Clow Cards Cardcaptor

~: The Legend of Aurora

The helicopter that had used unknowingly many scientific and technological resources moved away from the center of the ice sea at an extraordinary speed. The chaotic hair was raised in the night wind outside the cabin door, and the recovery looked towards the extreme.

Even if she was extremely worried about the top battlefields gathered at A Grade, she could only choose to believe in Ye Sheng now.

And instead of worrying about that...she now...

"Mucheng, tell me which direction Fang Ran is in!"

Grasping the contact device pressed to the ear and yelling in the whistling air current, the reviving beautiful eyes anxiously patrolled the broken ice sheet of the North Pole,

Just looking at it in the polar night, it is full of black and vast ice fields.

"Huh? Sister Recovery... even I can't help it..."

Crossing a distance of one third of the earth's dimension, Mu Cheng's voice in the headset communication was startled. She was flustered and didn't know how to explain. Even if it was her instinct, it was impossible to feel that someone was not related to her from such a distance The whereabouts of acquaintances in the North Pole.

Before this departure, she received news from the lady.

-"Remember, time is very tight, his heart will stop beating the moment you reach the North Pole..."-

And no one knows the consequences of cardiac arrest better than resuscitation.

Normal people will have irreversible brain damage for more than 7-10 minutes, and even participants cannot last for 15 minutes.

-‘You must find his whereabouts within a quarter of an hour. ’-

"Anything will do, give me a direction!!!"

The words that Mucheng explained was interrupted by the anxious shouts of recovery in the ice wind, which made the young woman on the other side of the communication slightly stunned.

It was the first time that she heard the gentle recovery in her impression shouting words in this anxious and worried tone.

"Hmm...on the left...?"

So after exhausting his spiritual thoughts and racking his brains, Mu Cheng couldn't determine an answer by himself.


The moment she heard her words, he grabbed the earphones and flicked them into the cabin, resuscitated and shouted at the young man in the pilot's seat, and then he jumped out of the helicopter and rushed into the polar night of the ice field!

"The wide-area bio-radar is activated, and the launch of the sea water detector begins.

The calm command sounded, and then released the control lever of the helicopter, the windbreaker floated in his hurried pace, chasing the resurrected figure and jumping down the cabin,

The silhouette of the night watchman and the out-of-control helicopter fell towards the ice sheet at the same time, and Lize activated the communication voice to calm down in the ice wind.

"I give you the control authority, and you let it follow us."

The sound of the propeller was noisy on the surface of the ice sheet. A second before the recovery and Li Ze's figure fell and exploded, there was no longer a human-controlled helicopter in the cabin. Yao Jiao raised his head suddenly!

Approaching the height of the sea, the blew seawater clashed, an electronically synthesized male voice opened with a magnetic calm:

"no problem."

One after another mechanical spheres were thrown into the ice sea, and the heels of the winter boots were nailed to the ice sheet. The first second after the water splashed out, the recovery raised his eyes and rushed toward his left side to feel the vicinity with all his strength. Breath.

Brother Fang Ran, you can't have an accident, you mustn't have an accident...

The quiet eyes are full of worry and anxiety at this moment, and the recovery heart is desperately praying for this idea, looking for any possibility in the ice sea.

The vastness of the Arctic, she has no choice but to rely on the intuition of Mucheng.

And her time limit is only fifteen minutes.

To do an almost impossible thing...

She will find Fang Ran in this sea of ​​ice within fifteen minutes.

"Biological radar has no human life response. I can't tell if he is not in this area or has entered a state of suspended animation."

Li Ze's figure rushed in the other direction beside her, frowning and looking at the projection of the system in front of her eyes, and her voice was low as she watched the countdown on the upper right.

Time remaining 12:27...

His field of vision was moving fast on the narrow dark ice field, his mood became heavier and anxious as time passed, his breathing was scorching hot in the cold air, and his heart of resuscitation no longer continued to tighten.

Is this the mood in this situation...

Just fearing that one person will never see again is so hard to breathe. That night in the capital last month...

Time remaining 8:57...

Recalling the despair of being caught and unable to even commit suicide, recalling the figure that rushed into the Sacred Heart Building at that moment, the resuscitation closed his eyes and ruled out any possibility that it is not human, even as a participant The most basic vigilance was ignored, desperately perceiving all the breath nearby!

What kind of heavy pressure does Fang Ran bear...?

At the moment when she felt empty again, the corners of Resuscitating eyes even overflowed with urgent liquid unconsciously, and her always gentle voice while holding down the communication device was even hoarse in anxiety.

"Li Ze, did you find Fang Ran over there!?"

Time remaining 5:46...

"No! The sea water detector did not find Fang Ran. I will increase the depth of exploration!"

Li Ze, who was searching for nowhere, was no longer calm and rushing, but he made the recovery feel weak in his body.

Remaining time 3:12...

Now it has exceeded the time limit that ordinary people can bear. If you can't find Fang Ran anymore, even with the body of the participant...

Thinking of this idea, the recovery felt a little shaky.

No, I must find Fang Ran as soon as possible.

I must quickly find Fang Ran, brother!

Activate the ability to stabilize my mind, the recovery took a deep breath, just when I was about to rush forward,

Suddenly felt a pulling sensation!

