Code of Wasteland Survival

~: Chapter 659... News of the death?

"Nuclear weapons... of course there are." Die said naturally.

"Sure enough..." Qi Lin swallowed a bit of difficulty. He felt that he should have guessed the purpose of the group of guys outside.

Even submarines and conventional warships can launch intercontinental missiles with nuclear warheads. How can a super warship like the Kowloon not have a huge nuclear weapons arsenal...

"The Kowloon... how many nuclear warheads does it have in total?"

"It can carry 20 separate-guided nuclear warheads, 4'Jingtao II' surface-to-surface intercontinental ballistic missiles with a total of 650,000 tons of TNT equivalent, and 4 separate-guided nuclear warheads, with a total of 220,000 tons of TNT equivalent. Wind IV type surface-to-surface intercontinental ballistic missiles, 15 pieces, 40,000 tons of TNT equivalent, single warhead "Guardian" surface-to-surface long-range ballistic missiles 30, in addition to a 1.4 million tons of TNT equivalent hydrogen bomb and a 58 A three-phase bomb with the equivalent of 10,000 tons of TNT. The total equivalent is 9.08 million tons."

"..." Qi Lin knew that there were a lot of nuclear warheads on this super battleship, but what he didn't know was... there were so many!

The actual equivalent of the little boy who was thrown in Hiroshima was only 15,000 tons. The most powerful bomb in human history was the "Czar bomb" made by the Soviets during the Cold War arms race. It was claimed to have an equivalent of 100 million tons. , The actual equivalent is more than 50 million tons.

According to calculations, if this "Tsar bomb" is dropped in Moscow, all cities within a radius of 500 kilometers with Moscow as the center will be razed to the ground, and everything will disappear.

This super bomb named "Big Iwan" was finally tested at the nuclear test site in Novaya Zemlya. When it exploded, all radio communications within hundreds of kilometers around were interrupted, even if the intense light was hundreds of kilometers away. It can make the eyes of people wearing sunglasses feel burning, and the whole world is occupied by white.

"Big Ivan" exploded at an altitude of 4.2 kilometers above the ground, but the diameter of the giant fireball produced by the explosion has far exceeded this number, and the mushroom cloud that rose afterwards reached a width of 40 kilometers and 64 kilometers. the height of.

A mushroom cloud sixty kilometers high... what is that concept...

We must know that the world's highest peak, Mount Everest, is only 8844 meters, and the height of this mushroom cloud is more than seven times the height of Mount Everest...

Although there is no such big killer as the Tsar bomb on the Kowloon, the equivalent of 908 tons is almost one-fifth of the Tsar bomb.

Moreover, there is only one Tsar bomb, but there are as many as 172 nuclear warheads on the Kowloon. If all these nuclear warheads are fired, it will be enough to cover all the big cities on the east coast of the United States.

"Can all these nuclear warheads be launched?"

"You can launch at any time." Die quickly replied.

Qi Lin was silent for an instant. He has realized that what he is holding now is not a super warship. To be precise, it should be a nuclear bomb launch base...

The ballistic missile uses inertial guidance and does not require a GPS positioning system. In other words, the disappearance of satellites has no effect on it. At the moment, there is no such powerful and dense missile interception network on the wasteland as in the old days...

To put it simply, whoever he wants to disappear now, he only needs a simple password.

Even the solid Herrens line of defense, in front of a "Terror II", is no different from the paper.

No wonder those people are so anxious...

As long as the Kowloon can be controlled, after the door of the refuge is opened, there will be a force holding 172 nuclear warheads on the wasteland.

Then this is still a hairy...

Most of the nuclear weapons of the old age have been exhausted or destroyed directly by the enemy’s nuclear weapons, and a large part of the nuclear weapons held by those large consortia have been subject to the restrictions of the mastermind and the "Refuge Convention". Destroyed... The number of strategic nuclear warheads currently in the hands of various consortia is probably less than one hundred. Even if small nuclear weapons such as "fat nuclear bombs" and "nuclear shells" are included, the total number will not exceed five hundred.

The number of nuclear warheads on this warship has already exceeded the total amount of all the consortiums.

There used to be a famous saying that has been passed down from ancient times to the present, "He who wins XX gains the world." This XX used to refer to many things, but now, the three words "Jiulong" are applied in without any problems.

"I think... I probably need to calm down... I'm leaving this time, and I'll trouble you." Qi Lin took two virtual shots on the shoulder formed by the holographic projection of Die, then opened the game menu and pressed The "offline" button.

For "NPCs" like Die and Cooper, Qi Lin's offline behaviors will be "ignored" directly, they will not ask, and will not pursue them, because they have no such aspect in the code written by the main brain. the concept of.

To use a popular phrase in the old days, there is no word "offline" in their dictionary.

Of course, in addition to "offline", any concept involving actual existence will be ignored by NPCs.



When Qi Lin sat up from the game cabin, he was startled by a strange figure sitting on the sofa in the living when he reached out to the gun hidden under the base of the game cabin , But found that the little Lolita of Aya Kui was hovering in another corner of the room, staring at the uninvited guest.

Since Ayakui is here, there shouldn't be a problem... Qi Lin thought this way, tucked the gun back in his hand and crawled out of the game cabin.

"Who are you and why are you here?" Qi Lin's words are not polite. Of course, politeness is completely dispensable in the refuge, especially when facing a stranger who broke into his own home. .

"He said he has important news to tell you. I have been waiting for you for two hours. I didn't find a weapon on his body, so I didn't blast him out directly." Aya Kui said coldly with her arms around her chest.

"There is important news... you want to tell me?" Qi Lin frowned, and looked at the man in front of him who was wearing a cloak and a hood, and could not even see his face. Suddenly there was a bad feeling in his heart. .

"Yes." The other party nodded, raised his hand and took off his hood, revealing that terrifying face.

After seeing this face that could be said to be "horrible", Qi Lin had a slight impression.

"You are... Mr.'Ghost Face'? I remember we met several times. You are the person of the'organization'..."

"Yes, it's me. Mr. Qi Lin has a good memory." Guimian nodded.

"Is there anything you came here? I remember that the organization promised me that it would not take the initiative to disturb my life before I thought about it clearly..."

"No, I'm here this time just to convey a somewhat heavy news to you."

"Heavy news?"

"Your friend, my boss, the new commander of Lei Falco's team, Cheng Yanqiu, he his last mission."