Code of Wasteland Survival

Chapter 113: Game world in difficulty level 2

   "Level 2 difficulty?"

   Almost all players were shocked by this news. You know, when the game was released before, it was never said that there was a world-level system.

"No wonder... this wave of beasts will be so turbulent, and the mantis monster that ambushes... is probably the product of the monster AI upgrade." Such a world system announcement for the whole game is not necessarily released in advance. According to the main brain’s urinary nature, sometimes it has already begun to be implemented, and the player will be notified late.

"Thunder is overcast by the mastermind this time." Qi Lin sighed, pulled the trigger again, and knocked down an F-class mutant one kilometer away. At this time, in his heart, it was already Start planning a retreat route.

   Judging from the scale of the beast wave in front of us, these two battle castles are absolutely unguardable, and maybe the Thunder City behind will be completely destroyed today...

From the beginning of the game on April 1 to the present, there is more than Thunder City established on the wasteland, but in any case, Thunder City is the first newly established city in China, and it is also in the area of ​​Jiangsu Province. The center of the player's activity area. If Thunder City were destroyed by this wave of beasts, the losses in it would be basically impossible to estimate with data.

Feiyan has already withdrawn into the battle fort, and the NPCs who have taken him back after paying more than half of the casualties. The heavy alloy gates of the battle fort are heavily closed, but the attack of the beast tide did not stop because of this. .

The first batch of mutant creatures almost instantly hit the outer wall of the war fort with bloodshed, accompanied by bursts of fire from the guards on the outer wall, as well as various pushing, trampling, etc., rushing to the front Almost none of the mutant creatures survived, and their mutilated and deformed corpses were all piled under the corner of the battle castle.

  Although the casualties of players and NPCs are almost zero now, when the corpses of mutant creatures are piled up to be level with the outer wall of the fortress, the city will be destroyed almost instantly.

   Not to mention, there is still a B-class King's Blood Dragon Lizard in the sky.

Due to the improvement of the monster’s AI, the King’s Blood Dragon Lizard has obviously become more cunning. It just wanders beyond the edge of the firepower range of the players, making one or two loud dragons from time to time, urging to drive away thousands of people below. The mutant creature rushed to the two battle castles frantically.

Qi Lin continued to pull the trigger, and every blue electric light shot from the tower could take away at least one F-class mutant creature, and at the same time, it could penetrate a few or even a dozen or so small monsters. The killing efficiency cannot be said to be slow, but for a beast wave of this scale, it is not even a drop in the bucket.

At this moment, a huge explosion suddenly came from the rear of the two battle castles. This loud bang suddenly suppressed all kinds of gunfire, roars, screams and explosions on the front battlefield. Many people with lower powers were even shocked to the extent that blood oozes from their eardrums, and they couldn't hear anything for a while.

   What swept after the explosion was a strong wave of air that swept over everyone's heads.

   Such a big movement, even if the frontal battle is fierce, the players could not help but turn their heads, but this time around, many people suddenly changed their faces——

   The large overpass directly connected to Thunder City across the entire rift in the canyon was completely blown up! The middle section of the bridge that had just been strengthened completely fell into a crack hundreds of meters deep, and this crack with an average width of more than 20 meters and a length of several kilometers has become an impossible gap!

   "Lost your car and keep you handsome!"

   Qi Lin's first reaction at this time, and then his mind came out of the sentence Lei Ting said when he first met with Lei Ting: "Every person's life has a price to exchange."

   This Thunder is indeed a hero. After discovering that things were beyond his control, he actually wanted to use these two battle castles as a bargaining chip in exchange to protect the more important and valuable Thunder City.

   This move, I have to say it is truly inexhaustible, but it is also very vicious, the rift in the canyon can block the tide of beasts, and also cut off all the people in the two battle castles and retreat to Thunder City!

   Not only Qi Lin thinks this way, but the players in the Battle Fortress almost reacted quickly, and they fry the pot in an instant——

   "Bridge! They blew up the bridge!"

   "CTMD ancestors! What do they mean?!"

   "We were abandoned! Those scared of death in the city! Leave us here!"

   "Those bastards! If I can get out alive, I must kill them all!"


   For a time, the defense lines of the two battle castles were invariably loosened, and several players who were struggling were thrown into the beast tide below from the walls of the battle castle.

   Those who were thrown down all had the same characteristics-they all wore the uniforms of the Thunder City Guards.

   The anger of the abandoned players could not vent, so they had to vent to these unlucky players who are also abandoned...

But the brief chaos soon ended, because the players in the fortress had to face a problem before everyone's eyes: even though the bridge to Thunder City was blown off, the beast wave temporarily could not threaten those behind. Thunder City, but it is still constantly rushing towards the two battle castles. If they become chaotic inside first it will only speed up the speed of the battle castle being breached.

  No one wants to stay in the fortress, but at this time the two fortresses are almost impenetrable by the mutant creatures, and they rush out, that is to die, and stay in the fortress to resist, at least for a while.

The supplies and ammunition in the battle castle are sufficient, at least enough to consume nearly a thousand players for a week, but the problem now is that these two crumbling battle castles, under the almost endless tide of beasts, can still How many hours?

The heavy weapons originally used to deal with the king's blood dragon lizards were all pushed up to the city. Various rockets shot directly at the beast tide under the city, but often the explosion cleared a small blank area and was immediately behind. The mutant creatures that rushed up were filled, and the bodies of the mutant creatures under the city wall were piled up at a terrifying speed.

   Players have also begun to suffer casualties. After all, many mutant creatures have the ability to attack from a distance, and some mutant creatures like birds and flying insects have also begun to attack the two battle castles directly from the air.

   "It's time to find Bryce or Feiyan, if they haven't been thrown off the wall by the players." One shot killed a teramorph that was leaping towards the tower, Qi Lin thought in his heart.

For Thunder, he is not as resentful as other players in Warburg. If he sits in the position of Thunder, I am afraid that the difficulty of the game suddenly upgraded by the main brain and this unstoppable beast wave, the best way to respond... It is also a bomb bridge.

   quickly put away the sniper rifle, Qi Lin took a last look at the fierce battle ahead, then hugged the steel pipe used for emergency evacuation, swished down the tower.

  Only by finding the secret underground passage mentioned by Feiyan, can you have a chance to escape from this battle fort!