Code of Wasteland Survival

Chapter 615: Pava Military Industry

Although the floor height of the Prey auction site is several times higher than that of ordinary buildings, it is only three floors after all. Counting the basement, it is only a little over 40 meters high.

For ordinary people, a height of forty meters is enough to throw him into a hemiplegia, but for a fifth-level evolutionary, jumping from a height of forty meters is not much different from jumping over a step.

Without the need for extra buffering actions, Qi Lin has already fallen to the bottom of the elevator shaft, here is the 1.5th floor underground-the underground floor is a parking lot, and the 1.5th floor is located below the parking lot. An engineering maintenance channel for

The inspection door at the entrance of the passage has been pried open, and traces of the wooden box dragged on the ground. Obviously, the resistance forces of "free will" ran out of the inspection passage.

"This is too careless... It is impossible for the Prey consortium to not know that there is an inspection channel under the elevator shaft. This auction was originally built by them. If a machine gun is used to block the inspection channel exit, these people No one can get out alive..."

He said that, but Qi Lin still got in along the tunnel.

The passage was very narrow, and the height was only 1.5 meters. He had to bend down and walk forward. Qi Lin walked forward for more than 60 meters. After turning a corner, he saw the sunlight at the exit.

The resistance group was carrying wooden boxes tightly wrapped in military green canvas onto a truck, and beside them, a group of masked city defense soldiers urged in a low voice: " hurry up."

They naturally saw Qi Lin coming out of the tunnel at a glance. The Resistance Army who had spoken to Qi Lin before suddenly showed an extremely surprised expression: " are not dead, uh, I mean, what about those chasing soldiers?"

"I killed a few, and there were too many coming from behind. I jumped directly from the elevator shaft." Qi Lin said casually.

"What about the other two people?"

"Hang it up. The elite of the Prey consortium blasted through the outer wall of the auction house and attacked at both ends. I was lucky enough to escape in time."

"That..." The resistance army wanted to say something, but a "city defense army" had already walked over and dragged him aside.

"Get in the car quickly! If you have anything to say in the car, there is no time. We have to deal with the scene later!"

"Okay." The Resistance didn't say much, and grabbed the edge of the carriage and rolled in. Then Qi Lin said, "Let's go, if you don't want to be caught by Pray's people."

"Of course not." Qi Lin nodded and jumped into the car with a slight jump. The resistance army sitting on both sides of the car door immediately closed the door. Accompanied by a rush of engine noise, the truck rushed forward. Got out.

"First change your clothes."

The resistance army said, drew a dozen plastic bags from under the seats of the carriage and threw them to everyone. Qi Lin also got one.

The plastic bag is gray all over, a bit like the kind of packaging bag used for express delivery in the old age, and the contents are soft imitations.

Qi Lin opened the plastic bag and took out a set of blue-gray overalls and a baseball cap of the same color. On the front of the overalls and on the hat, the words "PI" were printed.

PI, Poer-ar-Industry, Pava Military Industry.

"PI? Are you from Pava Military Industry?" Qi Lin looked up at the work clothes in his hand and asked.

"You put on your clothes first." The resistance had taken off his tattered cloak and canvas jacket, and put on the Pava military uniform.

Qi Lin also changed into this set of work clothes. Afterwards, the resistance forces gathered all the changed clothes and stuffed them into a big bag. When the truck passed through an alley, the big bag was directly loaded. Threw it away.

"Now... can you always tell me who you are? Pava military industry, and those city defense forces, why are they helping you?" Qi Lin asked the resistance army.

As the name suggests, Pawa Military Industry is a military industry company under the Beiling Consortium, which is a member of the consortium alliance.

If this Pava military industry has anything to do with the "rebel", the Beiling Consortium, which directly controls the Pava military industry, cannot be ignorant.

"Didn't I tell you? We are'free will', and this'Pava military industry' is our identity." The resistance army, no, it should be said that it is Pava military industry now The workshop director Qi Lin said.

Just now, he had taken out a work permit and pinned it on his left chest pocket. This guy's name was Chen Qi, and he was the workshop director of the Xinxi branch of Pawa Military Industry.

The headquarters of Pawa Military Industry was established in the Gyeonggi region of the old era. Due to the constant warfare recently Pawa Military Industry has also received a large number of orders from the alliance and various consortia and forces. The branch factories are almost all over China. , Especially in the northern region, although the quality of firearms produced by Pava Military Industry can only be said to be average, its low price gives it a huge advantage in the market.

For such a promising arms manufacturer, Qi Lin has no way to associate it with the term rebel.

"Pava military industry is'free will'? Or is it just your branch?" Qi Lin continued to ask. He thinks this possibility is a little bit bigger. If the entire Pava military industry is a rebel, then what? Doesn't it mean that nearly one in ten soldiers in the alliance use weapons produced by the rebels?

That's too ironic, right?

"I can't tell you this. If you want to know more, you have to wait until the place is over." The Resistance shook his head and took out a blank work permit. "What is your name?"

"Cheng Yanqiu. The journey, the inkstone of the inkstone, the autumn of autumn." Qi Lin directly reported Cheng Yanqiu's name. He didn't dare to say that his own was 9527. With the ability of this group of rebels, he probably already knew him. For those things that happened before, if his true identity were revealed, then it is estimated that the other party would not let Qi Lin sit in the car peacefully.

"Take your work permit. If the car is stopped after a while, it will be said that you are an employee recently recruited by Pava Military Industry in the residential area yesterday."

Qi Lin received the work permit with the name "Cheng Yanqiu" and pinned it to his pocket.

"Well, can you tell me why the city defense forces are helping us? Are they also pretending to be the resistance forces?"

"No, they are real city defense forces, but their loyal masters are different."