Code of Wasteland Survival

Chapter 541: New round of mutation, the fastest update to the latest chapters of the Wasteland Survival Code! &1t;/

The persons in charge of various forces splashed and argued about this, but Qi Lin used his own knife and fork to cut the piece of German-style prosciutto in front of him—this combat meeting was indeed held in accordance with the standards of a high-end banquet. The long table with a width of more than 30 meters is full of various exquisite foods and valuable drinks. It’s just that Qi Lin is the only one who is more interested in food than the one who has not yet obtained the food. Gold serum too. &1t;/

Fortunately, Qi Lin's location is relatively remote, with few people nearby, so naturally there is no disgusting saliva splashing on the food in front of him. &1t;/

The meeting lasted for more than three hours, and Qi Lin also ate for more than three hours—the evolutionary’s digestive ability is far from ordinary. If there are always waiters around to replace him with new plates full of food, I’m afraid At this time, the empty plate in front of Qi Lin was about one meter high. &1t;/

At that time, it will be difficult even if you don't want to attract attention...&1t;/

At the end of the meeting, it was because there was no way to get a result that satisfies everyone. The organizer of the combat meeting had to choose another day to discuss it. As for the starting time of this "tracing operation", it was Had to drag it back. &1t;/

Just as the meeting was about to end, the door of the headquarters was suddenly pushed open. A figure wrapped in a navy blue windproof cloak walked in quickly. Every time he took a step, he would be in an expensive way. A mud footprint was left on the velvet carpet, and this dusty look showed that he had just hurried back from outside. &1t;/

This person is not someone else, it is Lei Mufeng who has just left the Herrens line of defense not long ago. &1t;/

Lei Mufeng didn't look at Qi Lin more, but walked straight to the long table. Just when Qi Lin wondered how he suddenly came back, and when he broke into the venue when the meeting was about to end, Lei Mufeng was in the limelight. Down, took out a bunch of photos from the inner pocket of the jacket, and patted them on the table with a "slap". &1t;/

"Everyone, I think your'tracing to the source' can be put on hold for a while. The news from the Western Front says that the parasites in the Kuroshio have undergone the first round of abnormal changes, and their ability to increase slightly in the past. It's different. This time, the total change, maybe we call it "evolution"."&1t;/

There was a moment of silence in the venue. Lei Mufeng scanned everyone's faces and nodded with satisfaction. Then he continued: "The consortiums on the old Russian Federation can no longer hold them. The new Moscow line of defense is comprehensive. It collapsed, those Maozi had already had to start retreating to Europe, and according to the intelligence of the front-line investigative posts, a branch of about seven million parasites was separated from the Kuroshio, and it is turning around and moving here. If you don’t guess If wrong, their destination should be here——"&1t;/

Lei Mufeng tapped his fingers on the table. &1t;/

"Our Herrens line of defense." &1t;/

Everyone just woke up like a dream, and the venue was noisy again in an instant, and everyone was whispering, discussing the Kuroshio. &1t;/

"Don’t think it’s just seven million parasites—these monsters are completely different from when we first encountered them. There are more than twenty kinds of new alien species alone. These photos, each one They are all in exchange for countless lives. You can take a good look at what kind of monster we will face then."&1t;/

Lei Mufeng made a move. The waiters immediately stepped forward and removed all kinds of food and utensils on the table with the fastest speed. Then, he used the pile of photos to push them, and dozens of photos were taken immediately. She slid out along the smooth satin tablecloth, covering a small half of the table. &1t;/

Everyone immediately uploaded the photo, and Qi Lin was quick to grab one. The content on the photo was very vague and it seemed to be taken while running high. As for the protagonist in the photo, the photographer only seemed to have taken it. A small part, it was a skinny body like a zombie. The light gray skin was tightly attached to the ribs. But behind this body, there were a pair of huge fleshy wings growing at the ends of the wings. It has a pair of hooks that look like giant sickles. &1t;/

It's a bit like a bat, but more like a demon mentioned in the Bible. &1t;/

"This kind of alienated species, we will temporarily name it'Satan Grade'." Lei Mufeng had already walked up to Qi Lin at this time and said lightly, looking at the photo in Qi Lin's hand. &1t;/

Satan level... Qi Lin suddenly thought of Cheng Mu who was chopped into rotten flesh by a sunflower... According to Cheng Su, Cheng Mu's transformation ability seems to be called "Satan Form", but it is similar to the one in the photo. Compared with the "Satan-level" parasite, Cheng Mu can only be regarded as a kid who guards the gates of hell. &1t;/

"How strong is this thing, do you have any specific information?" Qi Lin stared at the demon-like parasite in the photo, and asked Lei Mufeng. &1t;/

"The body can withstand the bombardment of a 25mm cannon from the front. A ten-mm caliber assault rifle cannot penetrate the fleshy membrane of his wings. The flying height can vary from 300 meters to sliding on the ground. As for the sickle, look Is it the tank at the back in the photo?"&1t;/

Qi Lin followed where Lei Mufeng was pointing, and saw a t-9o rolled over in the trench. The barrel of the 125mm smoothbore gun was cut off by the same root. Although the picture quality was poor, it was It can be seen that the fracture is very smooth. &1t;/

"It was cut by a Satan-class sickle. In front of that sickle, the armor of the main battle tank is like paper." Lei Mufeng added. &1t;/

"...This evolution is a bit too much, is there a satanic corpse? Maybe we can study the sickle-like structure..."&1t;/

"No, as far as the West Front is concerned, there is no record of Satan-level kills."&1t;/

"...How many Satan-level heads are there in this wave of black tide that is coming to us this time?" Qi Lin frowned. The strength of this monster may have reached the level of a c-level mutant creature, and it is still c The strongest among the class. &1t;/

"More than one hundred heads." &1t;/

"It's really troublesome..."&1t;/

"I have submitted relevant reports with the Alliance Headquarters, and the new air defense weapons are on the way over, but I still have to say that the'Satan Grade' is not yet the most powerful alien species in the Kuroshio."&1t;/

Lei Mufeng said, he picked one out of several photos and gave it to Qi Lin. &1t;/

"This is the biggest trouble we have to blood dragon lizard??"&1t;/

That's right, the photo shows a blood dragon lizard hovering in the air. Although this is not the blood dragon lizard that was entrenched in the ruins of old Xuzhou, Qi Lin can still be sure that this and that head destroyed Thunder City. The horrible existence of is definitely the same species, except that almost all of the scales of this king's blood dragon lizard have fallen off, revealing lifeless gray skin, and a large number of bone spurs penetrated from the body, making the whole dragon lizard appear More ferocious. &1t;/

"Can't parasitic worms only parasitize humans, how can they..."&1t;/

"We don't know, but this is indeed a parasitic dragon lizard."&1t;/...


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