Code of Wasteland Survival

Chapter 584: Mutiny

Deserters, although the term was a taboo in the army during World War I, it was often mentioned in private by soldiers.

According to historical statistics, in the Battle of the Somme alone, the number of German deserters was about 200,000 to 25.

Of course, most of the deserters appeared in the later stages of the battle. At that time, despite the existence of the supervising team, the number of deserters was really too many and there was no time to take care of them. But now the war has just begun. Once deserters appear, they will soon Will be caught and sent to a military court.

In terms of adjudicating deserters, Germany is much stricter than Britain and France. Even if they are not executed by chance, they will be incorporated into special forces like "death camps."

This kind of troops, to put it bluntly, is cannon fodder. They are often placed on the forward positions with the highest mortality rate, or are forced by the gunpoints behind them to charge towards the enemy's positions-and, in order to prevent mutiny, these soldiers are all in their hands. No weapons are allotted.

Qi Lin glared at the soldier and said sharply: "If you don't want to be shot by the supervising team, then don't say anything like this!"

"But if you continue to fight, you will die, and you might survive if you escape!" The soldier yelled suddenly, Qi Lindang pulled out the officer's pistol he had just picked up, and put it on his forehead.

However, in the next second, several other German soldiers around immediately pointed their guns at Qi Lin.

"Sorry, sergeant, if you want to fight for the motherland, then go alone. Maybe you will be posthumously awarded the Iron Cross until you die... Now, let Koch go!" Another figure The tall German soldier pushed Ding Qilin's shoulder with his gun, and said with a sneer.

"Ok... Ok... I let go, you calm down... We don't have to fight inwardly..."

As Qi Lin spoke, he slowly moved the muzzle down. However, at the moment when the muzzle was removed from Koch's head, Qi Lin suddenly shook his wrist and faced the guy who threatened him. After firing a shot, he squatted down quickly, and the trench staff in the other hand was centered on the body, drawing an arc close to 360 degrees!

The hard metal rod head shattered the soldiers' knees, and they immediately fell screaming, while Qi Lin used the fastest speed to fill each of them with a shot.

The mutiny has already taken place, and both sides have torn their faces. Qi Lin has no need to be merciful. What's more, these so-called "German soldiers" are just a bunch of data simulated by computers.

"Okay, now we have to fight alone again..."

Qi Lin sighed and stuffed the Ruger P08 pistol originally belonging to the second lieutenant into his belt. As he was about to leave, there was a sudden rumbling noise outside the trench.

It's a tank! Just when Qi Lin and the Indians were fighting in the trenches, the British tanks had already advanced here!

Qi Lin immediately squatted down and collected all the grenades on the dead German soldiers. He then slapped his hand on the wound, then smeared the blood on his face, leaned against the trench, and loaded it into a corpse.

A male Mark I Qi Lin drove over, and the British soldiers following the tank immediately jumped into the trenches, but at this moment, a German "corpse" suddenly jumped down. Draw out the pistol and fire again, killing all the British soldiers who jumped into the trenches first!

"There are enemies here!"

Following the call of the British, the surrounding soldiers ran over immediately, but at this time Qi Lin had already jumped out of the trenches and ran behind the Mark I tank that just drove past at the inhuman speed of an evolutionary. .

The Mark 1 tank has machine guns at the front and rear, but the number of occupants in the car is very limited, and most of them need to work for the movement of the tank. There are not many people who can really control the weapons. The front of this Mark I is His machine gun and the rapid-fire guns on both sides were constantly firing, but the machine gun at the back was in an idle state.

Qi Lin quickly opened the handle of the grenade and stuffed the grenade into the observation hole at the back of the tank. He only heard a muffled sound of "boom", and this Mark I was directly slumped.

In modern warfare, wanting to get close to a tank and put the mine in it is almost like a fantasy, but this time is different. As the first tank to be put into actual combat, the Mark I has many more. The imperfections-weak armor, slow speed, frequent failures, the most important point is that the field of vision of the tank crew is too narrow.

Unlike modern tanks that have various detection methods, the crew of the Mark I can only see the outside situation through the observation hole on the tank, which creates a lot of opportunities for the enemy.

In World War I, there were even incidents where bullets were shot right through the observation hole, forming a ricochet inside the tank and wounding several tank crews.

A bullet that got into the tank by chance may not be able to kill everyone in a tank, but an M24 grenade is definitely After Qi Lin dropped the grenade, he went directly to the tank. Right in front, at this moment, the British troops who had been chasing over still crossed the trenches and shot Qi Lin continuously.

Qi Lin used the tank as a cover, leaning out from time to time to shoot a shot. With every gunshot, a British soldier fell to the ground. When Qi Lin leaned out for the fifth time, he was surprised to find that those British troops were actually all. They all retreated into the trenches, afraid to show their heads.

No one is not afraid of death, the Germans are like this, and the British are no exception.

Taking advantage of this gap, Qi Lin took out the remaining grenades, pulled the fuze directly, and threw them in the past. A few tens of meters away, all these grenades fell accurately to the width of only 1.5 meters. In the narrow trenches.

For ordinary soldiers, it may take years of hard training to do it, but for evolvers, it's just a matter of shaking hands.

Qi Lin also deliberately separated the drop points of each grenade, so that even if the British hid behind the corner of the trench, they would not be able to hide the grenade exploding from the other side.

After throwing the grenade, Qi Lin ran to the rear without looking at it-it is very unsafe to stay here. This position may be bombarded by artillery shells at any time, and if he is killed by a shell that does not have long eyes. , That would be too wrong.

Qi Lin ran out for nearly a hundred meters before jumping into a trench at the back, but just after jumping into the trench, Qi Lin found that seven or eight soldiers were squatting in the trench. They were dressed in gray. His long windbreaker has a special armband hanging on his arm, and the emblem of the helmet is different from that of an ordinary soldier.

These people are all "gendarmerie"... which is what the soldiers call-"supervisory team".

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