Code of Wasteland Survival

Chapter 787: Railway Resistance

Central China Underground Refuge Network, Channel 8752.

This passage is formed after widening and transformation on the basis of the inter-provincial subway of the old age. It is 150 kilometers in length and connects 21 large-scale shelters and hundreds of small and medium-sized shelters. It is a refuge in Central China. One of the most important transportation hubs in the network.

At this moment, a fierce battle is being staged in this No. 8752 channel.

The organization's fight against opponents officially started the day after Qi Lin went to the surface. Of course, they did not use the name of the organization, but the banner of a consortium alliance.

And their opponents are also not the regular army of those consortiums that rely on the mastermind.

This is a militia unit that suddenly revolted. They called themselves a "railway organization". The reason they called this strange-sounding name was because there were more than two-thirds of the railway organization. People are composed of slaves and "ghosts". Many of them usually live in the abandoned subway passages, so during the uprising, they naturally took "railway" as the code name of the rebel army.

Whether they are slaves working hard in the mines or those "ghosts" wandering in the tunnels of the slums, they all have one thing in common, that is, they are all players eliminated by the "Wasteland Survival Code". The living space in the world of underground refuges has been compressed to the extreme, and it can almost be described as difficult to move...

At this moment, a group of people suddenly did not know where they came from, gathered these people together, and promised them that as long as they were willing to fight, they would be able to restore their legal status as residents of the refuge.

Of course, this is by no means a blank check. Food, weapons, and ammunition were quickly distributed to the people who were first collected, and the leaders among those people successfully restored their own identity files on the main brain side... The news soon spread among this special group ten or ten...

Almost overnight, such an uprising organization with a total number of more than 200,000 appeared in the underground world.

Those who gather these people and promote the emergence of the "railway" are naturally the opponents of the "organization". They know that there is a big gap between the "organization" and the consortium in terms of military strength, so they came up with With such a trick, these "eliminators" who have been removed from the mastermind were used to arm them into the first line of defense against "organizations" and consortia.

The "Railway" organization’s method of resistance is very simple and rude. It boils down to only three words, "smashing, smashing and looting." However, they are defeated by a large number of people, rapid actions, and sophisticated weapons provided by the forces behind the scenes. Within 12 hours, these miscellaneous troops had laid down more than 30 small and medium-sized refuges under the control of a consortium alliance, and a third of the 8752 passage.

The residents in these shelters can be said to have suffered. The soldiers of the Railway Resistance Army had enough of oppression on weekdays. This time they finally turned over, they naturally wanted to vent a lot... robbery, beatings , Qiang x, round x, killings... There are almost countless things in the occupied areas, and the leaders of the railway organization and the forces behind them seem to have no intention of preventing them. The railway rebels pass by like locusts crossing the border. , Appalling.

The opponent’s move simply caught the organization and the consortium unprepared. It was not until the third day that the "Railway" was announced that the alliance made corresponding countermeasures-an elite joint force of four thousand people, These rebels were stopped at Section C06 of Channel 8752.



Channel 8752, section c06.

"The opponent's firepower is too fierce! We can't make it! The casualties are very heavy and we need support!"

Behind a bunker formed by sandbags, armor plates, and damaged power armor, an Union officer in black light armor shouted to the radio equipment in his hand that he had 120 soldiers under his hand. Their task was to conquer and occupy a small fortress that was converted from a subway platform two hundred meters ahead, but now it has been an hour. Not only did the fortress fail to be conquered, but the number of soldiers under him also dropped sharply from one hundred and two. Only about fifty people remain.

"The rebels have heavy machine guns and a large number of automatic weapons, even if they throw weapons, why are more than half of them evolved or reformed? Doesn't it mean that these guys are all players eliminated by "Wasteland"? When is the elimination rate of evolver and reformer so high?"

The officer complained loudly. Of course he knew the origin of the enemy he was facing, but what he didn't expect was that this group of temporarily formed, hardly trained, miscellaneous army was so powerful that it was not inferior to them. The regular army, and the most terrible thing is that among the opponents, the proportion of evolvers is actually much higher than them!

"Support will be here soon! Support will be here soon! Bring your people and rush again. Even if you can't take down the fortress, you must pull out all the firepower points in front and on both sides of the fortress!"

"Asshole! Do you want my life to consume the enemy's bullets? With such a dense firepower net, you come and try?!" For his superiors, this low-level officer obviously doesn't give any face.

"Support is already on the way! The pressure on the other fronts is also great. All the reserve teams in my hand have been sent out. Hold on I got news, the Basaka troops and the power armored troops Have obtained permission to play—"

The front-line commander is now the first two leaders-before the war, he also incorrectly estimated the strength of the opponent, but after the first confrontation between the two armies, the huge number of casualties caused the entire command to fall into confusion. Among.

Among these miscellaneous army, the proportion of evolutionary and drug-modified people has reached 60%... On the side of the alliance, due to the previous gene collapse event, the number of evolutionaries in the army is very scarce. The ranks of the lowest-level first-level evolutionary are already non-commissioned officers, and among the ordinary soldiers, they are all ordinary people.

The gap in the number of evolvers is so big, this battle can't be fought just by relying on thousands of them...

Although the existence of firearms has greatly reduced the gap between ordinary people and low-level evolutionaries, the physical strength, speed, and marksmanship of the evolutionaries are not comparable to ordinary people. In the middle-distance firefighting battle, three The evolutionary can easily suppress an entire squad of ordinary soldiers.

The new intelligence was quickly passed on to the front-line combat headquarters. The biggest reason why the Railway Resistance Army has so many evolutionaries and drug-transformed people is that the opposition forces have provided them with a large amount of genetic medicine. .

And this batch of genetic medicine is exactly the same batch as the previous incident that caused a large-scale gene collapse!

If the Railway Rebels are the regular troops of these opposition forces, this can be described as "drinking poison to quench thirst"... But in fact, they are just a group of consumables that can be discarded at any time. These genetic medicines are used on them. It's completely "make the best use of everything"! I want to talk to more like-minded people about the "Wasteland Survival Code", WeChat pays attention to "Excellent Literature", read novels, talk about life, and find friends~