Clow Cards Cardcaptor

~: Even if you give up this life between th

, The fastest update to the latest chapters of Kuro's magician!

It's been almost half a year...

At midnight, one o'clock in the morning, on the outskirts of Beijing Xike, three off-road vehicles of the Criminal Police Force.

From the day of receiving this task.

Sitting in the co-pilot seat of the front car, Li Yi checked the body armor, pistol, magazine and other equipment for the last time, recalling the mission.

Just as someone is required to do the most ordinary work at the basic level such as catching thieves in a subway mall, there is always someone to do the most dangerous and evil industry.

He belongs to the Second Detachment of the Beijing Public Security Anti-drug Brigade and is an anti-drug police.

Make-up, cross-dress, sneak in, undercover, and you can’t tell your family when you’re alive, this kind of magical plot like a novel is their real job.

Must have strong perseverance, must have good memory, need time to find stolen goods in excrement, and often take risks and fight when arresting.

The most dangerous type of police, the casualties of injuries, the threat of "killing your whole family", the death penalty is basically the death penalty if no monument is erected after death, so they are all drug dealers who fight for their lives.

As an anti-narcotics police officer, these Li Yi are all used to it.

But there are still things he can't get used to...

Ten days of squatting, two disguised transactions to get a relationship, one undercover sneak, three months of continuous tracking,

They finally targeted this group of desperadoes who dared to sell drugs in the capital.

A total of 6 people will be trading in a factory on the outskirts of Xico tonight. The content of the transaction will be the third generation of new drugs.

The leader probably has a gun in his hand.

And in order to get this information,

Five months ago, a member of his team was alerted and suspected by the opponent and stabbed his back with a dagger.

Failed to be rescued, died on duty.

Two fake transactions, only one undercover successful...

Working on anti-drug work and being accompanied by danger all the year round, Li Yi has become accustomed to many things.

But he still can’t get used to it anyway,

The sacrifice of comrades...

"Team Lee, we are here, and the trading location is in front."

Did not turn on the car lights, parked far away from the factory, listening to the report from the driver in the driver’s seat,

Li Yi put away the pistol after the last inspection, and lowered his head to the intercom on his chest.

"Get off, move."

There are no extra words, clean and with a hint of coldness,

Three cars jumped off one by one, and they quietly approached and surrounded in the darkness of the suburbs according to the arrest plan.

This factory is under the name of a chemical company, but because of poor management before, the entire industrial chain was shelved, and it is currently used as a place for stacking various original materials.

Therefore, as the trading location chosen by drug dealers, it may be considered that if they are discovered, they can escape in the face of hunting with a gun.

There are not only complex obstacles, but also a large number of flammable and explosive dangerous chemicals.

In order to deal with such factors that are not conducive to network collection, to ensure that all drug dealers are caught in one go,

Li Yi and the others mobilized twice as many people across the street tonight!

"Location 1 is in place."

"Location 2 is in place..."

"Location 3..."

Groups of two, squatting and encircling, four groups of rushing and arresting, two groups of surrounding areas,

Listening to the continuous response from the walkie-talkie, other people have already crouched at various ambushes according to the predetermined plan.

Li Yi took a breath and glanced at the time.

"Everyone is waiting in place."

Then waited for the undercover team to give them a catch signal.

Suspicious and cunning and cautious, drug dealers often cancel transactions temporarily without warning, modify time and place,

They had to get all the money, they had already gone through a dead end a month ago.

Li Yi didn't know if the opponent would show up this time.

But holding the handle of the gun, he was fully absorbed in the darkness, holding the breath in his heart like a tight string.

One hour...

Two hours...

Time passed by every minute...

The constant darkness of the factory...

It makes people wonder if it is simply...

The capture signal came without warning!


The moment he received the notification, Li Yi uttered a loud shout and rushed into the factory first from the dark guarding spot!

The others in the raid group also rammed into the warehouse according to their respective routes. It was confirmed when the transaction was in progress. All the police officers screamed a warning to several figures:

"Police! Don't move everyone!!!"

"Raise your hand! Squat on the ground!!"

"Don't move! Hold your hands up!"

"Raise your hand! Otherwise we will shoot!!!"

