Code of Wasteland Survival

Chapter 170: Dark corners in the city of steel

The dock yard in the east area can be said to be the most barren and chaotic area in the entire city of steel-those temporary shelters for container transformation do not have fixed occupants, and all players who have just joined the mutual aid club will be arranged before they are assigned. it's here.

Generally these players spend ten hours in the game world every day, three to four hours will be brainwashed by the mutual aid priests in the square-er, no, in their terms, it should be preaching, or spreading the name The glory of the Lord God that is not there.

And the rest of the time, they will basically spend here.

Although the doctrine of the Mutual Aid Association requires friendly and mutual assistance between members, the population base is large, and it is inevitable to be mixed. And I don’t know why, it seems to be intentional. The Mutual Aid Association does not send any armed personnel to strictly control the yard, that is, as long as there is no trouble. In the event of human life or too great a mess, the mutual aid association turned a blind eye to what happened in the yard.

Qi Lin was still wondering at first that this would not be contrary to their teachings, but after a little understanding, he understood the meaning of the mutual aid association.

The Mutual Aid Club declared that everyone who wants to join the Mutual Aid Club must go through hardships to experience the greatness and brilliance of the Lord God, and those who do evil in the yard cannot escape the Lord God’s attention. .

On the surface, there seems to be no problem with this passage, but Qi Lin immediately saw the actual effect of this yard——

This is a filter like a sieve, which separates these new players from the mutual aid club layer by layer.

The Mutual Aid Association does not send anyone to manage it, but it has been paying attention to the situation of the players inside. Those who are more powerful are often absorbed into military organizations such as the Knights Templar or the court in advance, and those who are weaker, Players who are bullied by the strong will be assigned to the hardest and most tiring work in the entire city of steel-although these jobs are terrible, at least they leave the original environment and don’t need to be bullied. In turn, the weak On the contrary, I am full of gratitude for the mutual aid association.

The ordinary people with the largest number are assigned to the four divisions of the military port area by lottery after the observation period (mutual aid will call it the enlightenment period).

As for the players who are too stab at the head, and after joining the mutual aid association, they are very skeptical about the doctrine or the mutual aid association itself, but they often disappear inexplicably after a certain night.

These disappeared players have never appeared in the City of Steel since then.

Although Qi Lin lost the big padded jacket, he kept the metal brooch with the Libra emblem of the Mutual Aid Association.

The workmanship of the brooch is very rough, it should be hand-pressed with old-fashioned molds, and it is completely incomparable with the emblems on the elite knights and white-robed priests.

But at least this thing can give Qi Lin an identity that can enter the yard-players who are not members of the Mutual Aid Association in the City of Steel not only have to pay entry and exit fees wherever they go, but there are also many restrictions on various restrictions, like this No outsiders are allowed to enter the settlements where the storage yard has been renovated, or the lower decks of aircraft carriers.

Pinned the brooch under the neckline, Qi Lin looked at the two conspicuous firearms, then disassembled them and stuffed them into the backpack, and then cut a few holes in his pants with a dagger. , And wiped some mud on it. The hair didn’t need to be treated. The sea breeze turned into a messy chicken coop, which met Qi Lin’s requirements.

After dressing up as a downcast player who had just joined the mutual aid club, Qi Lin slowly walked into the yard with a straw stick in his mouth.

There is no lottery for the allocation of residences in the storage yard. As long as you see which container is still empty, you can get in. As for food and water, they are distributed in a unified manner every day.

Qi Lin followed the gap between the containers all the way to the depths, until he reached a container with a huge opening on the side, and then stopped. The opening was covered with a thick, dirty curtain. On the side, the "Holy Light Bar-Yard Branch" was painted with white paint.

"...There are actually branches." Qi Lin looked at the crooked fonts, then opened the curtain and walked in.

This is the largest container, and the space inside is not very narrow. A tattered bar is surrounded by one side, and a shaggy old man is holding a cup of dark liquid that does not look like wine, lying behind the bar. .

The few tables are full of people, and more customers simply sit on the floor. Only about less than a third of them hold bottles or cups in their hands, and almost half of these containers are Is empty.

It is a bar, but the smell of alcohol in the air is almost negligible. On the contrary, the smell of inferior Jet is particularly strong.

Qi Lin saw that not far from the bar, a limping player was leaning against the inner wall of the container, holding an empty mist suction device in his hand, and stuffing the mouth of the suction device into his nose. , Inhaled deeply, with an intoxicated expression on his face, while several people around were watching him with a trace of envy.

Qi Lin did not pay too much attention to the addicts. He walked to the bar a few steps, knocked on the countertop, and asked, "Is there anything else to drink?"

The old man raised his head strenuously and took a look at Qi Lin, and then said drunkly: "You are late, and it has been sold out. The things I have here are limited supplies every day..." After that, he called again. There was a not-so-loud burp.

"If you have money, you can't buy it?" Qi Lin was stunned. No wonder so many people can't drink alcohol. It turned out that it was not that they could not afford it, but it was sold out?

"You have money? Will you have money for a poor ghost like you? Order extra things, but it's very expensive..." The old man looked up and down Qi Lin and sneered.


Out of the principle of acting in a low-key manner, Qi Lin didn't intend to excuse anything, and continued to ask, "Is there anything to eat?"

"Brown bread and bitter sweet potatoes, these are the two, whether you like to buy them."

"Come on a black bread." Qi Lin thought for a while and chose black bread. Another food in the old man's mouth, "bitter sweet potato" is actually a product of sweet potato mutated by radiation, and it is easy to grow~www.mtlnovel .com~ The output is also large, but the taste and taste are extremely poor, and there are traces of toxins in it, long-term consumption will permanently damage the human nervous system.

In the game, the relative performance is that if you eat too much, the attribute value will be permanently reduced.

"Fifteen o'clock." The old man said, he found a rock-hard dough from under the bar and threw it on the bar.

The thing that the old man called "brown bread" hit the bar with a dull sound of "boom", which immediately attracted the attention of several players around, and all of those gazes contained greed and greed. hunger.

During the inspection period, the food distributed by the mutual aid association every day during the missions can at most maintain the players' fullness at the hunger level. It is absolutely impossible to eat.

Qi Lin looked at Natuo's dark and icy dough. There was still a lot of dust and mold on it. To be honest, the taste of this thing was definitely not as good as the synthetic food distributed in the refuge, but the price was higher than that of synthetic food. Food is more than ten times more expensive.

"Why? Too expensive? Bitter sweet potatoes two points one by one, take care of you." The old man looked at Qi Lin and said impatiently.