Clow Cards Cardcaptor

~: End-of-volume monologue of a social idle

As always, summer ebbs and flows,

With the advent of June every year, how about Minasan's life recently?

Well, although when you read this chapter, I have already obtained the certificate for one day.

Starting from school at the age of eight, at the moment of getting the university diploma,

I finally ended my school days.

As for how much past, laughter, joy and sadness there is, how many things I can’t bear,

Just forgive me for not sharing it with you.

In a blink of an eye, the last semester of the senior year has passed, and the book friends who have been following the writer’s comments, I believe they also know how hurried I was this semester

Civil service examinations, review of changes, driver's license examinations, graduation design, graduation thesis, graduation defense, and a series of things that pile up near graduation.

Taking these codes into account, to tell the truth, it’s really difficult. Busy running around has nowhere to be settled. There is no time to sit quietly and the high temperature of more than 30 degrees. There is no air-conditioning in the dormitory.

Made me almost pass away (eyes),

Until now, I still have too many high-level licenses, and I can’t go home and rent a house here.

But no matter what, I finally finished this volume successfully.

From his departure towards the North Pole, I left school completely on June 22,

From the beginning of my semester on February 28, until he returned from the polar night.

Well, it sounds perfect, isn't it?

Yo Xi ヾ (???ゞ)! ! Now let’s talk about the story of this volume (full of vitality!)

It’s the nonsense that I can’t beat every time I roll again, uh... anyway,

Σ(°△°|||)︴ Did you only see my salted fish bouncing at the end of each roll? Other authors don’t seem to be talking about it

(Ahem...pretend nothing happened...)

It is different from the stories in other volumes before, this time it is Fang Ran's own story.

As the start of the second part, a whole roll of daily life was used as a foreshadowing. After not experiencing the awakening scene, he finally made a change and took the first step forward.

A person leaves his familiar environment, a person goes by plane, a person goes to a foreign country, and a person goes to the far north of the world.

Although he has gone through many things, don’t forget that he is just a fool who has not been a participant for a long time.

He really made up his mind.

Maybe boys are such creatures. They are usually stupid and stupid, and they think about playing heartlessly all day long, but when they really encounter things, they grow faster than anyone else and more reliable than anyone else.

I have always felt that creatures like boys do not grow slowly, they always grow overnight.

Even an idiot who likes to make trouble in daily life can put aside all the planes to the Arctic battlefield.

Well, isn't it handsome?

One more point I have to clarify, although this idiot kept thinking that Ling encountered such a thing because of him (I guess you guys think so too)

but! ! ! That night Sheng Le Fanjing had clearly considered that Ling would have problems with her shot, so she let her stay in the night game! ! ! !

He really considered everything, and didn't intend to let others bear the consequences of his actions, while Ling was worried that he was willing to help out. Both of them were worried about each other.

and so! ! ! Those mentally handicapped comments about Fang Ran’s pot should stop being blind and rhythmic. Read the book carefully! ?

It's just that he thinks too much, but it's not really because of him! ?

I have been conceiving my whole story. I finished the first part of ending with summer vacation and burying some people in the grand capital. What do I want to write in the second part?

Vaguely, thinking of the scene of him wandering on the street at night in Dongjiang,

I don't want to let him be so down again,

So in the second part, what I plan to write is probably a story about realizing longings and dreams through growth

Interspersed with many things, expand the larger stage and world, and further promote the main story of the whole book,

What I want to write is still a happy and passionate story,

But learning the lessons of various other works, I know that I can’t stand still forever. Just having amusement is more hollow than daily life. When it’s time to move forward, move forward and end when it’s over. A great main line is necessary.

Many book friends may think my story is like Gintama, so I cannot repeat its mistakes.

So, in this volume, he made changes and accepted growth,

Acknowledge the past, acknowledge the strength, acknowledge yourself, acknowledge the extraordinary as a participant,

In order to reach the final outcome, he has completed the first step.

Then I said that this volume shouldn’t be this, but I put it in front of the national war, I think it’s good,

The reason for the conception of all the stories in this volume is that one sentence sounded in my mind as he shouted,

"You are my eternal queen"

Just because of such a sentence, with such a volume of story, he found his sun and moon and made a declaration on the far north of the world

(o???) So if you want to write a novel, it's actually very simple.

(Although there are a series of emotional foreshadowing, plot development, battle setting, timing of Kuro card awakening, battle scene description, strength pattern setting, background information a hundred years ago, and travel strategy to the North Pole inquiries ¥#omitting ten thousand words *%%... let me rack my brains) (softly forced...)

Then it is customary to talk about the characters in this volume (~ ̄▽ ̄)~Gone with the wind.···

In addition to the protagonist and a few important characters, a large number of new characters appeared, almost all of them new characters.

I occasionally flipped through the book reviews and found that many book friends can’t remember the names of foreigners... Um... Actually me too, many of the characters in Squid’s book are just like to me,

I know, it's him! What's your name... uh... Ma Dongmei...?

But this time it’s a foreign plot, you can’t let me name a Chinese, so...

┑( ̄Д ̄)┍ Blame me...

