Clow Cards Cardcaptor

Chapter 993: Midnight Practice-Self-cultivation of To


The morning light is shining, through the towering ancient trees, the green dome is more than ten meters high.

In the bright and verdant secret realm, red fruit trees, small and harmless spirit beasts drilled out, outside the forest, in the water under lakes, cold pools, rivers, and waterfalls,

The shadows of fish swam past, and all kinds of birds flying from the valleys and forests were guarding the water.

The huge bright moon last night disappeared, and the hazy early morning illuminates the mountainside, leading to the misty fairy mountain above, the vermilion mountain gate like a shrine,

In the midnight space, another day has ushered in.

And above the fairy mountain, in a side peak, the Tiangong Hall, which is several tens of feet high,

In Guangzhong, the casting platform is more than two hundred meters in diameter, and it has been lowered to the lower level. In addition, various large casting tools are displayed. In short, the space is too big to be in the hall.

"Tool Man" Fang Ran also ushered in a new day.

Before his birthday, that is, before seven in the morning, he was already ready at his work place.

Well, the door-to-door wake-up service that senior Tiangong broke into.

As for his work location...

Entering the right side of the hall door, on a large clearing area that has been cleared, Fang Ran skillfully connected various instruments behind him to his body, and the one in front of him,

The left is the crawler, and the right is also the crawler.

The shutter-like iron track on the gear mechanism on the left comes and goes, and the suspension track on the right is a light blue science fiction suspension track, which also comes and goes.

The organ puppets and precision robotic arms on both sides are responsible for the transfer, plus the super-large storage platform that is more than ten meters long and wide, and the large instrument that is seven or eight meters high behind you to connect to Destiny.

Let Fang Ran, who doesn't need to move any place in the middle, feel like a small part inserted here.

After seeing myself in place, the tracks on both sides began to rotate to send materials and parts, a painting style of a fully automated assembly line,

Fang Ran said silently without expression,

No, this can be a little more tool man...

The heart that had accepted the reality rolled his eyes, and at the same time, he took the nameplate passed by the organ puppet and looked at it to the exact size of ‘Centi’s.

Fang Ran reached out and pointed at a material that had been cast but only the size of a carton box,

Activated, shimmering,

Eventually something as big as a container appeared.

This is all his work content,

Make the things passed to him bigger to the size required by Tiangong and the instructor,

On the first day, Fang Ran was still getting bigger and smaller because he was not familiar with it, but now he has mastered it, and it has grown to the point of ‘approaching’.

Then use 1% magic power, little by little tricks.

As for how he thought of it,

Don't ask, ask is experience...

after all,

This is already the third day of Fang Ran's "employment".

Seeing the organ puppet sturdy and powerfully carry it on the caterpillar that was sent away, he stretched his body, and then he breathed a long ‘ha’.

Then just turned around,

I saw the robotic arm that was thicker than the excavator, and the parts on this side had been placed on the storage table, and the data board lowered beside it displayed the required size data.

Fang Ran: "..."

I remember that two days ago, I should have to wait a while...

Mentor, are you a devil optimizing the system! ?

Super simple work content that can be said to be seamless, both Tiangong and the instructor seem to have prepared a lot of materials and parts that will be used before Fang Ran comes.

For these three days, Fang Ran, who has been growing all kinds of things from morning to night, feels that he has strayed into some black-hearted construction site,

I feel more and more like a human-shaped parts processor with no emotions...

But it does not seem to blame the two masters for doing this,

A large molding material or mechanical parts not only requires molds and large manufacturing machines, but also various processes are time-consuming and laborious.

In contrast, it is too much easier to create a ‘small’, you only need to consider the design structure in advance with the enlarged size

Then leave the rest to some magic boy who will drive these things in the future,

Can be called real, the wool comes out of the sheep.

Moreover, if the body is small, it is easy to perform some sophisticated processing. Only changing the size and body shape does not change the density, which is equivalent to the ability of the mass to increase.

Reduce the cost of time, process, etc., to almost the same level as ‘cheating’.

Of course, you might ask,

It shortens the process that may take days, ten or even dozens of days to just a few seconds.

So Gul... ahem, what's the price?

The price is...

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah-

A toolman was tired and slumped beside the storage table, and let out a rotten howl that the whole person was about to dry up.

Although the instrument used to connect the machine body and the "machine soul" behind me is much more perfect than the last time I saw it, after all, the "destiny" itself is the wreck that Tiangong and the teacher barely repaired.

The more than half of the mana load that couldn't be perfectly borne naturally fell on the user, Fang Ran.

This is Tiangong and the instructor. They are all parts-level, and the largest is no more than ten meters. The ‘unlimited’ load is not an exaggeration.

Let Fang Ran cooperate with all kinds of treatments and alleviation methods.

Although he felt the full satisfaction picture named "Small Water Flowing Long"...

The second is that it is really a very ‘gentle’ card like I saw on TV when I was a child, without complicated manipulations that require energy.

Let Fang Ran's work a lot easier.

Although Tiangong's pile of materials made of A3 material still makes him half tired...

Because the mana consumption of that part of the material that was created out of thin air is basically and equivalent.

"Ah ah ah ah... ah ah ah ah..."

Lying next to the storage Seeing another part of the robotic arm on the right, Fang Ran also yelled frantically in her heart with her loudest voice:

Exhausted! ! ! !

After three days of talent, Fang Ran experienced it personally.

How difficult it is to be a tool man,

Especially when there is a stern elder on top, and the high-load monotonous work is repeated from morning to night.

So tired, so boring, I really want to fish...

I promised to come to Midnight and obviously just went to the door to thank you for your sin, and by the way, I went to see what I asked myself to do.

Why has it suddenly become a day of suffering like deep mountain practice?

Fang Ran looked ‘my heart is dead’, and while lying on the shelf, this thought was deeply expressed in his heart.

Then when I really don’t want to get up,

Suddenly noticed the bluestone ground nearby.

To explain, after all, there are huge furnaces of tens of meters, red orange molten iron, and the interior is already in the red Tiangong Hall. The temperature is actually quite high.

The reason why I didn’t feel it the first time I came here,

Because he has a portable thermostat given by his instructor, Klim has used him as a human-type air conditioner.

And after putting on this thing, Fang Ran lay on the shelf, staring blankly at the ground not far from his face, exuding the heat that seemed to be very hot.


Eggs and tin foil appeared on his hands, and Fang Ran began to fry the eggs silently.

But it didn't take long...

"What the **** are you doing! You are playing eggs for me!"


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