The moment he broke into the door was like a thunderbolt, squatting and punctually burning as quiet as water, vigorously and vigorously, there were roars of warning guns everywhere, noisy and chaos arose!

Seeing the police rushing out of the first and second floors, all drug dealers are frightened!

Excluding the police undercover, there were a total of six drug dealers. Someone immediately raised their hands in fear.


More people choose to escape without giving up!


"We shot!!"

Ignoring the threats yelling behind him at all, the moment the police appeared, several drug dealers turned and ran without hesitation!

They don’t know if the police will shoot in such a warehouse with inflammable and explosive piles.

But they know that based on the amount of drugs they trade,

Once arrested and waiting for the death penalty!

"Little money! You stare at them!"

Responsible is the sudden entrance on the first floor closest to the drug dealer. Li Yi shouted to the team members with him,

Then one person took the lead in chasing the four drug dealers who escaped!


He screamed at the drug dealers running towards the corner of the warehouse, watching them get into the aisles of the big shelves,

Li Yi planned to shoot down a person, gritted his teeth and gave up after seeing the explosive sign!

And the three groups of police officers chasing from other positions in the warehouse were blocked by obstacles because they were unable to shoot!

They deliberately ran to such a place!

Realizing this quickly, thinking that they could not escape the encirclement by doing so, Li Yi suddenly heard the aisle in front of the shelf.

There was the sound of glass breaking and car engine ignition!

There is a car hidden outside the window! ! !

Reacted to this sudden fact instantly,

Li Yi opened his eyes incredibly, and various judgments flashed in his mind as he rushed...

He originally only needed to not lose these escaping drug dealers, and waited for the support of other police officers, and surrounded them with the outside encirclement group, and then they could be captured normally and securely.

But now someone is answering the opponent, and there is a car that can forcefully rush out of the encirclement,

And they didn't dare to park the car nearby in order to avoid anomalies.

The sudden situation completely beyond the arrest plan,

The only way now is for him to rush into the straight aisle of more than 20 meters in the middle of the big shelf, as long as he can hold it for just ten seconds.

When the other police officers arrive, they will all be captured.

But one person has no support, no cover, and wants to drag down four desperate gun drug dealers.

He could think that this basically meant his own death.

He still has a family and children,

He doesn't want to die...

but! ! ! ! !

Once they get in the car, in the flat and open suburbs, they cannot catch up in time, which means they are doomed to lose!

If you can’t catch the drug dealers and ask about the channels for buying and selling stolen goods, it means that this six months is meaningless!

Letting go of the dregs of smuggling drugs for money means that there will still be people who do not know how many people are harmed by drugs!

Scared? Back down?

If you fail to catch the opponent here, the sacrifice of your comrades-in-arms five months ago will lose value!

If I stop here, he will die in vain! ! !

At the moment of decision-making, only the most condensed thoughts will always flash in my mind, bearing the will of the dead comrades, the sadness of the crying family members, and the justice and responsibility of this police uniform.

Even if you give up this life!

Li Yi rushed directly into the aisle of the shelves, his suffocating breath turned into a hot sonorous shout:


With two rows of shelves more than six meters high, and a long narrow aisle like a wooden bridge, he shot directly and brushed the arm of a drug dealer!

Listening to the miserable howling of his companion, I saw him clenching tightly, and the fear that many other policemen were rushing into his heart was gripped.

The leading drug dealer was extremely panicked, and gritted his teeth and took out a pistol and fired directly!


A muzzle fire is particularly conspicuous in the dark warehouse!

More than ten meters away without shooting training and in a panic. Compared with Li Yi, his bullet is naturally crooked.

However, the sound of the bullet breaking something is particularly clear!

The violent reaction of several unknown objects, coupled with a huge coincidence like a prank of fate,

Before the drug dealer looked like Li Yi was about to catch up, he fired a second shot at him.


An explosion on the shelves resounded through the warehouse, deafening, the flames and air waves suddenly blasted between the drug dealer and Li Yi, and the six-meter-high shelves burst and dumped directly.

The shock and tremor lifted several oil drums and cargo boxes, and smashed them from the sky with sparks!

Then at the moment when Li Yi's figure was about to be hit and buried,

A jet of darkness passed through the roof of the warehouse and fell in front of him when he finally caught up...