Code of Wasteland Survival

Chapter 685: Allotment of supplies

This is a boy about twelve or thirteen years old. From his sunken cheeks and sloppy figure, he can tell that he should be an aboriginal in the slum, and not come here from some other place.

"Found survivors." Qi Lin said softly, tiptoe into the room, and the other three followed after erasing the footprints at the door. The last Falcon just entered the room, and No. 4 clicked on the screen of that device. , The airtight door closed again, isolating the room from the tunnel.

Qi Lin took off his breathing mask and walked to a place about two meters away from the little boy. Then he said softly, "Don't pretend, get up."

"Ah—" As soon as Qi Lin's voice fell, the little boy who was still asleep suddenly jumped up and stabbed Qi Lin with his short stick, but in the next second, the short stick came into Qi Lin's hand. The little boy was picked up by a tall falcon.

In fact, when the airtight door was opened, the little boy was already awakened, his body trembled slightly, and the rhythm of his breathing accelerated a lot, and all this was in Qi Lin's eyes.

The little boy who was restrained by the falcon was about to yell, Qi Lin quickly stepped forward, covered his mouth, and said, “It’s better not to yell. If someone finds out, including you, none of us will survive. ."

The little boy's eyes rounded. Only then did he have time to look up Qi Lin and the others' attire. His gaze quickly swept across the four of them, revealing a mixture of terror and doubt. look.

"If you can guarantee not to yell, not run around, and cooperate with us, then you nodded and we can let you down." Qi Lin said in as gentle a tone as possible.

The little boy hesitated, then nodded slightly.

The Falcon immediately let him go.

"Who are you? Are you a soldier of the Adas Consortium?" The little boy asked immediately after he was freed.

"No, we are not." Qi Lin shook his head.

"I don't believe... Except for the people from the Edas Consortium, no one here can afford to wear this kind of clothes, and you still have guns!" The little boy's eyes stayed on the four weapons for several seconds, obviously , He yearned for this kind of tool to kill people very much.

"We really are not members of the Edas consortium, you see, we don't have the emblem of the Edas consortium."

"Then where did you come from?" The curiosity in the little boy's eyes grew stronger, but the fear element was much less.

"Other refuges. Well, I'm not here to answer your question. On the contrary, I still want to know something from you."

"Other refuges? Are you enemies of the Adas Foundation?"

"Do I need to repeat what I just said?"

"Well... if you don't kill me." The little boy looked very calm. This kind of calmness shouldn't have appeared in a twelve or thirteen-year-old child, but in the refuge environment, most children will Become very precocious, they will be exposed to the cruel reality earlier than the children of the old age.

In other words, they have always been with the cruel reality.

"Do you live alone?"

"It is."

"I said before."

"Dad, mom, and an older brother and an older sister."

"Then where did they go? And where did everyone else here go?"

"The food processing plant... but they haven't returned for two days and one night. I guess they are dead," the little boy said.

"Food processing plants? Tell me carefully about what happened during this period. Besides, why do you think they are dead."

"About two days ago, a radio broadcast suddenly sounded..." The little boy pointed to the loudspeaker in the corner of the ceiling. "People from the Edas Consortium told us that the leadership within the consortium has been reorganized, and the new The board of directors decided to change the previous situation and promised to give poor people like us better living conditions."

"What then?" In addition to the so-called "high-level consortium reorganization", which is the news of the rebellion, broadcasts such as "Improve living conditions and increase food rations" Qi Lin used to live in the slum area of ​​Vault 187. I can hear it from time to time.

The shelter official will broadcast it every few months, and then in the week after the broadcast ends, the poor can usually receive an extra bag of synthetic food or a small half can, and then everything will be business as usual.

In fact, it is a blank note, drawing a cake for the poor who can’t fill their stomachs. Its main function is to appease the residents of the slums. After all, no one knows what crazy things a group of desperate people will do. , But if you leave a little hope and hope in the hearts of these people, at least it will make them cherish their lives more.

“It didn’t take long for the radio to sound again, and everyone from the 9th to the 32nd tunnel was asked to gather at the'Merlin' food processing plant. They said that this is after the reorganization of the Adas consortium, every Refuge 444 residents should Enjoy the They will distribute a large amount of food outside the food processing plant, so that everyone can have a good meal. But the premise is that everyone must be present, because the materials are distributed according to the head. If you don’t go there, you won’t have anything to take.”

"Then everyone else went? Then why didn't you go?" Qi Lin then asked.

"I happened to have a stomachache, diarrhea... They couldn't wait, and worried that things would be finished, so they left me alone at home..."

"go on."

"Then they never came back. I thought they forgot about me until a team of soldiers arrived—"


"Well, the soldiers of the Adas Consortium, I only knew at that time that besides me, there were still a few people in this tunnel who had not gone to collect supplies, but after those soldiers opened the airtight door, they all Killed. Although I didn't see it with my own eyes, I heard gunshots and screams...So I guess everyone else should have been killed." The little boy said, his hands clenched his fists.

"Then why did you survive?" Qi Lin asked in a puzzled manner.

"I hid on that." Following the little boy's fingers, Qi Lin discovered that a row of storage cabinets made of composite panels were nailed to a wall two meters above the ground. It would be difficult to notice without looking up. , The little boy should have escaped by hiding in the locker before.

"Later? Has anyone else returned? What did those soldiers do?"

The little boy shook his head: "No one has come back, I don't know anything else." Still worrying about not finding the latest chapter of the novel? A public account of Amway: r/d/w/w444 or search hot/degree/web/text "Remember to remove the "/" when searching, otherwise you can’t find it", there is a lady here to help you find books, and chat with you !