The sense of vigilance suddenly burst in her mind. She had forgotten that she had ignored the alert to other dangers, but the moment Huo Ran turned her head and looked behind her...

The recovery found that it was a little polar bear.


I was biting my clothes hard and dragging them in the other direction behind.

Resuscitation is not the first time that this situation has been encountered. In the wild, animals often ask her for help for their injured companions, relying on the instinct of being close, and she will definitely follow it to take a look.

But now, she has no time.

Time remaining 2:02...

"Sorry, I have more important things to do now."

The eyes were moist and gentle with a sad smile, and the recovery touched its head with power, soothed its spirit, and then planned to turn around and leave.

I must find Fang Ran's brother.

But after feeling her ability, the young white bear ran up to her more intensely, blocking her footsteps, arching her head and biting the corners of her clothes with her teeth, urging her to move in another direction. past!

"I really...!"

Just halfway through the slightly harsh words, the sudden recovery remembered the time when she came to her some time ago.

There was a bunch of baby rabbits on his knees playing...

and many more! Could it be...

The subconscious resuscitation looked at the young white bear in front of her. The little polar bear saw that she no longer wanted to go, and quickly ran in the other direction and looked back at her.

With the idea that the possibility was almost impossible in her sense, the recovery followed. She followed the little polar bear and turned over a hilly snowfield floating on the icy sea. She saw the hidden little bear dug out by the body behind the ice hill. In the cave,

There is a bigger polar bear.

Then, at the moment when the little polar bear cheered and rushed towards his mother, recovering from disappointment and sadness, and some kind of uncontrollable tears,

The mother bear glanced at her as if she was sure she was not in danger, then slowly moved her body away.

It reveals the pitch-black youth who used his fur to resist the severe cold and hide in his warm embrace.

"Fang...Fang Ran brother!!!!!"

His mind was stunned, and the moment he saw Fang Ran's figure, he revived the exclamation that covered his lips, and then there was unspeakable relief and ecstasy,

"Li Ze! Li Ze!!! Come to me, I need first aid equipment! I have found brother Fang Ran!"

Anxiously rushed to the comatose figure, Resuscitated and shouted into the earphones, watching Fang Ran's unconscious face pale and terrifying, and quickly put his hand on his chest, trying to use his ability to stimulate his body to function normally .

But when Resuscitation put her hand up, she suddenly stunned her eyes wide.

Eh, heart! ?

With a whistling sound, Li Ze rushed to the recovery location as quickly as possible. The mechanical warehouse was opened, and all the first aid equipment prepared in advance was taken out by him!

"How is his situation!?"

Unable to answer his question, the resuscitation can only press on Fang Ran's chest with both hands, and the heart again activates his strongest ability, holding the bottom line of Fang Ran's life support!

Be careful! You must be careful to transform the magic energy into a trickle, you must replace his heart and restore the blood supply to the whole body!

Knowing what is most important at this moment, Resuscitation carefully opened up the ability to control her, and did not dare to make a slight mistake. The magic energy was fast flowing through her body, obviously in the cold North Pole, but sweat was already emerging from the tip of her nose.

What to do, even if I restore the blood supply to the organs of my body, this is not a long-term solution...

What should I do to rescue Fang Ran's brother?

Without a heart, this is an unsolvable problem for any doctor. It is already a miracle for the participants to be able to hold Fang Ran's life. I really don't know how to do it afterwards.

As time passed, the pressure of recovery became greater and greater, but her magic power became less and less.

But just when the recovery felt that I could not hold The system automatically executed the previous command after the strong emotional will disappeared, 1% of the magic energy is deadlocked,'infinite' activated, and the magic energy under the taboo ritual The huge upper limit makes the effective limit of [Chuangpai] extremely low.

After a short second,

The heartbeat suddenly came from the young man's body.


The recovery face was stunned. Although she didn't know what happened, she finally let go of her heart, and Li Ze, who felt that Fang Ran's life was in danger, was also relieved.

Then at this moment they heard the huge hum of the mecha.

The glacier hills were all lifted up and cut in an instant, and the hiding cave was directly exposed under the polar night sky. At the moment when the polar bear roared, recovery and Lei Ze were all stretched, vigilant...

Owned to the magnificent ultimate power of the night by the technologists, the bright single wing with giant futuristic armaments lay across the night sky, far surpassing the superior breath of recovery and Li Ze, the huge mecha set off the gusty wind of the ice plain and sea water in the roar of the thrusters wave!

The full body "You Ye" landed in front of them!

This long polar night when the Arctic blockade ended,

The moment my heart was reborn, I heard a huge sound, struggling out of the darkness for a moment of consciousness, leaning on the ice sheet and moving my eyes.

I saw the bright yellow aurora in the extreme north of the world like the sun rising beautifully.

It is said that seeing the aurora with important people, then they can be together forever across time...

This is the legend Li Dina told him in Longyearbyen in the Rolls-Royce car before heading to the icebreaker,

A second before her body was burdened and tired, she was pressed back into the darkness of her consciousness. Fang Ran seemed to see a young girl in a white skirt and bare feet running towards him...

It seems to have spanned a hundred years.