Disneyland? It is also quite popular.

Well, this leads to another common question in amusement park?

Too many people? Need to line up.

I believe everyone who has been here already knows it? A project can be considered short for 30 minutes or 40 minutes.

For example, the flying over the horizon that Fang Ran and Ling just experienced, or the creation of a fast light wheel, as one of the most popular projects here, you come in a holiday,

It’s normal for them to queue for more than 120 minutes easily.

180 minutes is not impossible, and a lot of people are waiting for it.

Just for the few minutes, some other projects or even dozens of seconds of experience time.

After all, all came...

So for lovers who are still unstable, coming to Disney is really a ‘trial’.

It tests your ability to arrange your itinerary, your ability to pass time in a long queue, your ability to keep the other party from feeling bored, and your ability to find topics along the way...

If you don’t make it right, let’s not talk about promoting good feelings and creating good memories. It is really possible that you will only feel half-tired and exhausted at the end of the day.

Then I was happy to hear that... a regrettable bleak ending, and finally breaking up.

Therefore, when Fang Ran and Ling did not catch up with the opening of the park, so many people lined up early, and immediately started the action as soon as they entered the door.

The five-minute principle that is widely circulated,

You run by one person, saving 5 minutes is really not empty talk.

However, it seems that I also know the problem of long queue time, and Disney has very intimately launched the ‘quick clearance’.

This is what people call FP.

But it needs to be grabbed, and it can be grabbed once within two hours, so remember to grab the FP you want to play from the moment you enter the park.

And don’t forget to set an alarm (laughs). UU reading

In any case, whether you choose to join the queuing battlefield, play for the purpose of major amusement projects, or treat it as a fairy tale world, take pictures slowly, and take a walk to enjoy the dreamy atmosphere,

Either way, enjoy Disney to your heart's content...

-Seven Dwarf Mine Train-

Like a row of wooden ‘mine carts’, it’s not a very exciting track, but occasionally there will be acceleration downhill, and more of it is going into the darkness of the mine.

The colorful ore lights, and the little people singing on both sides.

"Ah ha ha!!!"

Held in Fang Ran’s arms, Ling, who had never ride a roller coaster, had her light blonde hair blown up when she went downhill, giving out a bright and happy chuckle.

When she went into the mine, her eyes were colorfully mapped.

-The storm is coming-

When you’re tired of playing, it’s the best choice to choose a project that you can sit down, and the storm is definitely the best show in Magic City Disney!

Looking at the slipway, the sail poles, the thick net ropes, the stacked wooden boxes, barrels and the iconic cannon on the pirate ship,

Well-arranged stage and meticulous casting.

In the dark auditorium, Fang Ran and Ling sitting in his arms all looked like children, watching the very interesting performance on stage intently.

Under the light and shadow, when the stage play reaches its climax, it makes oh oh exclamation sounds.

-Pirates of the Caribbean-

After watching the pirates, I can’t wait to be a pirate. Fang Ran holds a small knife compared to the silver broken dragon tooth, and looks at Ling who is holding the little pirate wondering what it is.

Can't help but laugh out loud and take this scene for her.


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