Clow Cards Cardcaptor

~: Wild broken

The wild broken chapter jumped out from the end of the volume!

[Do you want to capture? 】

Go! Blue-eyed white dragon! Use magic weapon to refine the demon pot!

[The other party can't afford to avoid it! 】

Want to be beautiful, look at the trick! The blue-eyed white dragon brings the two kings, launches death language, listen!

[Wild broken chapter beasts abandoned the car to protect their handsome, with little effect! 】

what! See my world

[The opponent launched the trap card three or three forbidden hands, and fell into a paralyzed state! 】

Humph! Do you think I can't do anything this way, come out, Platinum Star!

Surely kill, attack!

"Out of Chapter, Chapter, Chapter, Chapter, Chapter, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water, Water!

[The effect is outstanding! 】

【not good! Because the wild broken chapter beast was angered by your double attack, it fell into a violent state! 】

[Evolution Keystone and Armored Digimon resonate! 】

[The wand of the moon that hides the energy of Baralara~]


[Beast of Broken Roll! ! ! 】

[Wow, okay, okay, see how you can win this time, eh, don’t do it! You guys don't beat people! ! ! 】

(Ding Yanlang, was beaten by various fans——)

Cough cough cough, hello everyone, I am broken volume cough cough, I am the second edition, my heart will not change

In a blink of an eye, winter comes to spring, and I have finished the tenth volume.

It ends with three consecutive volumes of various trouble-making summer vacations. This opens the tenth volume of the second part. I finally complied with my late October

daily! daily! What I finally wrote this time is all daily! There is no big scene! A peaceful and happy daily life!

(So ​​during that time, you always said that you wanted to show the readers a brand-new self, was that from a broken chapter to a broken scroll?)

Keke this is also an improvement

Okay, stop making trouble. If you click to see this, then scroll down and listen to the author's feelings after writing. It should be interesting.

To be honest, I’m very happy to write this volume. I don’t have to worry about anything, emotions, or fighting.

It’s interesting to be immersed in the daily plot of Ambihuan every day

Although people say water occasionally, I am happy to write

I always stretch my face and fight against the sky, my mother, I feel I can’t write that kind of plot,

And I always feel that there is no happy daily comparison, burning and extraordinary will become pale. Of course, you can understand it as the plot needs.

This volume is roughly divided into three paragraphs,

The first paragraph is a trip of a fool who was suddenly scammed back to the capital, skipped class to sell shaved ice, and fell in love with the uncle on campus

During that time, I really exhausted all the jokes I had been holding back for a long time, and strive for the happy jokes written in that period (to be honest, sometimes I think it’s funny after reading it)

But if you say that it’s useless except for fun, it’s definitely not right.

In that period, I laid the groundwork for Ganpai and led to Fang Xiaoran’s appearance, using Xia Yao’s return as his real guardian to return to his daily routine.

By the way, it solved the problem that the assessment reward was flying, and laid the foreshadowing of Trinity and Xia Yao (of course, not a certain one)

Then the second paragraph is the whole day,

Meet with all kinds of people to deal with the problems left by Shengle Fanjing, such as Ye Sheng, Hexie and Shui Linlang

As for the third part, you have also seen it, which is the last daily routine before the calm break

to be frank,

After this period of daily life, I first wanted to write about the national warfare, the battle of the participants, the introduction of more participants, and a more in-depth description of the night battle world.

Bring a certain salted fish back to a bigger stage

But then I suddenly felt that this was too plain

There is less ups and downs and probably the feeling of impact. I don’t say it well, because I write by feeling, and some feelings I can’t tell.

But I feel that writing like that is not enough, not very interesting

The connection with daily life is too smooth. After all, the change is from Beijing University to Night Game

So I felt bad, and decided to advance the next plot

So with what you saw, and then suddenly felt

Ah, enough flavor

This is quite good, as a break from the daily life, and the happy daily life is very broken

It's not New York or London, but the North Pole!

Seriously, I thought it was too good at the time

From the daily joy of being with everyone, directly across the journey of one person to the North Pole

On the way, for the first time, a person is not sure about everything, everything is independent

This is the correct way to unfold the main line of the second part

Hmm, yes, that’s it, so I really didn’t break the paper on purpose, you have to believe me (sincere face)

Well, share so much for this volume

Let’s talk about the characters as usual. To be honest, there is no special emphasis on the characters in this volume.

Except for Xia Yao and Fang Xiaoran

Haha, of course you have to say Fang Ran's words, that must be the same

For them, I probably don’t need to say any more. I don’t think I can say anything in a few words.

In my initial reservation, Xia Yao will actually be a participant (Well, yes, the goddess of dance, you guessed it right)

But then I suddenly changed my mind. I wrote and suddenly discovered that this is a very gentle and kind girl

She may not be as powerful as other female characters, and she is also an idol and participant.

But I think this is the best place for her. When she writes, she suddenly feels

In fact, she would be fine. Living by Fang Ran's side may be a more suitable place than being a participant.

And Fang Xiaoran, this character I’ve been talking about since several volumes

I remember that you have been urging your sister to come out for a while, but after I came out, I found that not many people cared

It may be that I have arranged less plot for her, it may be that such a character image is really unpleasant

But I like this younger sister very much. She cares a lot, but she always put on a cold look.

Because of the awkward things in the past but it maintains everything, even thinking about going to Los Angeles to take care of him after graduation

I think the family may be like this, they may not say it, but they always remember you in their hearts

Haha accidentally tonned some chicken soup,

Ahem, this volume is over anyway

During this period of life in Beijing University, many people passed by Fang Ran with stories, like Xia Yao, like Fang Xiaoran, like Ye Sheng, like Ling

But he guarded his daily routine and did not take the initiative

Anyway, don't you know if you are satisfied with this volume? Do you like it?

In fact, the reason for writing these is that I especially like to share my feelings with book friends, but I want you to understand.

The stories you have seen and the updates that have been pursued, what kind of emotions I have put in them

After all, I’m a salted fish, I’m slow to update, I don’t write very much, and I don’t even know it.

But every month let me take monthly tickets for less than 200 people, so I really know how many true book friends I have are supporting me

So, I have to write well, write carefully, not fooling,

Still thank you for the support that has accompanied me to this day,

I’m ashamed to say that I haven’t even written 60,000 this month.

Although there are new year factors,

But P5 is really fun (cover your face, smile and cry), it’s so fun that when I play it, my handle is out of power

And I'm going to get on the train today, and I will be on the train today and tomorrow

I’m already in the car at this time, and I’m busy all day and day before leaving to clean up. This chapter was actually written yesterday.

I ended up in my senior year,

This is my last semester,

Although there are a lot of worries, such as where to go in the future, such as work and writing, such as the problem of a failed graduation, and various things in the last semester

However, in the past four years, there has been this journey of writing books,

I am very satisfied