Code of Wasteland Survival

Chapter 359: Counter-sniper

[Title: Code of survival wasteland three hundred and fiftieth IX anti-sniper Author: dark dust dispersion]

Welcome to the latest chapter of the Wasteland Survival Code 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k fiction", easy to remember! Good novel

Highly recommended: Hell Cinema, Lord Snow Eagle, Yi Nian Eternal Dragon King Legend, Primordial God King Wu Lian Peak, Five Elements, Gate of Profound Realm, Chosen of the Heavens, Eternal Night King Nilin Dominates "Da Da Da!!!"

The gunfire immediately rang, and a series of bullets followed Qi Lin closely, hitting the road continuously, and broken cement blocks splashed around.

The rebels obviously underestimated Qi Lin's speed, but before they could react, Qi Lin had already ran behind the SUV with bulletproof steel plates.

Only one light machine gun and two submachine guns were fired at Qi Lin just now. As for the sniper, it seemed that he had completely disappeared.

"It's quite calm..."

Qi Lin took out an engineer shovel, smashed the window glass on the rear side of the SUV with the end of the handle, and then placed the 417 on the window edge.

The windows of this suv have been filmed. That is to say, from the direction of the rebels, you can’t see Qi Lin behind the windows, and Qi Lin can pass through the front windshield from this direction. The glass can clearly see the scene on the street.

Except for the spot that was dropped by Qi Lin with a grenade before the attack began, on a large signboard that read "Credit Acquisition of Mutant Biological Materials", there was a machine gun in the second window from the left. According to the sound judgment, it should be the zb-26 produced in Czechoslovakia. This kind of old antique called "Czech-style" has a lot of drama in the anti-Japanese films of China in the old era. Its biggest feature is the gun smoke of the muzzle. And a short 20-round magazine inserted upside down above the receiver.

As for the other two submachine guns, one is on the first floor of a small restaurant, and the other is in the alley at 11 o'clock.

Qi Lin fine-tuned the muzzle, pointed the crosshair at the window where the "Czech-style" was located, and adjusted the shooting mode to full automatic. With a light press on the trigger, a shuttle bullet shot out.

A scream came out from the window, and Qi Lin immediately lowered his head, and at the same time picked up a piece of broken glass on the ground and lifted it up.


"Da da da!"


All kinds of messy gunshots were once again made loud. The dense bullets completely shattered all the remaining windows of this suv, but at this moment, Qi Lin saw a three-story building about 150 meters away. In the attic, a flash of light flashed by.

Although the sniper didn't fire a shot, Qi Lin was absolutely sure that the bright light was the reflection of the scope on the sniper rifle.

Although the opponent's marksmanship was good, he forgot to put a layer of shading net on the outside of the scope. This fatal mistake allowed Qi Lin to successfully capture the sniper's hiding position.

Leaning down, Qi Lin went directly to the bottom of the SUV, moved a little bit to the front of the car, opened the bipod, and put the hk417 on the ground.

The rebels nearby were unable to see or attack Qi Lin, who was under the car, and Qi Lin’s firing circle was also very narrow. However, this narrow firing circle happened to encompass the attic window. Inside.

Qi Lin slowly closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, the imperceptible red light of "thermal vision" flashed across his eyes and opened.

It seems that a large number of steel plates and metal parts are used in the construction of the three-story building. Therefore, Qi Lin’s thermal vision cannot clearly see the situation in the entire small building, but he can still see one. The fuzzy figure was squatting halfway behind that window.

The other party was very patient. Even when Qi Lin shot and killed the machine gunner just now, the rebel sniper just previewed in Qi Lin's direction, and did not pull the trigger. At that time, Qi Lin was early. He had already squatted down, and the weapons in the hands of the rebels could not penetrate the multiple bulletproof steel plates at the front and back of the body.

Shooting in that situation only increased the risk of exposing himself. Compared with his accomplices, this sniper was obviously more professional.

It's just a pity that he met Qi Lin.

Qi Lin gently put hk417 aside, and then took down another sniper rifle kia1 Gauss sniper rifle from behind.

In front of the electromagnetic bullet of the Gauss sniper rifle, the ordinary masonry bunker was a complete joke.

Load bullets, charge up, aim... Then, pull the trigger!

The originally bright and eye-catching blue streamer scorched the eyes even more in the thermal vision. I saw this electric light suddenly penetrated the attic. As for the human body hiding behind the window, it was when the electromagnetic bomb hit. It exploded directly!

After killing the rebel sniper, Qi Lin finally breathed a sigh of relief, hung the Gauss sniper rifle back on his back, picked up the hk417, and rushed out from under the car.

He knew the location of the rebels’ firepower points by heart. He didn’t even need to aim. He raised the muzzle and pulled out a series of alternate long and short shots, and instantly sent the bullets to the rebels who leaned out to shoot at him. Inside the army!

In the thermal vision, those bright red human-shaped color blocks are set against the cool background, so they shouldn’t be too conspicuous...

After killing four rebels in succession, UU reading Qi Lin felt the dryness in his eyes, and quickly turned off the thermal vision, slammed open the door of a street-facing building, and rolled over. Go in.

There is also a rebel in this room, and he is not too old, just a fourteen or five-year-old child, holding a hand-made Mauser shell gun hand-made by the player, and looking at Qi Lin who broke in with horror. .

This rebel boy pulled the trigger again and again, but he didn’t know if it was because he was too nervous, or because the workmanship of this earthen shell gun was really bad. The bullets shot out didn’t know where they hit, and what’s worse was the magazine. Before half of his bullets were finished, they got stuck...

Qi Lin rushed in front of the rebel boy, raised his hk417 rifle and hit the opponent's shoulder with a single shot. The boy shouted and was knocked to the ground by Qi Lin.

Qi Lin quickly turned the gun body, put the muzzle on the boy's cheek, and asked in a cold voice, "How many of you are there? Do you carry heavy weapons or bombs?"

Qi Lin was subdued by the sudden intrusion, but the shock on the boy's original face slowly faded, and instead was a look of disdain mixed with madness.

"Bah, the running dog of the consortium alliance!"

The boy not only didn't answer, but also sipped, struggling to get up from the ground.

Naturally, Qi Lin couldn't let him do what he wanted. He stepped on his ankle and slammed the boy's entire ankle into a comminuted fracture.

"Ah!!! Ah I am going to kill you!!" The intense pain made the young man yell, and he kept rolling on the ground.

"Answer my question, otherwise I will trample off all the wrists of your remaining legs." Qi Lin stepped on the boy's chest and said word by word. 2k novel reading network