Anyway, I remember it very clearly, maybe because of my own reasons, hahaha (laughing and crying)

In this volume, I have to mention the Queen of the Palace of Never Sleep...

As the apex of standing at the top third of the night battle world, I really tried my best to portray her glory,

She is not the kind of selfless saint, she just achieved the greatest in her own range

When I first appeared on the stage, many people said that they didn’t like the role of sacrificing people around me for the sake of justice, but it’s not like that at all.

"I will never let Alleria go there"

Just like what she said, she will not sacrifice Le Guin, she will only use her own strength to achieve the ultimate in what she can and can think of, to be a compromise, the most Good way, as I haven’t written about the real reason for her action

I think this is her great place, so so many people are willing to follow,

I really like this character,

Just being there, she can give people endless peace of mind, making you even worry about her as an impossible superfluity.

( ̄~ ̄) Hmm~, besides Vaillinyin, it's probably Le Guin.

The original medium of gluttony, all the reasons for the birth of dolls, I also spent a lot of time on her,

The source of the name also comes from the flash rail, but the character image comes from the "great nobleman", accepting the mission, implementing the reservation and glory of being a nobleman, and guarding the justice of the country.

I also like this character very much. She will appear in the next volume.

By the way, the name of Seventh Zero Rider Clausel comes from a character I also like very much in the flash track, Fei, in this volume, she has two detailed foreshadowings, guess who she is related to, the clue is already obvious Is it

It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand the updates after the last chapter of the volume, because those are the foreshadowings I use to make you come to understand in the future plots.

And don’t worry about the Queen, how could I write Fang Ran desperately in a volume, but Ling still failed to come back.

Peace of mind, just say goodbye, she will be back

And... the little queen is so cute~

Okay, no more wordy, all the stories in this volume are developing, including Fang Ran’s ability,

It is comparable to the one that links the sun and the moon and liberates him in the form of [water card], probably the night crow wasting privilege in the narrow space of the capital.

( ̄△ ̄;) Although the ability development is not at the current level, it still holds Lingyuan after all

In short, the above is all,

Still the old saying, I don’t know if you are satisfied with the story in this volume.

Haha, I am satisfied anyway (pickup~)

The next volume is the story of returning to China and ushering in the national war. Changes have been made, so what is the difference?

Well, if only you can look forward to it.

Also, although I graduated, I have no plans to find a job in the short term (after all, I have been writing novels every day for the past two years. There is always a kind of sadness to enter society early...)

Wait until I finish my driving license...

Just go back to my hometown and enjoy your youth? ≧?≦)o worry about it!

(Just kidding, I actually plan to do a little bit of hard work in July, like a squid, study hard, try hard to see how much I can do)












(It's just... I didn't want to play a new computer and PS4...)

[Time June 26th, two days after the above content, if you are not a new reader who skipped this chapter and read the testimonial for the first time, or someone who came back by chance, thank you for watching To this short belated monologue of mine.

I finally passed the third course this afternoon, and the last problem was solved.

Then I suddenly realized that after the fourth test,

I am leaving this city.

Due to the trouble that I have been doing for me, the driving license test has always been a burden on my mind, but it has suddenly disappeared.

When I left school and parted, there were a lot of sentimental feelings. The cute, charming, and overall scratching teasing roommates in the shop couldn't help crying after buying the tickets.

But I didn’t feel it at all at the time, because I knew I had to take a driver’s license, I had to stay in this city, and I could see a lot of classmates who worked locally

However, now that I have finished my three-year examination, I am leaving soon. After the pressure of blocking the relationship is gone

On the bus back, I looked at the people on the road outside. This time I felt a little bit complicated afterwards.

I'm really leaving this time

I’ve been here for four years, four years in a calm university

Since my grades in high school were only above average and I failed the college entrance examination, I was not admitted to a prestigious school. After I came here, I did not concentrate on my studies.

And because of the need to code words every day, I basically didn’t participate in the activities in the class or in the school. Even many male students in the class only became familiar with the iron after the junior year.

Contrary to the colorful and colorful college life I described in the book, my four years should be quite boring.

So only when I was about to leave, I felt a lot of regret and sadness.

Obviously it’s a dormitory where people die at over 30 degrees in the summer, and I will feel reluctant

I have had the opportunity to become the center of the class, I have the opportunity to stay in the student union and become a person who knows a lot of people, as well as those courses that I am really interested in but haven't studied well, just choose the school that has applied for mixed credit Class, no choice to insist on postgraduate entrance examination

There is also the opportunity to try all kinds of things that I want to try, to boldly talk to beautiful girls, to go out with classmates to various interesting places and other cities to really put all of them I spend my time writing novels in the dormitory,

Although I do not regret it, but I will regret it a little bit

I’m just a mortal who is slightly different from others, it’s impossible to do many things at the same time.

It would be better to say that I can get your likes and stand up from the street, I already feel very lucky and satisfied

So I am not lost in my university. I am very happy to realize my dream by myself.

Just thinking about looking at the empty bed in the dormitory with my luggage, the bed I've been lying on for four years is still an extended version that the freshman instructor specially helped me apply.

I don’t know if it will return to the warehouse, or if it will carry someone for another four years

I only know,

After closing this door, I can't open it again